Reincarnation of Lelouch Lamperouge

Reincarnation of Lelouch Chapter 341

"please wait!"


Dalton turned his head, and in front of him was the Vice-Governor Euphemia, the third emperor of the Bunitanian Empire in a beautiful dress.

"I want to watch... No, I have an obligation to watch it. General, both you and I have such an obligation."

Her pitiful face no longer had the restlessness and anger just now, and her tone was calm and firm.

For her, this might be an opportunity!

At least, Suzaku still has some usefulness before Lloyd can make a new Lancelot for her.

Compared with the shock of the art gallery, the scene of the battle was very calm. Except for the Black Knights who were surprised at Lancelot’s identity, there were not many Fujitang and Four Sacred Swords who learned the truth from ZERO in advance Shock.

It's just the reunion after seven years of separation, and the feelings are a bit complicated.Looking at Suzaku's still immature, but unusually determined face, Fujitang muttered to himself with emotion.

"Suzaku...? It's been seven years, that little guy has grown to this point!"

The child who shouted "Teacher" with him seven years ago, today... has become a teenager who should have put himself to death.And he, the pilot of the white Knightmare, was still tenacious and unyielding under the combined attack of himself and the four subordinates.

You are stronger, Suzaku!

Fujitang has a feeling of watching his son grow up.

When various thoughts floated in Fujido's mind, the Suzaku shown on the main monitor under the moon was sitting in the cockpit, and he looked nervously at certain places.No, he should be looking at the cockpit.He was confirming the situation, perhaps thinking that the body could withstand the next battle, and then he pulled the joystick to make Knightmare stand up.


Fujitang drove the moon down towards the white Knightmare half reflexively.He is not for destruction, but for the opposite purpose.The white Knightmare withstood the advance of the moon with both hands.The two aircraft wrestle with each other and balance each other's strength.But because of this, the movements of the two aircraft stopped for a moment.At this moment Fujitang immediately opened the door of his cockpit, leaned out, and shouted loudly in the wind.

"Stop! Suzaku!"

Suzaku's eyes widened by the person who appeared in front of her.

"Mr. Fujido...!"

However, the young man's eyes immediately became energetic.

"Mr. Fujido, even if you distort the truth, do you still continue to live?"

These words were enough to calm Fujido's bloodshot mind in an instant.

At the moment when he saw Suzaku's face, even though it was on the battlefield, even though ZERO had reminded him before, Fujido still recalled the past.

At that time, he admired himself so much, always shouting one by one teacher.Not because he is an honorary Bunitanian or a Japanese.It was because that was him, that boy, so when he really saw him when he grew up, he thought that he might be able to persuade him to stop the war and drag him under his command.

As a disciple!

But that is already a dream of the past.


Gazing into the young boy's resolute eyes, Fujitang muttered to himself in his heart.

He and himself have embarked on a different path, and now he is no longer his teacher.

On that beach, where they were last!

After sinking the memories to the bottom of the memory, Fujido moved the corners of his lips to show a smile.In this case, then each other is now a simple enemy.From now on, as long as you put aside your past emotions and stand clearly in a hostile position.

"Disappointed? Suzaku, then you will execute me as scheduled."


Suzaku looked at the person she had most respected and even admired in shock, completely stunned.

"What's wrong! Isn't the purpose of your coming here for this? I didn't expect you to become a conservative kid who only knows the status quo."

"Even if you deny the current society, it doesn't make any sense! You should recognize him and have the power to change him!"

Suzaku finally regained her sanity from her lack of consciousness, and looked back at Fujitang firmly with a grimace.

"Are you serious!"

"of course!"

Suzaku's answer did not hesitate.

Fujido still smiles for some reason. Even if he chooses a different path, even if he no longer calls himself a teacher, even if he has lost his qualifications to be a teacher, people who are teachers will still be happy for the growth of his disciples.

Regardless of the form, Fujido went on to say this.

"Then you can go down the path you believe!"


Suzaku's expression suddenly seemed a little dazed.In an instant, the balance of power of the two Knightmare stalemates was broken, the collision between the fuselage and the fuselage made a metallic sound, and the two fuselages moved apart.

"Whether it's winning or losing, you won't get anything unless you do your best! It is the same for the country or the individual. Let me see how you draw the sword!

Fujitang laughed and sat back in the cockpit.

Suzaku's eyes widened.

Afterwards, the boy answered clearly.Just like before, the sound is simple and clean.


Chapter 269 Dark Yuffi

"ZERO! Do you want to catch him! Or...ZERO!?"

Karen's voice came from the rogue communication.

However, ZERO, who was placed high hopes by Karen, was Lulu Xiu, thinking about the conversation between Fujitang and Suzaku just now.

"Even in the face of Fujido, is your choice still the same? Suzaku!"

Originally Lelouch had planned to test Suzaku a little at tomorrow's school, but now it seems that it is not used at all.The friendship between him and Suzaku may not be as good as the bond between Fujitang and him.

After Fujitang's plane separated from Lancelot, the other moon rushed over from the side, and Karen yelled when he saw it.

"Wait! ZERO hasn't ordered it yet!"

But the operation did not stop under the month.Of course, on the battlefield, a moment is an opportunity.After the previous five-on-one battle, the enemy's body had already received considerable damage, how could he give up such a good opportunity?

The enmity of the Four Sacred Swords and Suzaku has not been really repaid yet!

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