Reincarnation of Lelouch Lamperouge

Reincarnation of Lulu Xiu Chapter 333

In the cabin of Knightmare, I saw the maintenance staff slowly sorting out Honglian, while Yucheng, who was standing aside, urged anxiously.

"Be gentle with her!"

Suddenly, a mature female voice interrupted Yucheng's shouting to the maintenance crew.

Hearing a voice they had never heard before, Yucheng and the maintenance personnel of the Black Knights looked over together, only to see a woman of Central Asian skin color wearing a white research uniform and two researchers like assistants came into their sight.

"She was made a hundred times more precise than yours!"

The headed woman has a long silver-gray hair with zero waves, looks very mature and full of mature women's flattery.Wearing a white research uniform, he seems to be a researcher.However, the exquisite smoking gun in her hand and the slightly sloppy costumes gave her a strange temperament.

If you really want to say it, it is the same feeling as those middle-aged uncles.

"who are you!"

Yucheng, who was looking at the other party, asked in annoyance when hearing the other party's reproachful tone.

"The child's mother!"

Looking up at Red Lotus II, the mature female researcher replied.

"It seems to have caught up! Lakshata Chara!"

At this moment, ZERO, wearing a mask and cloak, walked out from behind.

"I have been waiting for you for a long time!"

Yes, the person who came was the woman Lulu Xiu met in the Chinese Federation, Lakshata Chara, the manufacturing expert of Knightmare.He likes mature women who are disgusting and have an uncle character.

However, he himself is indeed the only man of this strange woman.

Chapter 263 You Fei's Unconfidence

"Well! I haven't seen you in a long time! ZERO! Looks like this! It suits you well! Don't talk about it!"

Lakshata wasn't surprised to see his man appear.Outside, she and ZERO, to be precise, the identity of Lulu Xiu was kept secret.Answering casually, she took a bunch of keys from the assistant behind her and opened a password box.

"This! My meeting gift, for sister Karen!"

Inside the opened password box is a set of pilot combat suits. Seeing the two bumps on it, you know that it is female.The trump card of the Black Knights is a girl.

The driver of Red Lotus Type II-Red Moon Karen!

Just as Karen, who was behind Lelouch, looked at Lelouch, after receiving a nod from the other party, she said thank you, and then took the driver's suit to the locker room behind to change it.

"Does this really improve linkage?"

Karen, who was put on the battle uniform, looked heroic, with a different kind of charm, and at the same time, the sexy figure was more clearly outlined.However, the style of this dress made her feel a little shy.

"It won't improve!"


"The survival rate will increase!"

Lakshata shook the pipe in his hand to explain the real purpose of the combat uniform, but he said something more.

"It’s very troublesome to make this suit! At the request of someone, it must be sexy and beautiful, but it must also be easy to take off without the driver’s influence on the operation. At that time, it was just a trial. How many!"


Karen immediately turned to look at ZERO, no, she was looking at Lelouch now.Exactly at this time, Lakshata added a word of fuel to the fire.

"Tell you another secret!"

Lakshata came behind Karen, leaned her sexy lips to her earlobe, and said softly.

"The Red Lotus Type II was specially ordered by ZERO to refit it on his landline. The driving position is my favorite posture when I H together with ZERO!"


Karen let out a terrifying scream, and the loud sound shocked everyone nearby.

No wonder she always thought that the driving posture was so strange, and the driving suit she was wearing, it turned out that these two guys did a good job.Lakshata was still seeing him for the first time, and Karen couldn't say anything, so his glaring eyes were all focused on ZERO.

"Ah! Lakshata, needless to say more!"

Lelouch coughed awkwardly, avoiding Karen's sight.Then there was a warning to other people who looked over.

"It's nothing, everyone is doing their own thing, and it's about to strike!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Lulu Xiu wiped the soles of his feet, and while giving various orders to the nearby members, he left this extremely embarrassing place.

While the Black Knights are preparing to rescue Fujitang from work, the inauguration ceremony of the museum is being held during Art Week.

An art competition to commemorate the opening of the museum was also held, and the results of the competition will be announced at the same time.In addition, the name of the final judge of the competition is Euphemia LI, the third empress of the Bunitanian Empire.In this way, the artistry of the work has nothing to do with the award, so the name of Euphemia, who is also the deputy governor of the 11th district, will appear here—that is, the opening of the 11th district governor’s mansion and art gallery There is a connection between the two museums.

This is just a means of external propaganda, which means that cultural revitalization is just a political show.

"The press conference is scheduled to be held at 20 o'clock in the front hall. After Her Royal Highness Euphemia is present, she announces the winning works and announces the opening of the museum."

"... Will there be flowers in front of the camera?"

"Yes, the official award ceremony is scheduled for the day after tomorrow. It's just an announcement today."

"Understood. By the way, the'congratulations' before the press conference was..."

"Ah! That's like a literal meaning. Congratulations. Isn't there a huge display in the lobby? Although it was only a temporary installation, it was still equipped with a satellite communication system to broadcast live broadcasts of celebrities from all over the world. Congratulations from the museum."

A schedule and a map of the venue were placed on the table in the preparation room, and the person in charge of the broadcast and Euphemia had a final discussion on the ceremony.

And beside her stood the ruling army of the Eleventh District, Andre Dalton, chief of staff.

Of course, this kind of thing was not originally Dalton's job content.Now the Governor of the 11th District, Cornelia LI. Bunitania, has left the Tokyo concession. Because of her departure, Dalton's assistant has become the lovely girl in a dress.

Dalton was ordered by Cornelia to prevent accidents from happening, he must protect Yufimia as much as possible and advise her.If Euphemia had his own knights and bodyguards, he wouldn't have to do this job, but it's useless to say it now.

However, Dalton was not disgusted with the task itself, not just disgusted, but rather liked it.Although it was rather disrespectful to say this, he always felt that there was a feeling that his father was guarding his cute little daughter.

Dalton has a deep friendship with Cornelia and Princess Euphemia.In the past, Dalton had served as a guard knight for the sisters’ mother’s palace.Since then, he knows them very well.

Not to lose to the boys' brave Queen Conney and the cheerful and kind-hearted Queen Yuffi, he can often see them playing happily in the palace courtyard.Because the father of the two is the emperor, they cannot contact their father like ordinary father and daughter.Perhaps for this reason, they got close to Dalton, who was close to him and his father's age.

Dalton taught Cornelia swordsmanship and took Euphemia to play horse riding games. They had spent such days.The years passed, and both of them had grown up. One became the Governor of the 11th District and the other became the Deputy Governor.But in Dalton's mind, it is still hard to forget the figure of the sisters playing in the courtyard of the palace.

Time flies so fast.

Dalton, who was standing next to Euphemia, glanced at the emperor's profile and suddenly thought of this sentence.That little Princess Yufi has now grown into the deputy governor of the 11th district, and she has done a very good job. She is no longer the childish little girl.

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