Reincarnation of Lelouch Lamperouge

Lulu Xiu: Reincarnation Chapter 339

Lelouch watched the battle from a distance in the rogue, only hearing Tengtang's calm words in his ears.

"ZERO, it is meaningless to continue this small-scale battle. I suggest using smoke bombs to retreat. We didn't come here this time to fight a strong enemy."

"I really want to answer you, you are right."

Lulu Xiu smiled indifferently.

"But, if you know the identity of the pilot of this white body, what would your choice be with the Four Sacred Swords?"

"What do you mean? You should know that, if you delay, the Bunitanian reinforcements will arrive. We are not the kind of people who will ignore the overall situation for the sake of temperament!"

In the moonlight of the captain's model, Fujitang frowned. He was not satisfied with ZERO's way of deliberately provoking other people's interest but not explaining.Of course, the superior attitude contained in that tone is also an important reason.

"Relax, it seems that airdrop troops are coming here. However, there is still a lot of time before they arrive, it's enough."

While talking, Lu Lu Xiu opened the communication with the Four Sacred Swords.


After the electronic noise disappeared, Lelouch's voice reached them and their leader Fujitang's ears through the loudspeaker.

Very clear!

"That white Knightmare is called Lancelot! It is a prototype of the seventh-generation Knightmare in Bunitania, and the person driving him! You should be very familiar with it!"

"who is it!"

Fujido already had a bad feeling.



The exclaim of the Four Sacred Swords came from the other side of the communicator at the same time.

"It's great, don't meet again in seven years, teacher and disciple, and companions! It reminds me of the order to catch Suzaku that Kagura gave seven years ago! At that time, you were really embarrassed! Chiba, Asahina, Senba, Bube!"

"An order from your Highness Kagura! Zero, you are..."

Qianye Fengsha was the first to wake up and exclaimed.

"I see, it goes without saying!"

Lulu Xiu stopped Chiba and the other three members of the Four Sacred Swords.Then he asked again in that arrogant tone.

"So, what is your choice? Retreat here, or..."

"Lieutenant Colonel Fujitang, please allow us to stay!"

"We want to fight Suzaku!"

"The hatred seven years ago, I'm going to be here today and return it with Knightmare!"

"Mr. Fujido!"

Four Sacred Swords asked one after another.

"……I know!"

After being silent for a while, Fujido finally agreed.

He himself had something to say to Suzaku, why, this man would choose this way.

"Have you decided?"

Lelouch asked, the fierce fighting stopped for a while.Suzaku, who was surrounded by the opposite side, was already ready to move.Fujitang also noticed Lancelot's actions, and once again avoided a hook from the opponent.

"Sorry, ZERO, please give us some time!"

"ten minutes!"

Lelouch gave the time, and then transferred the communication to Karen.


"Yes Yes!"

"Break out all the reinforcements, don't let them disturb Fujitang and Suzaku's renewal!"

"To understanding!"

Karen nodded, and jumped to the roof of the warehouse behind with Lelouch and occupied the commanding heights.

Next to the prison is the landing site for the plane.Having said that, it is not big enough to accept civil aircraft.This is the space prepared for the take-off and landing of the V-TOL machine for personal use.The ground is a level asphalt road, capable of exerting the highest speed of Knightmare's foot thrusters.The surrounding buildings are warehouses for storing landing aircraft.

Lelouch and Karen had just occupied two commanding heights to prevent Bunitania’s reinforcements. Fujitang and his men's five moons had their propellers fully energized and temporarily distanced themselves from the white Knightmare.

Then, put out a military formation!Of course, Fujido's Moonlight is a little behind.It should be said to be deliberately backward.Lancelot did not let go of this opportunity, using the maximum speed to shorten the distance from Fujitang.Its speed is far above the moon, and only Red Lotus can barely match it.

Therefore, the only way to find Lancelot's flaws is through battle formations and decoy tactics.As the saying goes, only the enemy knows the opponent best.But in addition to this answer, there is one more.

That is people who are familiar with themselves, including companions, relatives, and teachers.

There is no better choice than Fujitang and the Four Sacred Swords to deal with Suzaku.Of course, the two styles of Karen and Red Lotus at this time definitely have the power to defeat Suzaku and Lancelot, but this kind of result is too boring.

Moreover, it is also a big problem for Suzaku's bonus points among the Bunitanians.

Lelouch sat in the cockpit of the rogue and sneered "hummingly".

This speed and maneuverability are indeed amazing. The seventh-generation Knightmare, with its excellent performance, coupled with a knight with such superb Knightmare driving skills, can completely change a war!Just like the Knights of the Round Table, of course, whether it is the performance of the machine or the skills of the driver, there is still a short distance from the real Knights of the Round Table, but in the current eleven districts, there is no war that the Knights of the Round Table can launch!

This is also the reason why Lelouch has been hiding the Judicial Legion to avoid attracting the attention of Bunitania.

While Lelouch was thinking, Lancelot had already begun to rush towards Fujitang, who had avoided the hook and lock attack again.

Yes, this is a wonderful move.

The guy's actions have a certain pattern.

Sure enough, Lancelot raised his sword and rushed towards Fujitang's Moon. By the way, when facing this kind of opponent, only Karen and Gulian could perfectly avoid this sword.If it were a rogue-level body, it would have been split into two a long time ago, even if it was estimated by the moon, it would be reluctant.

Because of this, he instinctively felt that Fujido's Moon was the most threatening Suzaku among the five enemies, and chose him as the breakthrough point.Catch the thieves first, catch the king, this is an eternal truth on the battlefield.

Like a dangling person in basketball, Fujido's originally slow movement suddenly changed its speed.Knowing that his body's performance is not better than his opponent's, but Fujitang relied on his knowledge of Suzaku, a former disciple, to slam the enemy's sword sideways and swiftly dodge the enemy's sword at the moment the enemy's sword stabbed. Lancelotla took a distance.

Then, in the case where the attack failed.Suzaku immediately began to move to prevent the counterattack, and its moving direction took full account of the surrounding terrain and obstacles.

"As expected of Suzaku, it has grown to this point!"

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