Reincarnation of Lelouch Lamperouge

Reincarnation of Lelouch Chapter 346

His face was powerful and his medal gleaming.

It's Dalton, Chief of Staff of the Eleventh District Ruling Army, Andre Dalton.In the eyes of Governor Cornelia, he is the most important member of the most important ministers regardless of Xuan's position with the exclusive knight Kilford.

Realizing that Suzaku was looking at him, Dalton's mouth showed a smile.Of course, the applause did not stop.He did this not only to congratulate Suzaku on his appointment as a knight, but also to express his affirmation of the action Suzaku wanted to take just now.

The attendees noticed Dalton's actions, and then they woke up and applauded reluctantly.In any case, they did not dare to ignore the meaning of Dalton, who was attending in place of President Cornelia.

Suzaku gave Dalton a look to show his gratitude.

"Cut, Ogissan in Dalton, dare to ruin my good deeds, next time I must find a chance to teach you a good lesson!"

Yuffi casts a gentle smile at Dalton, but deep in her beautiful eyes, a frigid coldness flashes away, causing Dalton who is applauding to fight a cold war.

Chapter 272 The Reorganization of the Black Knights

Suzaku was awarded the title of knight by the third empress of the Bunitanian Empire. The news caused an uproar throughout the 11th district.

In terms of treatment, royal knights are equivalent to imperial nobles.At this moment, although Suzaku has not been awarded the official title, it is only a matter of time.An aboriginal in a colony, a Japanese, unexpectedly joined the ranks of the Bunitan nobles-this is like a nightmare in the eyes of some Bunitanians with deep-rooted racism.

Moreover, since it was the ceremony venue of the museum at that time, most of the people who visited were journalists.The news spread to the entire Eleventh District and even the entire world at a rocket speed.

For this reason, whether it is in the 11th district or the Bunitania mainland, all the Bunitanians offered corrective opinions to the leader who holds the highest authority, that is, the father of Euphemia, Emperor Charuru. , But it turns out that their hopes are still lost.

According to the law, the most important thing for the royal family to choose a knight is personal will.Although the emperor is a monarch with absolute power, it is not easy to modify this law.In fact, Chaluru did not do that either.More than that, he also sent a congratulatory message to his daughter Euphemia at the Suzaku's knight award ceremony, and most of the conservative Bunitanians had to turn their dissatisfaction into a sigh.

Perhaps it should be said that this is the intriguing part of the country of Bunitania.

As far as policy is concerned, those born in Bunitania are preferred, while those born in a dependent country are inferior. In other words, they assume a pure-blood attitude.Although this attitude has aroused the indignation of other nations towards the ruling nation, it is an indisputable fact, but in the process of actual management of the country, Bunitania, or Charuru, has been shown to use foreign talents. Surprisingly refreshing.

According to official statements, Charuru (Second Hitler) is undoubtedly a racist, but in fact, he is totally inclined towards capabilityism.The emperor valued the strong and scorned the weak—a great nobleman once said to himself in fear.

Up to now, there have been an unknown number of native-born people like the Ashford family, and as aristocrats, they have lost their corresponding rights and status because they were deemed incompetent by the emperor.On the contrary, in the process of developing its proudest modern weapon, the Knightmare, many foreign geniuses have emerged.

The best example is Major Lloyd Asbrud.This frivolous nobleman with the nickname of the patched earl has shown great Knightmare development talent in his school days.Almost all of the Knights of the Round Table's landline manufacturing has his participation.

However, despite many examples, it is indeed unheard of for an honorary Bunitanian soldier to suddenly gain status as a nobleman.

The reason why Emperor Chalulu was full of mysteries, in fact, also included the above reasons.His essence contains the two contradictory elements of pure bloodism and competence, but at the same time, he can separate the top figures of the two as he wants.Some people think that this is just a strategy implemented by the great empire of Bunitania, which accounts for one-third of the entire world, for development. This cannot be counted, and the success of this strategy is obvious to all.

However, no matter how hard Chaluru himself tries to rationalize these two contradictions, there are still some potential subtle distortions in the country of Bunitania.

Therefore, in the eyes of everyone, the only hope that can be pinned is that as the client, the pro-sister of Vice Governor Euphemia, the Imperial Female Army God has the idea to change her will.

Unfortunately, the appointment of the knight is over!

On the second day after Euphemia made the decision, it was a crucial moment when Her Royal Highness Queen Cornelia was participating in the annihilation war against terrorists on the North Road.Of course, the surface is the result of the default ability of the left-behind General Dalton.But on the other hand, Dalton himself has just become a shield for Euphemia's plan, the more likely it is.

Moreover, it was the time when Euphemia herself hadn't noticed.She took advantage of Dalton, who was like her father, and at that time, also made a curse-like slander against the "father" who applauded.

Natural black, really scary!

As if to respond to the appointment of Suzaku's knights, the Black Knights also ushered in a real reorganization at the same time.On the night of the rescue of Fujido, the large strategic submarine transferred by Ishikawa also successfully passed the inspection of Bunitania and arrived in Tokyo Bay.

Moreover, the secret port of the Bunitanian army was used.

"Now! According to the reorganization of the Black Knights, a new organization chart will be published!"

Wearing a mask and a black cloak that had always hidden his identity, Lelouch stood on the stage and announced the reorganization plan that the Black Knights had prepared long ago to the main personnel and cadres of the Black Knights below.

At this moment, all the cadres of the Black Knights, as well as the newly added Laksha Tower maintenance team, Fujitang and the Four Sacred Swords, are roaming the open sea in this large strategic submarine that has been transformed into a base.

The first is the most important military aspect of the Black Knights. Lelouch used a baton to point on the big screen behind him, forming a pyramid-shaped organizational chart of the Black Knights.The first one is naturally the actual leader of the Black Knights-ZERO, both in name and spirit.

Subsequently, under the leader's ZERO, there are the next-level cadres.

"Military commander-Fujido Kyoshiro!"

Standing under the ZERO at the top, from the left, the name of the first person is Fujido Kyoshiro, and under that name is the military commander in chief.Upon hearing this appointment, the Four Holy Swords and the other members of the Black Knights were very satisfied.

Miracle Fujitang is the best candidate to be responsible for the military aspects of the Black Knights.

"The head of all intelligence, logistics, espionage, and foreign affairs-Ditohart Little!"

However, after reading out the appointment to Ditohart, it caused a commotion.

Mainly Yucheng.

"This Bunitanian?"

"And it's a media guy!"

Bubu is also in line with Tao. Since he learned that it was Lelouch who raped Chiba seven years ago, he, Asahina, and Xianbo were dissatisfied with ZERO.Unfortunately, in any case, the established facts cannot be changed.So they can only vent their dissatisfaction through other means.

For example, this is the case now.

"ZERO, I don't intend to stick to the nation, but what is the reason for using the Bunitanians! Is it because of you..."

"Reason? What am I! Chiba!"

Under the mask, Lu Lu Xiu looked at Chiba, who had been abandoned for another seven years after being forced by himself.Seeing myself again, although I was a little excited at the beginning, but from this reaction.

Chiba didn't have too strong malice towards him, but instead wanted to try to get close to him.


Lulu Xiu responded to Qianye's tentative move.

"Our Black Knights need the ability to achieve results! Race, the past, and the means don’t matter. As long as it is a person I recognize, and the method I recognize, it can be passed! Chiba, you are the same, I The embrace of you will always be open to you!"

"I understand!"

Seeing Lulu Xiu spreading his right hand while speaking, revealing his chest, Chiba nodded silently, and then stopped saying anything.

When other people saw Qianye's choice, they didn't say anything, but the three men of the Four Sacred Swords clenched their fists.

But Lelouch did not care about them, he continued to announce the appointment.

"Deputy Commander-Fan Yao!"


Fan was a little surprised when he heard that he was appointed as the deputy commander.

"Why, not satisfied?"

"Do not!"

Fan wanted to answer quickly, and Yoshida and others beside him agreed.

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