Reincarnation of Lelouch Lamperouge

Reincarnation of Lulu Xiu Chapter 349

At least, if Euphemia had a certain strength at the time, she would never ignore the encounter between these two.

And to this day, Suzaku understands that such an assumption is meaningless.Of course, Euphemia, as the deputy governor, did not hold much power.It is her sister Cornelia who holds the real power.

But despite this, it is still of great significance to let Euphemia "know" that the two are still alive.It's not that they want to restore the Bunitanian status to the two of them. After all, Lulu Xiu was reluctant to do this.He once admitted to the person that there is no mercy or sympathy, and there is only competition in the royal identity. He and Nana are not rare, nor are they rare to return to the life of fear and deceit every day.

But even so, after knowing the truth, Euphemia, the deputy governor of the 11th district, will definitely provide all kinds of help to Lulu Xiu and Nanaly who live here. After all, he is his own emperor brother and sister.

Suzaku believes that this is especially important for Nanali.It doesn't matter if Lulu Xiu is smart, he is also flexible, and Mi Lei, the duke's fiancee, has been enjoying a beautiful rose-colored life in the school.Even without Euphemia's secret help, he can live happily and carefree.But Nanali couldn't do this because of her physical condition.


At this time, Suzaku was a little helpless.

Suzaku had absolute trust in Euphemia personally, and he believed she would never deprive Lelouch and Nanali of their peaceful lives.But there is still a fact that cannot be ignored.That is, Euphemia, Lelouch and Nanali are not ordinary Bunitanians, they are royals.

The center of power-there are so many eager demons hidden there, dirty and ugly, Suzaku knows very well.Or it should be said, because he is Suzaku, he will understand.

How can I forget, he has been extremely close to the center of power since he was a child.My father... is the last prime minister of Japan, Shuki Xuanwu.Things that I didn't understand as a child, now I can gradually understand.In a sense, it is the Demon Realm. Wherever it is, personal character and goodwill will be easily distorted, and the demon sword named Desire and Conspiracy will harm anyone indiscriminately.

Although Lelouch didn't deny Euphemia, the reason why he didn't ask her in person was that apart from the issue of self-esteem, Suzaku felt that it was because he knew this better than anyone else.

Euphemia may not want to harm the brother and sister at all, but after she learned of the existence of the siblings, it is very likely that someone will pull the trigger and shoot the bullet in a place that even Euphemia does not know. Into the chest of Lulu Xiu and Nanali.

There is no way to say that this kind of thing will never happen.When I was young, even my father, in order to provoke a war, would attack the two young men, let alone now.

In any case, Suzaku could not tell Euphemia the fact that the two were still alive without obtaining Lelouch's permission.

At the same time, this incident became a big rock in Suzaku's heart.If you are loyal to your friends, you will betray the Lord.Loyal to the lord will betray friends.This contradiction lingered in his mind.In other words, if you were yourself seven years ago, you wouldn't worry about such things at all.At that time, I always put friends first no matter what happened, but now it is different from then.

No, it must be different so that it is correct.

Saying that Cao Cao had arrived, when Zhu Que was thinking of the two people, the elegant and noble brother and sister had already walked towards him.

Lulu Xiu and Nana Li, who were holding drinks, congratulated Suzaku with a toast.Although it is to celebrate Suzaku's appointment as a knight, the true center of this party is undoubtedly the brothers and sisters of Lelouch and Nanali who have just appeared.

Chapter 275 The Cruel Engagement

In Ashford Academy, there are almost no ordinary civilians, either nobles, capital, or children of soldiers.And these people, almost all are not the power of the Aries family.Therefore, although it was a congratulatory party for the Suzaku who became a knight, there are almost only a handful of people who truly congratulated him.

Moreover, even so, the smiles disguised by the students will not be ignored by anyone with a slight emotional intelligence.

Lelouch pushed the wheelchair and walked with Nanali through the crowd that gave way to Suzaku.Obviously late, but the noble and elegant brother and sister Pu came out, attracted everyone's attention in the club, and the noisy air suddenly cleared.

"Sorry, I'm late!"

After stopping the wheelchair three steps away from Suzaku, Lelouch came to the place alongside Nanali and took a glass of red wine from Xia Li who followed behind him.

"It doesn't matter, I am already very happy to be here!"

Suzaku shook his head. He really liked this place better than the military's celebration. Excluding the special mission, his real friends were only those from the Student Union.Of course, there are Lelouch and Nanali whom he values ​​most.

Moreover, becoming a knight of Your Highness Euphemia, I really need to talk to them.

"Well, after all, it was the party planned by Nanaly, and, as I said yesterday, there is something important to tell you!"

Lelouch handed the wine glass to Xia Li next to him, and then whispered in a low voice to Karen who was on the other side of him.

"I have something to tell Suzaku, help us look out for the wind!"

Karen nodded.


"There is no place to talk!"

Lelouch looked at Suzaku again, and while talking, walked towards the second floor.

"Go to a quiet room!"

"I know!"

Suzaku nodded and followed.

The three of them came to the second floor, Lelouch opened the door of the student union room and walked in. The Suzaku behind then closed the door.It's quiet here, and Karen is guarding outside the room, there should be no problem.

However, neither of them noticed that outside the balcony, leading to the garden below, a man in a white lab coat was walking down with a female student in a student uniform and glasses.After hearing the sound from above, their footsteps could not help but stop.

"What is it to say, Lelouch?"

The voice came out from inside, it was the voice of Suzaku.

In a white coat, Lloyd, who came to Ashford Academy for temporary military affairs, hadn't overheared such a bad taste. After hearing the name of Lelouch, he put his right foot back up again.

On his face, there was a smile of finding something interesting.

"What do you think of Euphy?"

In the student union room, Lelouch leaned on the table, turned his back to the balcony, and asked while looking at the Suzaku standing by the door.

"Ah! Uh, Your Royal Highness Euphemia is a lively, lovely, innocent, pure, kind, and responsible person. I think she is very different from the royal family I know! Although she sometimes likes pranks, there are also adventures. Kind, but overall! A very perfect woman!"

It didn't seem that Lelouch would suddenly ask about his opinion of His Highness Euphemia. Suzaku was a little surprised. After hesitating for a while, he thought about it and answered his impression of Euphemia.

The bewildered wording, although not very gorgeous, but it clearly stated his feelings about Yuffi.Finally, remembering the first meeting with Euphemia, he added another sentence.

However, the last sentence of summarizing words undoubtedly explained how much Euphemia occupies in Suzaku's heart.

It has surpassed Kagura Ya and Nanali, who had been secretly in love. In his heart, Yufimia has undoubtedly occupied the first place among women.

"Ha ha ha... I didn't know that Yu Fei had so many advantages! Well, after all, it's been eight years!"

Lelouch laughed happily when Suzaku used to describe Yuffi.

Seeing Lelouch who was smiling happily, Suzaku hesitated for a while, and felt that it seemed like a good opportunity to ask the questions that had been thinking about at the party just now.

"Right! That... Lelouch, I want to tell Yuphy that you and Nanaly are still alive, can you? I think if it were her, it would be..."

"Suzaku, it seems that you still don't know a fact!"

Lelouch suddenly stopped Suzaku from continuing, and looked at Suzaku with a playful look with a weird voice.


"Yufie's identity, and her deeper relationship with me and Nanali!"

"Identity? Relationship? Isn't Your Highness Euphemia your sister, and the third emperor? What else?"

Suzaku asked strangely, because he was worried about Lelouch and Nanaly's safety, he had never asked about it.He didn’t know exactly how Lelouch was in Bunitania. The only thing he knew was the royal identities of Lelouch and Nanali, and recently learned that President Mi Lei turned out to be his fiancée, other Knows nothing.

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