Reincarnation of Lelouch Lamperouge

Reincarnation of Lelouch Chapter 334

Dalton was worried about the haze on Euphemia's face.It wasn't that she was in a bad mood, but why in the process of discussing with the person in charge, Euphemia was not vigorous and her tone of voice was low.

It is how it happened?

At the opening ceremony, the results of the art competition will be announced, and the winner of the winning works is Euphemia.But as for which painting will become the winning work, the decision is not in Yufimia's hands.

It has been pre-determined to be the work of the son of a certain noble family!

This painting was destined to win the prize even before Euphemia saw the entry, that is to say, it is just a formality.By the way, the great nobleman donated a lot of money when the art museum was established.

In fact, this kind of thing is commonplace. Originally, this competition did not judge the quality of works based on artistic value, so there is nothing to be investigated.But in Euphemia's view, the part she couldn't agree with still accounted for most.Although she also has a full understanding of this kind of political performance, but this time, these people did it for granted, because they played the banner of Yufimia herself.From this point of view, even Dalton seemed a bit intolerable.

Although he understands the whole incident, is it too rude to Her Royal Highness?

After the discussion, the person in charge left the preparation room.At this time, Dalton spoke to Euphemia in a calm tone.

"You don't need to listen to them, Vice Governor Euphemia. Only the Governor can give you orders, at least in this eleventh district."

Euphemia sitting on the sofa turned to look at Dalton who was standing aside, but she quickly lowered her head and laughed weakly.

"You are right. However, I cannot cause trouble for this museum because of my willfulness. Moreover, I have no confidence in my judgment, which is also true."


"It doesn't matter, thank you, General. I'm sorry to worry you."

"It's ok."

After the short answer, Dalton sighed inwardly.

Not confident in yourself...Huh?

This should be the truth from Euphemia.In fact, in the 11th district, Dalton knows that many people are pointing to Euphemia from behind.

Vice Governor Vase!

This evaluation is not wrong.In fact, in the rule of the eleven districts, most of the practical decisions were made by Cornelia as the governor.With the authority in Yufimia's hands, she couldn't make any decisions at all.But for Dalton, it was by no means Euphemia's fault, just because Cornelia, as the final decision maker, implemented this system.

To be honest, Dalton and others didn't think this girl was an "incompetent" ruler.Although she is definitely inexperienced, she has excellent qualifications.For the most obvious example, take the last Narita incident.At that time, facing Conelia's isolation and helplessness, Euphemia made the most appropriate choice, and she thought it out on her own without anyone's advice.If she hadn't done that, the army and civilians would suffer even more damage.

That kind of choice is not something everyone can make. If I return to the same age as Euphemia and face the same situation, would I make the same choice?

(Don’t worry too much, but...)

Dalton thought so.After all, Yuffi is only a teenager now.If you don’t have enough experience, just accumulate it from now on.But Dalton also understands that this kind of thinking is only available to people of a certain age like himself, and young people basically don't think so far.Moreover, Euphemia is now the deputy governor. She wants to quickly grow into a person commensurate with her status. This idea is not incomprehensible.

Chapter 264 The Miracle Vine Hall


Euphemia fell silent again.

"Emperor Sister-the Governor gave me a list of candidates for the Cavaliers, just before the Governor set off for Ishikawa."

"How do you like it."

Dalton answered appropriately.He has no room for interruption on this matter.

Hearing this, Euphemia turned her gaze to Dalton unexpectedly, and then showed an extremely ordinary smile.

"Sure enough, it's really the same as the Governor said."

"What do you mean?"

"As for my knight, you are the general who first thought of this!"

Dalton raised his eyebrows, but did not answer.

Yufimia laughed harder, her beautiful eyes turned into a pair of lovely crescents.

"The Governor said that although Guildford is a smart man, he is not the kind of careful person who knows how to take care of people, and that person is also very picky when she chooses the Cavaliers."


"By the way, I agree with the Governor, Andre."

Andre!This is the name Euphemia used to call Dalton when she was very young.

Dalton finally smiled.

"If you can, let's stop here on this matter, Her Royal Highness Euphemia."


Euphemia nodded slightly.

In fact, this matter is also one of the things that bothered Yuphemia.


In fact, Yufimia has not been able to adjust her thoughts, but the surrounding situation just can't get through with her, and has developed to this stage.Even the list of candidates was drawn up within a few days of being proposed.

Of course, Euphemia did not intend to blame Guildford and Dalton, who had begun to urge her.They had been worrying about Yufimia for a long time. Yufimia understood this very well, but she hoped that it would be fine if she could postpone it a bit.

Choosing a knight-this is by no means an arbitrary decision for Euphemia.The exclusive knight of the royal family must swear allegiance to the royal family for a lifetime.Life, that is to say, as long as Euphemia chooses a person as a knight, it is tantamount to determining the person's life.

As for Euphemia, who had already had a marriage contract, her knight had to be approved by another person.Moreover, this situation is very common, the marriage contractor is generally an exclusive knight.Like Guinevere, it is a pity that her knight and fiance died mysteriously.

Therefore, Yuffi's most rational knight, the knight is her fiancé Lelouch VI Bunitania.

However, in order to help the emperor and sister, she had to choose that person.Although he had decided to kill that person afterwards, in Yu Fei's heart, there was still a feeling of betrayal of his brother.

In such contemplation, Euphemia's mood still did not clear up until the ceremony began.

Sitting in the main seat, the reporters who flocked to first asked questions about the completion of the museum.

"I heard that ELEVEN's company was excluded from the construction of the museum?"

"This, about that incident..."

"This matter is under investigation, please stop discussing similar issues!"

Dalton, standing on the right hand side of Euphemia, stopped the reporter from asking questions.Then, the reporter who asked the question sat down embarrassedly under Dalton's sharp gaze, and a female reporter next to him laughed.

"Idiot, it's useless to ask your Royal Highness Euphemia about politics!"

Then, another reporter stood up again. They weren't here for the museum.If it weren't for the arrival of the Vice-Governor Euphemia, this art gallery would have no interest at all.

"I'm Gateman from Internew. I heard that you will appoint a knight soon?"

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