Reincarnation of Lelouch Lamperouge

Reincarnation of Lelouch Chapter 362

Lu Lu Xiu, who fell back to the ground steadily, was about to scold this self-asserting subordinate, but after seeing Karen's wet eyes and the joy from his heart on his face, Lu Lu Xiu was about to blurt out The reproach turned into a sigh of doting.

"This stupid woman!"

He opened his hands and was about to hug Karen into his arms, and then flee this dangerous area.However, the sound of the wind blowing his skirt from the sky, and a familiar breath approaching quickly, made him raise his head.

Under the magnificent battleship, a girl in a beautiful dress opened her hands, hugged from the sky, and fell towards him.


Lelouch called out the other party's name in astonishment, ready to meet Karen's hands, and instantly changed direction.


Yuffi in the sky also called out the name of the beloved one below.

Then, the two people who opened their hands hugged tightly.

Karen, who was flying towards Lelouch originally, stopped abruptly after noticing the falling white figure above him.Then, watching that girl take her place.

At this time, he was one step ahead!Moreover, it is still the rumored Euphemia.

Karen was taken aback, and then thought of Cornelia from Narita Mountain.

Cornelia, Euphemia, this pair of sisters, turned out to be Lelouch...

However, the situation at this moment did not give Karen enough time to think.Just as Suzaku ran away against the order, Karen rushed to ZERO, and Euphemia plunged into Lelouch's arms from the sky for dozens of seconds.

A man of noble temperament standing on the air battleship lowered his hand holding the baton, his face looked very sad.

Then, from the inside of the opened hatch of the battleship, the two ominous red eyes shot out two huge artillery groups, which instantly engulfed the entire ground.

Chapter 285 Identity Revealed

At the moment of the explosion, unlike the Suzaku who was flying away in Lancelot but was blown away by the blast of air, Lelouch let go of his hands holding Yuphy and rushed to the astonished Karen. , Picked her up.Afterwards, the sky was submerged by the barrage, and Yuffi, who appeared above Lelouch and Karen as if moving instantaneously, gave a light wave of her slender hand, and that delicate palm slammed toward the barrage of the sky.

In an instant, a strong hurricane blew away all the first wave of barrage that hit them.

Then Lelouch jumped up with Karen in his arms, held hands with Yufi in mid-air, and left Shikine Island in the direction where Suzaku was blown up.However, in order to avoid the detection of the huge battleship above, Lelouch could only hold Yuphi and Karen, like the Suzaku who fell into the sea, and escaped under the sea.

Although I am not afraid of the battleship that can fly, whether it is for the military of Bunitania or the members of the Black Knights to see them flying, things can only get worse.

On the bottom of the sea, Karen, who hadn't completely turned into a hero, passed out in a coma.Lelouch could only choose to board a small island near Shigen Island, and then stopped here with Yuffi and Karen who had passed out in a coma.

However, after landing on the island, Lelouch realized that perhaps he chose to stay on this island because of fate.

He felt the will of the root cause on this small island that was inconspicuous, not even recorded on the map.

It's the door!

On this small island, there is a door.

The door to the C world!

Then Lulu Xiu guessed the real purpose of Shunizeer's trip.It wasn't about discussing the 11th district, nor was it to meet Euphemia, nor was it a temporary motive, but for the door.

Yes, when the battleship was in the air, Lulu Xiu felt the familiar aura inside.It's been a long time for eight years, the breath of Xiunizeer.The person who gave the order and gave the Black Knights a fatal blow was the man who had been defeated by him countless times.

It seems that Shunezer, who has received Clovis' legacy, finally got the ticket to join the game.

As Lelouch thought, he found a clean grassland in the woods on the island. After placing the unconscious Karen there, seeing that she didn’t seem to wake up, he left with Yuffi, who had been holding hands and never separated. Up.

Some things, some things, can’t be said and done here.

It was not long after Lelouch and Yuffi left hand in hand, about ten minutes.Karen, who had surpassed human physique, finally slowly opened his eyes.In her sight, what jumped into her eyes was the face of a small animal peeking out from the dense bushes and bushes.

Dark eyes hidden among the fluff.Pointy, cute front teeth.It's a chinchilla.And it seems to be wild, quite wary, looking like he really wants to but dare not approach.


Karen slowly propped up her body, and the chinchilla disappeared into the dense woods in an instant.

Are you hated?

Karen thought vaguely. In the next instant, a chaotic mind came to her senses as if a switch had been suddenly turned on. She hurriedly looked around.


The name subconsciously called out suddenly changed in the middle.

Calling ZERO's name a few times, Karen looked around cautiously, only to see the green woods and grassland, the lush scene, just like the forest where she went on an outing with her mother and brother when she was a child.

"Here...where is..."

This is not Shikine Island.

Karen's brain hadn't recovered its clarity, she could only think so blankly.If she is still on that island now, she should be able to feel the turmoil of the battle.But the neighborhood is calm.No shells were heard, nor the roar of Knightmare.

What is left is the sound of the tide hitting the island... Ah, the position of the sun doesn't seem to change much, that is to say, it hasn't been long, has it?Is it by the sea or...

Karen raised her hand and patted her cheek hard, making her mind clearer.Even if she had encountered so many things in a row, and just woke up from a coma, she couldn't think seriously.

After staring blankly at the scenery in front of him for a while, he didn't find the familiar figure Karen staggering up.The body didn't feel any special abnormalities, and energy and physical strength were quickly recovering. He had obviously held his breath in the water for so long, and moved forward at that speed beyond the speed of sound, without any discomfort.

Although I knew that my body was gradually strengthening in the process of H with Lulu Xiu, it was really surprising that he could reach this point.

However, remembering her memories before she comatose, just before her eyes, Yufimia's weak emperor flew up and slapped the bullets that could easily destroy the Knightmare.

Then, Lelouch flew out of Shikone Island with the two of them, and got into the bottom of the sea faster than sound.Then Karen's memory was interrupted, and she was already here when she regained consciousness.

With those two monsters, his physique is more like an ordinary human being.

Karen thought secretly, but now the point is not here, but-why would he lie here alone?How is the battle?Where are ZERO and the Black Knights?And Euphemia, how is she?

"What the hell happened?"

Karen murmured to herself, according to her guess, Lelouch should have brought her here.However, why not see him.Besides, there is Euphemia, is she there?

Compared with those things, Karen was obviously more concerned about Euphemia in her heart. After all, before that, she fell from the sky and snatched the embrace of her ZERO.

"That monster queen, she is so weak on the outside, but she is a monster beyond imagination!"

Using the "monster" twice in a row, together with the clenched fist when Karen spoke, is enough to show how deep in her heart she feels for Euphemia, who took Lelouch's embrace first.

At the end of the forest, there was an obvious fracture, and the bright light came from there.

Karen hesitated, and finally decided to go to Lelouch, no, it should be ZERO, even if it was Euphemia.Walking towards the light, there was a huge branch blocking his vision.And after she waved away it, the whole person was bathed in bright light.

Then, Karen was stunned for an instant.

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