Reincarnation of Lelouch Lamperouge

Reincarnation of Lelouch Chapter 343

Hearing the explanation of the emperor sister, Yu Fei woke up, and it was also a casual decision. It was unimaginable how much damage the action of the boy named Shuquejuju would cause him.

Not only today’s incident, the Orange incident, and the intelligence leak incident a few months ago began a long, long time ago.

This is shameful.

She knew that she was one of such Bunitanians.While whipping him, he gave him some cheap kindness.This kind of thing is nothing but hypocrisy.

But even so.

For that person, Yuffi can give up all principles, all reason.Just like they can forgive all their willfulness.

In return!

After everything is over, I will personally redeem you and use Lancelot to send you to hell!

Even if it is a sad ending to you than the pain of despair.

Perhaps, Euphemia, who is gentle and pure in appearance, is actually a natural black.

Obviously it was a gentle request inadvertently, even if I didn't even notice it, I loved it.But it allows a person to slaughter his own relatives and his compatriots for this.This darkness and evil was perfectly hidden under her gentle and beautiful appearance.

Today's incident can also be compared to Euphemia being ordered to kill her sisters Cornelia and Dalton.

There are too many unreasonable parts of the whole thing, as long as it is a slightly normal person, it is emotionally incomprehensible.But Yuffi easily imposed this kind of thing on him, and it also represented the position of Bunitania.What they can give him is their disapproval of him.He will not be rewarded for his credit.More than no reward, he even treated him with hostility and ridicule, and explicit disgust.

And Yufei himself, not only did not feel ashamed of Suzaku, but even announced that he had made the appointment of a knight to Suzaku.Because there is Dalton who has a good impression of Suzaku, he will definitely tell Suzaku about this situation afterwards.

"In order to appoint you as a knight, Euphemia has resisted the criticisms and obstacles of countless people. Therefore, you must protect Your Royal Highness Euphemia in order to have the consciousness to give her life at any time for her."


Smiling Yuffi, watching the disgusting figure on the screen tenderly.However, deep in her heart, another Euphemia, braving the billowing black mist, let out a burst of terrifying laughter.

"Hahaha... Shumu Sparrow, don't die easily, before I kill you personally!"

Chapter 270 The Sins Seven Years Ago

"How did ZERO and the Black Knights escape? The Long Mansion is a military powerhouse in the Eleventh District. As a prison for important criminals, even if the guards inside are eliminated, there should be a military camp nearby, not to mention that the Vice Governor has already A second-level warning order was issued, with so many members of the Black Knights, and seven Knightmare targets, how could it be possible!"

At the Governor's Mansion, Dalton roared angrily when he saw the report of nothing.Below him, the clerk of the general staff was sweating profusely and reported in a shabby manner.

"Yes, General Dalton, we are also strange, but at that time, there was indeed no target found nearby, but there was a military convoy leaving! It was a large trailer."

"That must be the trailer where the Knightmare was loaded by the Black Knights, why not stop and check."

Dalton didn't need to guess, he knew it must be the Black Knights.What are those idiots doing to let the Black Knights slip away under their noses?

"However, they have the identification number of our army, and the officer on duty at that time verified that it was indeed our army's sequence."

"Since Shinjuku, ZERO has often used this trick to pretend to be our army. Haven't those idiots learned enough?"

"I also said, but the officer on duty said, say..."

The agent's forehead sweated more.His attitude made Dalton's brows furrowed deeper.

"Say what!"

He asked.

"Say that the group has Governor Cornelia's warrant!"

The clerical officer felt tight, and said the following words in one breath.

"Wha... I know, you can withdraw!"

Dalton's body trembled fiercely, and then he sat back on his seat feebly. He waved his hand weakly to the officer and told him to retreat. Looking at the report in his hand, he seemed to feel a huge The net is covering the eleventh district.

"Your Royal Highness Cornelia, are you really..."

And the Suzaku of this big net is the monarch he is loyal to, and the man in the legend!

At the same time, the base of the Black Knights.

"Fujitang, this should be our goodbye in seven years! It's been a long time since we will meet in such a way!"

In the base, Lelouch sat on the sofa in the conference room, looked at the Tengtang opposite, and said lightly.Karen and Inoue sat on either side of him, and their relationship with ZERO no longer needs to be concealed.

"Yes, I didn't expect us to meet in such a way, ZERO!"

Tengtang sat on the sofa opposite ZERO, staring motionlessly at Lelouch's mask, as if he wanted to see through the face of the man below.

Like Suzaku, the arrogant kid back then should have grown up.

But it's even more terrifying!

In Fujido's mind, he can still vaguely recall the evaluation of the first Shumu to that person, and from today's situation, the things he worried about are slowly becoming reality.Japan may be reborn in the hands of this man, or it may be completely destroyed.

"Lieutenant Colonel, ZERO is not credible. You should know his identity. He will lead the Black Knights against Bunitania. This one is ridiculous! In the end, we, even Japan, will only become him. The tool in his hand, in order to see his ambition!"

The four holy swords sitting next to him, the only female Chiba Fengsha reminded.If she knew that ZERO's true identity was that person, she would never ask him for help.

Xianbo next to her also nodded in agreement with Chiba's words.

"I agree with Chiba. Although I admit that ZERO does have a great hatred of Bunitania, it is only his personal anger. Using our national hatred to avenge Bunitania, in the end, it is extremely A piece that might be abandoned by him!"

"Hey, you have been talking about ZERO's identity. Who is his true identity? We know that ZERO is not Japanese, but even if it is a Bunitanian, you shouldn't be so scared!"

At this moment, the black knights who had been listening next to him were confused, mainly Yucheng couldn't help but ask with curiosity.

"Hmph, if you know the true identity of ZERO, you can understand why we are so worried!"

Seeing the qi in the air, Yucheng who looked more like a gangster than a rebel, Qianye frowned, with a wave of disdain in his eyes, and said coldly.


Yucheng didn't seem to notice the hidden disgust towards him in Qianye's eyes, and the persistent questioning.

But Chiba didn't want to see Yucheng's face anymore, so she turned her face away.Asahina patiently explained, sitting on the other side of her, but this explanation dispelled the curiosity of the Black Knights.

"Unfortunately, it is impossible for us to tell you. Once ZREO's true identity is leaked, not only us, but the entire Black Knights will be thoroughly cleansed. Not only Kyoto, but also Kagura, and Bunita. In order to cover up the true identity of ZERO!"

Hearing what Asahina said was so serious and terrifying, Yucheng couldn't help shivering and retracted his head.

The opponents are the legendary Four Sacred Swords and Itsukushima's Miracle Fujidō Lieutenant Colonel, he doesn't think this is a joke.But in his heart, he, and the other members of the Black Knights who don't know the identity of ZERO, are more curious.

Unfortunately, no matter how strong curiosity is, compared to their lives, they can only endure it.

"ZERO, do you have anything to explain?"

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