Reincarnation of Lelouch Lamperouge

Reincarnation of Lulu Xiu Chapter 361

Because of this distance, her mental stand of letting go of her strength has already sensed where Lelouch is and is compatible.

"Suzaku! You rubbish, scum..."

Euphemia, who had a crushing thought, exhausted all the swear words he could know, cursed his knight, driving the Knightmare, the dark queen hidden deep in his heart, had been completely exposed.

To be honest, if someone looked down from above and saw the almost madness of the Knightmare driving by Euphemia, she would never think she was the gentle and weak Vase Governor.

A black air visible to the naked eye emerged from the delicate empress and filled the entire cockpit.The pink hair fluttered violently without any wind.

"If you let the emperor drop a hair because of you, I will personally nail you to the cross and die in endless pain and wailing! And the bastard who gave the order, what shit is the first order, don't let me Knowing who you are, otherwise not only you, but all the people involved at this time, I will kill you!"

Also, the Yuffi Assassin regretted his decision to let Suzaku serve as his knight.

Although at the inauguration ceremony, the man swore to protect her.But in Yu Fei's heart, her real knight is Lelouch, and only Lelouch is qualified to guard her. Suzaku is just a chess piece that can be discarded at any time.

Following the light spots displayed on the strategic dashboard, as the distance approached, Euphemia's mood became more and more anxious, when passing through a forest, and finally, when passing through a forest.

The shadow of the tree gradually diminished, and the field of vision gradually widened, finally reaching the end.Ahead is the piece of sand dug into a concave shape.


There were many members of the Black Knights guarding around, but Euphemia had no plans to stop their actions.In short, now I can rush to the emperor's brother as the Empress of Bunitania. Then, at least the Bunitanian army should not attack at will.

But just when Euphemia squeezed the joystick and planned to use Boat Man to rush out, she noticed it.

Above, the picture on the main display looked dark.Not because of a mechanical problem, but something blocking the sunlight on the head.Euphemia raised the Knightmare sensor and looked up.

Then she was shocked!

At first, she thought it was a city floating in the air.

Of course, that is an illusion.What is floating is not a city, but a ship.It is not the kind of ship that sails on the sea, but a battleship owned by the ruling army of the Eleventh District, which can fly in the air just like the G1 camp can travel on the ground.The bottom of the battleship is protected by thick armor and a special magnetic field, and everyone who sees it will be impressed by this aerial fortress.

"That is……"

Euphemia recognized it.

"Emperor brother's Avalon, how could it be possible..."

"What is that...what!"

"War... battleship!? Can fly!"

Even Euphemia, who was an emperor and knew that Avalon existed, was shocked, not to mention the members of the Black Knight.They panicked and uttered various shouts, and the formation began to become chaotic.

Fujido, who was commanding the military in place of ZERO, immediately roared at the communicator that sent out shock and shaking words.

"Don't become a target! Hurry up and hide behind the surrounding trees, so you can't let the enemy aim! Attack from the shadows!"

This is clearly an order, but the question is whether anyone accepts this order.The Black Knights is a well-trained anti-Bunitania organization, but it is not a regular army after all.

No, even a regular army, in the event of a critical situation, it is difficult to guarantee that it will completely obey the commander.Moreover, the sudden appearance of flying warships is completely inconsistent with the common sense of previous wars.

Things of super common sense have just appeared, and they will always cause human instinctive fear and fear, just like the German soldiers of the First World War, known as the most rigorous army, after seeing the French land chariot-tank, exclaimed They are like monsters.

The members of the Black Knights, their discipline and organization, are far worse than the rigid German soldiers.

All side machine guns of the air battleship were aimed at the ground.Then, bullets poured down like a rainstorm.The two rogues who did not obey Fujitang's orders were completely destroyed in the blink of an eye.The bullet also aimed at the force field generator buried in the sand.The generator exploded and the force field disappeared.

Chi Chi Chi...

Fujido was about to use his moonlight to release a hook to the enemy's machine gun, but at this moment, the situation changed, and the front hatch of the battleship slowly opened.

"What, what..."

In the gloomy hatch, two huge eyes flashed with frightening red light.

"Soldiers must obey orders!"

In Lancelot's driving position, Suzaku roared, but Zero also roared back.

"Ha! Because it's the easiest way. Listen to others, even if it is murder, you can be justified!"


"What about your own thoughts! Don't you think of yourself!"

"No, this is the rule I made for myself, I have already decided! So..."

Before they finished speaking, they also noticed the changes in the outside world.It was dark outside, and gunshots sounded in my ears.

Suzaku suddenly exclaimed and looked behind her back.At this time, ZERO shouted again.

"Suzaku! It will really die if this goes on!"

It's not me, it's you!

"It's better than breaking the rules!!"

"You idiot, why don't you understand anything!"

(Do you want to die, do you want to abide by the rules? Then I just made you unable to do so!)

ZERO pressed one side of the mask with his hand and opened the baffle in front of one eye.


For a moment, Suzaku was attracted by his eyes.There was a wonderful red mark floating on it, like a bird flapping its wings and flying to the sky, got into his sight and distorted his world.

Then, ZERO spoke up.


At this moment, in the woods outside the bunker, Euphemia had already sensed the coming of the real crisis, which came from the man who gave the first-level order.There was no time to hesitate anymore, even to communicate with the commander above, Euphemia directly operated the Knightmare, speeding up and rushing out.

"Go away, Ant, you are in my way!"

Rushing arbitrarily into the retreating rogue in front of him, Boat·Man came to the bunker that had suddenly become empty and braked sharply.

Euphemia's actions have completely surpassed the limit that humans can reach. Before Knightmare has stopped steadily, she has turned on the cockpit exit button, and with the help of inertia, her petite body is like a flying pigeon. Flew out of the cockpit lightly.

At this moment, under the sandpit, Lelouch, who also flew out of Lancelot’s cockpit, saw the Suzaku sitting back in Lancelot, shouting "I want to live" at the communicator, proudly Laughed.

You who keep saying that you must obey the rules, but to survive, you violated the order. I will see what you do now, Suzaku!

The feeling of playing with people's hearts is really great, especially if a stubborn guy violates his own rules and ideas, the feeling of revenge is even more refreshing.

Lelouch, who was still in mid-air, looked back at the stupid woman who had rushed out of the red lotus pose and revealed her identity first-Karen Hongyue.However, at this moment, the worry on the other party's face has disappeared, and some have only a relieved smile.

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