Reincarnation of Lelouch Lamperouge

Reincarnation of Lulu Xiu Chapter 347

"Just recognize it!"

"After all, you were originally the leader of Red Moon!"

After that, it was a department similar to the technical department of the Bunitan Army, which was responsible for the development and preparation of armed forces.

"Responsible for technology development-Lakshata Chara!"

"Captain of the Zero Division——Karen Karen!"

"Team Zero?"

Karen asked unexpectedly.

"Only the zero division accepts my leadership directly, so you can become a guard team!"

Lelouch explained that because of Chiba yesterday, he had no chance to be alone with Karen, so he didn't tell her in advance.Then came the appointment of the official army.

"Captain of the first team-Asahina wakes up!"

"Captain of the second division-Xianbo Linghe!"

"Captain of the third division-Bu Bu Qiaoxue!"

"Qianba Fengsha, as the deputy captain of the zero team!"

In the end, Lulu Xiu temporarily added Chiba to the zero squad, which is his own guard.

"What about CC, hasn't she been appointed?"

After all the appointments were almost decided, Karen looked at CC who had been standing not far behind ZERO and asked questions.

"CC, of ​​course she doesn't have any appointments! But as my wife, she has the right to make decisions next to me. When I am away, she can directly direct all matters of the Black Knights instead of me!"

Lelouch looked at CC and granted her the second right of the Black Knights.

"Give the power of the Black Knights to your woman? This is selfishness!"

Yucheng jumped out again and retorted loudly.

"Careers do not avoid relatives, CC has commanding ability and wisdom no less than mine. Moreover, it is also the link between Kagura and the forces behind me, and it is more than enough to command the Black Knights!"

However, Lelouch directly played the card of Kagura, and the mysterious force that he himself had always shocked the Black Knights, and suppressed those who were eager to move.

Chapter 273 Influence and Follow-up

"Suzaku! He is a banner to the coexistence of ELEVEN!"

After the reorganization meeting of the Black Knights ended, Ditohart took the lead in raising an issue.In the cadre meeting room, Fujido and others, headed by ZERO, gathered here.As soon as the person who raised the issue sat down, he brought up the most sensitive topic.

Just now, they have watched the broadcast of the ceremony of Suzaku’s appointment as a knight, as well as the information about the Bunitanians, honorary Bunitanians in the 11th district, and most of ELEVEN’s reactions. The head of the head of intelligence, logistics, espionage, and foreign affairs, Di Tohart said one after another.

Di Tohart, who had just become a cadre, immediately proved ZERO's vision.

"I suggest assassinating him!"

"Assassination! Will Shumu!"

Lelouch's reaction was calm.

"That's it! The opposition has celebrities like ZERO, but the coexistence does not!"

Lakshata quickly understood the hidden meaning of Ditohart's words, and put the cigarette stick from her mouth, neither refuted nor agreed.

"Humanism does not act. Now there are figures who can become symbols in Bunitania!"

Di Tohart analyzed in detail, and at the same time was persuading ZERO and the other officers of the Black Knight.

"As the most realistic method, this method of assassination..."


Before Ditohart's words were finished, the military commander Fujitang objected.

"That kind of despicable approach will not win the support of the Japanese!"

"Yes! Our Black Knights do not kill people who have no weapons. Assassination means to take advantage of him when he has no weapons in private, right!"

The deputy commander Shan Yao also rejected Di Tohart's proposal.

"I just proposed the most reliable and least dangerous method! The decision is made by ZERO!"

Two-to-one, there is also a neutrality. Ditohart can only put his last hope on ZERO. In the Black Knights, he is the only one who has the final decision.

However, Ditohart was disappointed after all, and ZERO's reaction was cold.

"This topic will be discussed later, Suzaku I have my own arrangements!"

"Yes, Master ZERO!"

Ditohart lowered his head slowly.

(Sure enough, is it related to ZERO's identity? Shumu Suzaku! Maybe, this is a clue!)

Turning his eyes from Bunitania and the Black Knights to the residents of District 11, that is, the Japanese, it is not difficult to find that the arguments there are also divided into pros and cons, just like the pair of Black Knights and Bunita Niah's tit-for-tat thinking is average.

For those who stand in anti-Bunetanian positions, this incident is not worth mentioning.In their view, Suzaku is a symbol of slavery who betrayed Japan and should be weeped by the world.

The fact that Suzaku was an honorary Bunitanian and joined the army initially disgusted them.He is a running dog who flatters Bunitania and oppresses his compatriots.Terrorist organizations that advocate extremes even put forward the slogan that "the traitor should be killed before rebelling against Bunitania."In fact, as long as they have the opportunity, they will definitely take action.

This is the same as Ditohart, who is a Bunitanian but joined the Black Knights.

On the contrary, the crowd known as the Bunitanian submissives made a very high evaluation of the incident.Most of them were the wealthy class before the war. After the war, they were also awarded the title of honorary Bunitanians because of their financial resources. Compared with other Japanese, they were treated more favorably by Bunitania.Originally, these people were dissatisfied with the fact that the eleventh district could not be upgraded to a satellite area due to frequent terrorist activities. The growing growth of the ZERO organization is even more a hidden danger for them.

At this moment, the news that Suzaku was awarded the title of knight greatly encouraged them.Although not very powerful, Euphemia is the orthodox Queen of Bunitania after all.She is willing to side with the Japanese, which is of great significance.In addition, they can rest assured that as long as Japan is still under the rule of the Bunitanians, they can continue to live a prosperous life.

The thoughtful Japanese and the Bunitanians are arguing endlessly. I am afraid that the only people around him who are really happy for Suzaku as a knight are.

For example, Suzaku belongs to the special group, and individual students from Ashford Academy.

After the knight’s appointment ceremony was over, the newly appointed knight Shuquek Suzaku spent a few days familiarizing himself with the knight’s guidelines and responsibilities, as well as the military and political affairs of the 11th district.After finishing all this, I came to the second grade of the private Ashford Academy. Nanaly Lampeloki suggested that the students would hold a congratulatory party invitation, finally freeing Suzaku from the things that he was not good at. .

Although this congratulation party was private, because it was using the student union club, Mi Lei, the goddess of the school’s mischief and the president of the student union, readily agreed and invited the members of the student union, Xia Li, Livar, There are also students from the whole school participating together.

For them and them, it has nothing to do with politics.Close friends, classmates, friends, and workplace partners recognized Suzaku's achievements-such a simple celebration, there is no need to mix in any impurities.

Of course, it is worth considering how many people truly wish.

Unlike the people who shuttle around, the character Shumu Suzaku at the center of the whirlpool also has some questions that he has to think about.In the past few days, only now, only here, can he have the time and energy to refresh his thoughts.

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