Reincarnation of Lelouch Lamperouge

Reincarnation of Lelouch Chapter 350

I really don't know!

Lelouch secretly said, then looked directly at Suzaku's research, and said in a very calm tone.

"Not only that, in addition to these, Euphy is also the first fiancée of Lelouch VI Bunitania, which means she is my wife! Suzaku!"

A very quiet passage, but like a thunderstorm, slammed on Suzaku's body and soul, shaking him to the door, and leaning against the door with a boom.

"What...what! Impossible, Your Highness Euphemia and you are your sister. And, and you said, President Mi Lei is your fiancee?"

Without all his strength, Suzaku can only rely on the gate to maintain his standing.Expecting that it was just a joke, or that he had heard it wrong, Suzaku asked with a trembling voice.

"It's no big deal. In order to maintain the purity of blood, there are few examples of marriage among the royal family, but it's not uncommon! As for Mi Lei, she is indeed my fiancee, but the first to make a marriage contract. It's just because of her identity. The reason is that she automatically drops one place from the royal family. Ranked fourth!"

Lelouch's reaction to the shock of Suzaku's nose was very flat, and he explained it indifferently.

"Fourth, that is, you have four fiancees!"

"Yes, the first one, of course, is Yuffi! The second one, you know, is Nanali! The third one is the fifth empress Karin!"

Lelouch nodded frankly and admitted, and also told the more shocking facts.Of course, in order to fear that Suzaku would collapse, Lelouch didn't tell Connelia and Genavel together.

Although the relationship between Cornelia and Genivel and Lelouch in the upper class of Bunitania is almost a well-known thing, here, and after eight years, really know the inside story. Yes, it will not be mentioned easily.

So, even though Suzaku had become a knight, he still knew nothing about some secrets.

"Why tell me this news!"

Suzaku has been crushed by a series of cruel facts.

"A few days ago, I just planned to pass you a message to my lovely fiancee that I and Nanaly are safe! But now that you have become Yuffi’s knight, naturally you don’t have to be so troublesome! Reason, Yuffi should be able to come to Ashford Academy! In this way, I can meet Yuffi directly!"


Suzaku's fists were clenched tightly, and his nails almost penetrated into the flesh.But at this moment, this kind of physical pain is not as great as his inner pain, as if his heart was caught by something.

It hurts in the bone marrow, and it hurts my heart.

it hurts!

"I think Yuffie will be very happy to see me and Nanali!"

Lelouch didn't seem to notice the heavy pain and sorrow that Suzaku had hidden in his eyes, and he still spoke to himself.

"As Yuffi's knight, only you can help, Suzaku! I don't want outsiders to know that I and Nanaly are still alive!"


I am a knight of Your Highness Euphemia. The duty of the knight is to guard the lord and fulfill all the wishes of the lord.The real reason for Yuffi's arrival in the 11th district was actually said when they first met.

Looking for brother, but also his fiance!

So, at this moment, I should promise Lelouch!

Yes, this is a qualified knight!

Suzaku, whose heart was bleeding, showed an extremely cheerful smile on her face.

"Of course, I will tell Your Highness Euphemia about you and Nanalie! You and Nanalie are my best friends, and Euphy is my loyal lord, who can urge you to reunite. Of course I am obliged to offer my sincere blessing!"

"Thank you, Suzaku, you really are my best friend, and I know you will agree!"

Lelouch keenly observed the sorrow hidden under Suzaku's laughter, and the corners of his mouth were slightly bent.Once again, a handful of thick salt was sprinkled on the heart of the "best friend" in front of me that was cut open by myself.

"Well, we are best friends!"

Suzaku silently repeated Lelouch's words, his body was completely numb.

"Well, now that the matter is over, let's go down too, and can't make Nanali and the others wait in a hurry!"

Lelouch walked to Suzaku with a happily smile, hooked his completely stiff body, and left the student union room.

After the footsteps of Lelouch and Suzaku went away, from the balcony, Lloyd suddenly stood up and looked at the empty student union room, and let out a very strange laugh.

"Now, things seem to get interesting!"

"How... how is it possible? Lelouch, Lelouch turned out to be the eleventh prince who disappeared seven years ago, and Nanaly is the emperor! Moreover, Yufimia is still Lelouch's fiancée, how is it possible! may!"

On the stairs behind Lloyd, after hearing Lelouch's true identity and Nina, who was in his relationship with Euphemia, finally recovered a trace of sanity from the sluggishness, muttering to herself.

"Impossible! It is impossible..."

Chapter 276 Go to Shengen Island

Under the clear autumn sky, the boat cuts through the waves and marched towards the sea.

Far from the southwest of Tokyo Bay, there is an island floating in the sea, Sage Island.Although it is not a big island, it is also inhabited, and there are small-scale Bunitanian military-related facilities built on it.

Following the vice-governor of the 11th district, Euphemia IL Bunitania, the Suzaku is heading to the warship on Shengen Island.By the way, the purpose of Lord Euphemia's going there was to welcome a certain noble person.The imperial prime minister Xiunazer EI Bunitania.

Since the half-brother of Euphemia was visiting District 11 from his home country, Euphemia went to Sanggen Island to meet him in order to welcome him.

"But, why do you want to be on Shinne Island? It's safer to be directly in the Tokyo concession."

In the second control room of the warship, Suzaku raised questions to Lloyd and Cecil who were present.An hour ago, he learned from Lelouch the cruel truth that his lord is his fiancée. He just returned to the party when he was called away by Lloyd for military reasons.

Thanks to this, Suzaku had a buffer time of one hour and avoided Lelouch.However, knowing the fact that Euphemia was Lelouch's fiancée, Suzaku did not ask her lord for verification at this moment.It should be said that in the depths of Suzaku's heart, he has not yet accepted this cruel truth.Therefore, he evasively left the matter behind, as if this would delay the promise of Lulu Xiu.

In front of Lloyd and Cecil, he can forget all the pain and become an ordinary Suzaku.

Maneuvering the ship is not actually a complicated task. Standing in front of the communication dashboard, Cecil, who had nothing to do with him, smiled bitterly at Suzaku's words, and then turned his gaze at Lloyd.

"I also want to know about this question, why? Lloyd."

"Uh... Miss Cecil doesn't know either?"

Suzaku was a little surprised, but Lloyd beside him still showed a frivolous smile and gave a more surprising answer.

"Aha, I am actually the same."


Suzaku opened his mouth wide, and Lloyd looked at him like a professor facing a student who was called to take an oral test.

"As for me, I actually thought you knew, Suzaku, did Your Highness Euphemia say anything?"

"No--nothing, just said that since the Prime Minister's intention is like this..."

"Oh, then it's my turn to talk. But I haven't heard anything similar to insider information. His Royal Highness Xiu Naijie never contacted me beforehand."

Lloyd pretended to be deep, talking to himself slowly.

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