Reincarnation of Lelouch Lamperouge

Reincarnation of Lelouch Chapter 348

The first question is what does the Cavaliers mean.

Suzaku's military age in the Bunitanian army was not long, and it was only half a year ago that he became the pilot of Knightmare and was promoted to warrant officer.As a non-commissioned officer, he still needs to learn many aspects of knowledge, but he was suddenly appointed as a knight of the royal family and promoted to at least the rank of college.The reason for the doubt is not only because he is a foreigner, but also because there are so many things he doesn't know.

The duty of the knight is to guard the lord-he understands that.

The inauguration ceremony a few days ago can be completely reduced to this sentence.However, Suzaku is completely unclear on the details of how to spend every day, what to do, how to act, and so on.Even if I asked people around me, I didn't get any clear answers.

Speaking of the royal knights stationed in the 11th district, Guildford must be mentioned, but he is now going to Ishikawa with Cornelia. It is said that the resistance organization funded by the Chinese Federation is very strong.What's more, even if he is here, for Suzaku, the wise and brave Guilford has always been an unattainable figure.

The two didn't have any friendship, and Suzaku never took the initiative to visit him.If you are looking for someone who has at least noble status, then there is only Lloyd.But he was a rather extraordinary nobleman.For Suzaku, who is about to enter the upper class, he is indeed not a suitable teacher.If you learn Lloyd's words and deeds, you will undoubtedly be disgusted by everyone.

The reputation of Earl Pudding is widely circulated among the nobility of Bunitania.It is said that his friends can count them with one slap, and the relationship is relatively shallow.

The remaining aristocrats who have had several fate are the only Qing Jeremiah who was demoted due to the Orange Incident, and Qing Wei Leita.But the two of them have always disliked Suzaku, who are honorary Bunitanians. After the Narita incident, Jeremya is still missing, and Ching Veretta is said to have been included in Cornelia's guard.

However, apart from this problem, there is one more thing that worries Suzaku.

That is of course the problem of Ashford Academy.

If it was before, it would be fine to stand in the position of Lancelot's test driver, but now that he has become a knight of Euphemia, Suzaku can no longer go to school.

If a knight does not always stay by his lord's side, he will definitely leave a word for others.Of course, it is indeed painful for Suzaku to be separated from the kind and lovely student council members of the academy, but he is already mentally prepared because it is inevitable.

However, when Suzaku talked about this issue, Euphemia shook his head with a wry smile.

"If that's the case, am I deceiving you? Who was it that sent you to school, Suzaku?"


Euphemia asked with a smile, but Suzaku didn't know how to answer.

"Of course... Your Royal Highness Euphemia. Now I am still grateful for this, but..."


For some reason, Euphemia spit out the name amused.

"The so-called knight is not just as simple as guarding the lord and acting as a guard. Of course, I actually hope to ask you to do this-but the true meaning of the knight is not here. Please think about Secretary Kilford, he also Not by the side of the emperor all the time, right?"

"Ha...Is that so?"

"Yes, and then, I think, what the emperor needs Secretary Guildford to do for her is not a simple'guard'. What she needs is not pure protection, but advice and help in a larger sense. . I need you to do it for me, too."

How could Yuphy let Suzaku stay by her side for a long time? Although it was unconscious, Yuffi was not stupid. She vaguely felt that there seemed to be another rather irritable self in her body, instigating herself to kill it. A man who had just been appointed a knight himself.

Ravaged him severely, tortured him, and threw him into the hell of despair that never exceeded his life.

This impulse, even if you feel the breath of Suzaku and hear his name, it will boil, like an extinct volcano that has come alive.

Chapter 274 The Troubles of the Cavaliers

The ignorant Suzaku didn't know that he was on the verge of death at any time. After thinking deeply, he answered carefully.

"...Can I do it? I'm just an ordinary soldier, not even a Bunitanian. To advise His Highness Euphemia, this is simply—"

"That's why I need you to help me."

Euphemia answered categorically, and then she suddenly changed into another expression and tone.

"Major Suzaku, since I became the deputy governor of the 11th district, it has not been a full year. I don't know many things, and there are many facts that I can't confirm with my own eyes. Because of this, I need you to go for me.' Look, I need to know what District 1 and 11 look like in your eyes as a Japanese and not a Bunitanian."


"Understand? Let me put it another way. Unlike the governor, I still need to learn a lot. Therefore, I have to get in touch with more knowledge, including knowledge that cannot be obtained by people like me. Because of this , I want you to see and listen to all kinds of places instead of staying by my side. Then, tell me what you have seen and heard. This is absolutely indispensable for me in the future-this That's what I think."

At this time, Euphemia sighed and smiled again.

"However, this is just a circumstance. Maybe I did it only because I simply wanted you to go to school. After all... I have never owned a knight before. To be honest, there are still many ways to deal with it. (Quickly Get out of here, an eye-catching garbage)"

"Yes, this is the same for me!"

Suzaku smirked ignorantly.

"So, you should be able to understand my mood, right? Okay, so the discussion on this issue ends here. If you continue to be willful, I shall exercise the authority of the lord to order you? Go to school and study hard."

In front of Euphemia's mischievous tone, Suzaku had to smile wryly and agree.In any case, as long as you don't get Euphemia's permission, this question can only be put aside.There are still opportunities for correction.Of course, deep down, Suzaku is still very grateful to Yufimia. She can think of herself so much, and she can say such things, which really moved Suzaku.

Although Euphemia was talking about herself in those words, Suzaku also believed that she also had a lot of things that she hadn't learned and had to think about.Including the future life and what you should do.These problems only took time to overcome one by one, and this was also to choose Euphemia as a knight.

I learned from General Dalton, who admired himself, how Yuphy forced him to announce his appointment as a knight under the circumstances, and for this reason, he stared at the pressure of the eleventh district and the country and held the appointment of knight The rituals caused the established facts.Suzaku has made a decision to dedicate his life to his lord, Euphemia.

This result is the same as the dark Yuffi predicted at the time.

However, there are many problems ahead of the Knight Shuque, and school is also one of the problems.

No, it's not just that.

Apart from the school and other issues, Suzaku still has another trouble.

Naturally, he was troubled by those two people, besides Euphemia, Suzaku also knew the other two Bunitanian royal families.

Lelouch VI Bunitania, and Nanali VI Bunitania.The siblings who spent the time with him in the eleven districts were still known as Japan.

Since being appointed as a knight by Euphemia, Suzaku will think of them from time to time.

Is it really okay not to tell Euphemia about those two?

In fact, this problem is Suzaku's biggest headache recently.

Lelouch VI Bunitania and Nanali VI Bunitania were sent to Japan as hostages eight years ago. They were later believed to have died in Japan and Bunitania. In the war of Asia.In fact, they are still alive, living in the eleventh district and hiding the identity of the orthodox Bunitania royal family. They are Suzaku's infant friends.

If he simply considers from the standpoint of Suzaku, then he has only one choice, and that is to speak out.In any case, the current Suzaku is Euphemia's knight, and she should be the most important.Moreover, although Lelouch and Nanali and Euphemia were not born to the same mother, they are after all her brother and sister.To hide the fact that her relatives are still alive from her can be regarded as an unrighteous act.Moreover, even if they knew that the two were still alive, Euphemia would never harm them.

Even if it were her, she might be able to help those two people who had hidden their true identities in many ways!

Of course, Suzaku understood that Lelouch, a childhood friend, had a deep hostility towards the Bunitanian royal family who had abandoned her brother and sister.It is precisely because of disgust, hatred and fear that he chooses to hide his identity.

However, Suzaku had never heard Lelouch criticize Euphemia, and his sister Nanali did the same on this point.Soon after knowing Yuffi's true identity for the first time, he asked Nanali at this time.

"She is very kind and a good person."

Then, the blind girl lowered her voice and continued blushing.

"She played with us almost every day, in the hanging garden of the Aries Palace. She and Queen Conelia were the best sisters in the royal family to me and Ounisanma."

......Although knowing that this is meaningless, Suzaku still made certain assumptions in her heart.

What would the situation be like if Euphemia had come to this Eleventh District with her current position after the end of the war seven years ago, that is, as the deputy governor.The situation of Lulu Xiu and Nanali will definitely change after that.

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