Reincarnation of Lelouch Lamperouge

Reincarnation of Lelouch Chapter 340

In the captain's plane under the moon, Fujidō gave an unsparing admiration. From the moment of contact just now, Fujidō was almost convinced that Suzaku's strength had surpassed him in the Knightmare battle.

Lancelot, who failed the attack, flew up, a backflip, and landed in front of the warehouse on the landing field.It wants to use obstacles as cover to confuse the opponent's line of sight to prevent counterattacks.It's reasonable, but the purpose is too obvious.

From the shadow of the warehouse where Lancelot was about to hide, another Moonlight rushed out, and it stabbed its opponent on the ground with its sword.

It's Bubu!

Seven years ago, he was the first of the Four Sacred Swords to fall under the Suzaku Sword.At that time, he was struck by the assaulting Suzaku with a sword on the soft belly before he was knocked down.Now, it is time for him to take revenge.

However, if the outcome can be decided on this, it would be too easy.

Suzaku's current strength compared with seven years ago, there is a gap between heaven and earth.Moreover, Lancelot's super performance is also incomparable next month.While landing on the ground, Suzaku used his unbelievable reaction speed to re-spear and aimed at the moon at very close range.The gun body and the sharp blade collided with each other.But after all, it was the first attack launched under Moon, so it took the initiative at this moment.

The rifle in Lancelot's hand was shot high into the air, losing a weapon, and Suzaku immediately bends down slightly under the control.The light shield of his right arm violently unfolded and turned into a shield, knocking the Bubu out.

At this time, the cooperation of the Four Sacred Swords was reflected, Lancelot had no time to pursue it, and the next attack had arrived.

Lao Lao Xianbo was already galloping from a distance while Bubu was taking action. The flying bullet was blocked by the light shield, but the katana under the moon launched a stab with inertia.

Lancelot quickly backed away, pulling away.

"This feeling is so familiar!"

Suzaku, who was under the siege of the Four Sacred Swords, felt an inexplicable sense of sight in his mind, as if he had experienced the same thing.Moreover, the close contact of the enemy who was the same as the captain's model just now caused a strong impulse.

Unfortunately, he has no free time to recall that emotion.

In the other two moons, Chiba and Asahina were two skillful warriors, one holding a sword on one side of the four-cornered battle formation, and the other using a machine gun on his arm to force Lancelot to escape to their predetermined position. .

That is another warehouse.

However, as Lancelot fell, a dark shadow also appeared there.It's the moon under Fujido's driving.With a sharp sword in hand, under the perfect cooperation of the four subordinates, Yuexia finally forced this outstanding Lancelot into a trap, and this time he won't miss it.

"Oh, is it a KO in five minutes?"

In the rogue cockpit, Lulu Xiu raised his head and laughed proudly.


Moonlight·Fujitang machine pierced the white Knightmare like lightning.

Three stabs, as the best swordsman in Japan, Fujido's strongest moves.Before the assassination, Fujido had taught Suzaku everything about himself, but with this three-step stab, Fujido just wanted Suzaku to show it, and until the war broke out, when Suzaku and Fujido were separated, the only thing he didn't Fully mastered swordsmanship.

Chapter 268 Teachers and Students Meet Again

One paragraph, two paragraphs!

Lancelot's huge body barely dodged with incomparable dexterity.But by the third paragraph, Suzaku has nothing to do.The body was penetrated, and the sword under the moon pierced into the upper part of the cockpit.

No, the enemy is still alive.In the process of avoiding the deadly three-stage stab, Suzaku manipulated Lancelot to press down the posture, which made the most important part, that is, the driver's cockpit and energy filling device escaped.

Fujido changed the trajectory after piercing the sword into the body. Because the opponent changed his posture, he only swept away the upper part of the cockpit.

Chi Chi Chi...

In the fierce electric sparks, the armor part covering the cockpit was forcibly cut off, but this level did not stop the body from moving completely.

"whispering sound!"

Victory was in front of him but was hindered again, Lu Lu Xiu couldn't help being a little impatient, and sipped in secret.Fortunately, the communicator has been turned off. Otherwise, if the leader ZERO makes that sound, it is estimated that many people will drop their eyes.

But it didn't matter, anyway, he didn't plan to solve Suzaku right here.In addition to testing the strength of Tengtang and the Four Sacred Swords, it was just a little bit of evil interest from Lulu Xiu himself.

The white armor fell to the ground with a loud bang, and then, in the upper part of the white Knightmare's cockpit.Of course, the absence of a cover means that the inside can be seen clearly by outsiders.Outsiders can see the driver sitting in the cockpit.

The white Knightmare straightened up.At this time, the face of the driver driving the Knightmare appeared in front of everyone.

Soft natural curly hair.

Childish eyes.

But the expression on his face was full of determination.

This is Lancelot's pilot, who destroyed the Black Knights several times in a row, and saved the honorary Bunitanian of the Governor and the Vice Governor-the Suzaku!

"Why don't this guy just die like that!"

At the moment the enemy's black Knightmare pierced Lancelot with a sword, Euphemia, who was watching the video in front of the ceremony venue, held her breath for an instant.She desperately suppressed the exclamation that came deep from her throat, almost thinking that Suzaku had just taken a lunch box.

Fortunately, even so, Lancelot and Suzaku are still alive.Only the upper part of the cockpit was damaged.In this way, the driver's figure was still shown on the screen, and Lancelot's own activities did not stop.

Euphemia couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief, but at this moment.

"Hey, isn't that ELEVEN?"

This was the voice of the reporters, and Yufimia came back to her senses.

"I remember, yes, his name is-Shuque Suzaku."

"The one who was arrested as a suspect in the case of His Royal Highness Clovis..."

"Should an ELEVEN drive the Knightmare?"

"What a joke! Why is there such a thing..."

"What's going on here!"

The sound is getting louder and louder.Dalton next to Euphemia felt that the situation was a little bad.Of course, there are no regulations in the military that do not allow anyone other than the Bunitanians to be the drivers of Knightmare.

However, this is an emotional issue, at least in the eyes of some conservative Bunitanians, it is inexcusable to dedicate respect to a non-Bunitanian and call him a knight.

So Cornelia and Dalton never made the news about Lancelot and Suzaku public.I just didn't expect that the facts would be revealed in this case.Knightmare didn't explode during the battle, but showed the cockpit to the public. This probability is really less than one in ten thousand.

"That's it."

Immediately, Dalton issued instructions to his communicator.

"Order the guy from the TV station who is broadcasting live to retreat... I understand that it can only be done like this if it has been broadcast. It is my gaffe."

There are many ways to deal with it after the fact, but no matter which one of them chooses, it is not a smart choice to continue to make Suzaku and Lancelot public through live broadcast.

"Calm down, I said that the responsibility is not with you. What about the airdropped troops...Is it? Just go there as planned."

After the communication was cut off, Dalton strode towards the center of the venue, and he shouted to the museum staff who shuttled around.

"Turn off the video! Can't continue..."

But just as Dalton shouted loudly, a sharp voice rang beside him.

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