Reincarnation of Lelouch Lamperouge

Reincarnation of Lelouch Chapter 344

Fujitang's eyes closed gently, about three or four seconds before they opened violently, blooming with compelling brilliance, and asked.

"Do I need to explain to you? Kagura Ya is my woman, even for her, I will not abandon Japan! Now that you have guessed our purpose, you should be clear, as long as I can succeed, Japan Will truly be liberated, free from the rule and oppression of Bunitania!"

Lelouch opened his hands, put Karen and Inoue into his arms, and answered coldly.

"Why do we believe you!"

"Whether I succeed or not, Japan will not be worse than the current situation! What Shumu did not do back then, I will do it for him!"


Fujido knows what ZERO is talking about. Prime Minister Shumu decided to launch a war, mainly to eradicate the domestic chaebols and Kyoto forces.

"Fujitang, you have no choice!"

Lelouch calmly gave the final answer, and then looked at Qianye beside him.

Although across the mask, Chiba can still feel ZERO's hot sight.She twisted her body a little fidgetingly, and the resolute reprimand just disappeared without a trace, her head lowered deeply.

"Then, the last question"!

Tengtang stood up as he said, blocking Lu Lu Xiu's gaze looking at Qianye.

"Seven years ago, what did you do to my subordinate Chiba?"

The strong tone, sharp eyes, and stern expression all show how serious Fujitang is at this moment.

"What did you do...Ah! It's nothing, just asked Kagura to call Chiba to the back mountain and give her a little bit of swordsmanship! Of course, maybe the tuition fee is a bit more expensive!"

Lulu Xiu's gaze passed through the mask, met Fujitang's serious gaze, and replied in an ambiguous tone that a man would understand.


"You guy, even to Chiba..."

Although he has not expressed it, Chiba has always been the object of admiration for other members of the Four Sacred Swords. They only did not confess when they knew that Chiba had always secretly liked Fujido.However, things turned around one afternoon seven years ago.

Chiba, who had been summoned by His Highness Kagura Ya, only came back in the evening, and the clothes on her body were messy and the underwear on her chest was torn to pieces.The sharp-eyed people could still vaguely see the hickey marks on her neck.

As men, they certainly know what that means.From then on, Chiba never expressed her love in front of Fujido, only the pain in the eyes.Although a few years later, the pain finally disappeared, but Chiba, who was once cheerful, has since become an indifferent ice beauty.

Fujido and the other three members of the Four Sacred Swords have never known what happened that afternoon, because they were worried about Chiba, they did not ask.But now, seeing the strange situation between ZERO and Chiba, Fujido finally asked.

The truth also surfaced.

He asked Kagura Ya to call Chiba out, and then this guy did an unforgivable thing to Chiba.

Defeating Chiba with the power displayed by this man at the time was simply a breeze.


In the meeting room, everyone's eyes were on the cold and mature Chiba.Of course, most of them are male eyes, and the meaning is very clear.If it is this woman, not only as a soldier, that kind of temperament is indeed very attractive to men, and it is no wonder that ZERO will...


Lelouch coughed slightly, drawing everyone's attention to himself again.

"None of the parties said, what is the use of you vying to stand up! Chiba, what are you going to do, retaliate against the account seven years ago?"

Lelouch stood up, pushed forward and pushed the Tengtang away in front of Chiba, looking down at the cold female soldier with her head down.


Qianye slowly raised his head, looked at Lulu Xiu's mask, clenched his fists, and tried to lift it up, but he didn't have any strength.

"I want to be alone!"

Chiba turned his head fiercely, turned and rushed out of the conference room.

The next meeting was naturally unable to start. After announcing the dissolution, Lulu Xiu returned to the concession through a secret passage.

Back to Ashford Academy, Lelouch returned to the villa.However, when passing by the club, a slight gasp from the student union room caught Lelouch's attention.

Walking quietly to the door of the student union, Lelouch gently pushed open a crack in the door. In the dark student union room, a familiar figure was leaning on the table, looking at a photo in his hand, Something was sitting in the group, and the groan familiar to the girl came out from the slight vibration.

It's Nina!

From behind, Lelouch saw Nina who was looking at Yuffi’s photo masturbating, stepped forward to hug, put her right hand under her skirt, grabbed her wet finger, and licked it gently. The liquid above.


The hand that was masturbating was pulled out, and her love liquid was licked and sucked, making Nina shy and wanting to die.However, before she died, she obviously had to experience a more cruel fact.

That was Lelouch who loosened his belt, took off his pants, and then escaped the man's genitals.

"Lelouch, no! No, I can't..."


Lelouch unzipped the zipper of his pants, then took out the doppelganger, pulled Nina's panties away from behind, aimed at the entrance of her muddy cunt, stabbed hard, and the huge cock immediately opened both sides of her labia. The soft flesh, the smooth glans was plunged into a moist and warm space, directly to Nina's womb, and then she was pumped skillfully.

"no, do not want!"

Being raped by someone other than the one she liked, but also by a man, Nina let out a desperate cry.It's a pity that no one will come at this time, so Lelouch can commit adultery to this woman who dared to beat his sister's fiancee.Obviously, he only needs to be like those nymphomaniacs, obediently as a tool for his venting.Actually dare to have that kind of nonsense.

Lelouch’s hands tore Nina’s school uniform forcefully, his mouth licked hard on her skin, and her cunt was thrusting more vigorously underneath, and the hands that ripped Nina’s clothes, Behind her, she pinched the two breasts on Nina's chest, which were not very big, and rubbed them vigorously.

"Nina, don't have that kind of unrealistic fantasy. You have only one ending, and that is to be my venting tool obediently. As long as I want to, you must actively lift your ass and break your cunt. , Let me intervene casually, thirsting for my semen, you just need to be like the support team, thinking about how to get my favor every day!"

Lelouch sneered, Yuffi is my woman, even you, Nina!No blasphemy!

Nina looked at Euphy’s picture, gritted her teeth, and silently endured the uncomfortable adultery and language insults of the man behind her.With every insertion of Lelouch, her body slammed into the computer desk, making soft noises.

"His Royal Highness Euphemia!"

Chapter 271 The Knight Appointment in the Cold Field

"His Majesty"

When the attendants called him, the emperor of the Bunitanian Empire Chaluru DI Bunitania was standing in the pouring light, closing his eyes and resting.

The place where the emperor was located was a terrifying and wonderful space.At first glance, it is easy to think of an altar.However, its structure is very unusual.The column occupies the four corners, and the stone steps lead directly to the altar.Everything seems to be floating in the air.Coupled with the fiery red mist that surrounds it, it is full of mystery and makes people feel a compelling ominous atmosphere.

However, neither Chalulu nor the attendants around the emperor cared about it.


After the attendant whispered for a while, Chalulu opened his eyes with a low moan.He stretched his hand to the neckline of the luxurious cloak, closed his eyes and thought for a while.Although he has entered the sixtieth year, the emperor's facial features are very correct.Thinking of the looks of his children, this is also a matter of course.but.But there is something on his face that children don't have.That is absolute confidence, overwhelming deterrence.

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