Reincarnation of Lelouch Lamperouge

Reincarnation of Lulu Xiu Chapter 365


Seeing the two women who had put on their clothes and walked over with a smile, Lelouch coughed and began to analyze the current situation.

"What happened to us... Forget it, now I can't get any conclusions even if I think about it. The most important thing now is that we need to find a way to survive. We must first secure water, then food, fuel and camping. Land. Now we should solve these first."

"Then how do we ask for help? How about the wolf smoke that can be seen over Dianhai?"

Yu Fei innocently put forward her own suggestion, but judging from the red heart in her eyes, it simply felt that it was more fun.Indeed, the idea of ​​this genius originated from the recent introduction of a method used in war that was passed down to Japan in ancient China in order to understand Japanese culture.

Light the wolf smoke, do you think this is in ancient China?Moreover, it is not for help, but to remind the enemy of the arrival.

Lelouch slandered secretly and explained in a gentle tone in order not to disturb Yuphy's enthusiasm.

"You have to figure it out first, Yuffi. Even if the method you said goes smoothly, it is impossible for the three of us to be rescued at the same time, do you understand?"


Yuffi still did not give up.

"Because if the distress signal is found, no matter which party comes first, the other person will undoubtedly be arrested. You know?"

Karen patted her head with a headache and replied helplessly.

This seems to be very noble, but in fact she is a monster beyond phenomena. Maybe she is a rather naive fellow.I was able to come up with a way to light up wolf smoke, and I didn't even consider the future development.

"Yes, but..."

Under Karen's explanation, Yuffi finally woke up, and the expression on his face immediately fell.

"Yes, although what we are saying right now is a bit horrible, but it is inherently contradictory for the two of us to help each other like this. But this is also something that needs to be considered later. Only if we survive can we have the leeway to consider such things. In short, There are only three lost people here. Nothing else has anything to do with us. We will be able to regain each other's identities when Schonizel and the others come to this island. Before that..."


The bun on Yuffi's head was also sluggish and pulled down, and Lelouch and Karen couldn't help but look at it.

"However, it always feels like I'm back before. Do you remember? The forest near my mother's concubine's palace, we often go on expeditions with Nanali!"

"Yufie, I think now is not the time to remember the past."

"Haha, sorry."

But Euphemia's voice still sounded very happy, obviously in this embarrassing situation.

"Speaking of which, I always found the way home first."

"Because you always drag us around, completely ignoring the signposts I made desperately."

"But in the end we still went home safely?"

Euphemia replied clearly, Lelouch couldn't refute it because it was a fact.

"No, anyway, the distress signal is an issue that should be considered later. Now we should ensure food and water. I have found a river before, and there are plants nearby, and there should be something to eat. So I think I should make sure protein……"

"But this is an island in the sea."

"That said, it's impossible to catch fish with your hands."

"Do you want to make a fishing rod? Fortunately, there are many trees."

"Fishing, no. That requires skilled technology, but we are from the hunting nation of Bunitania, so we should seek protection from Mother Earth."

"Our ancestors don't seem to be hunting people..."

"It's not a problem, let's go back to the woods where I was before, maybe I can still find something."

Seeing the naive conversation between the naive brothers and sisters, Karen kept covering her mouth and laughing.What to hide, what to hide, what lies, after they plunged into their own world, they all forgot.

However, Karen didn't mean to expose it.Looking at the scene of the dialogue between the siblings, she seemed to feel their lives when they were young.

The three children were playing happily in the noble and gorgeous palace.

It turns out that Lelouch also has such a cute side, and Euphemia, which is completely different from what she knew from TV and before.When I was young, the other party turned out to be a very naughty little guy.


Suddenly, Karen felt that he was a lot closer to Lelouch and Euphemia.

In this wonderful atmosphere, the three returned to the forest. In fact, the ecology of this small island is almost exactly the same as that of the southern part of the 11th district, the small island where the old Japanese military base was once called Okinawa. In other words, it should be easy to catch prey.

However, after they entered the forest, the sound of the impact of the water coming from a distance made the three of them look surprised.

If it is a waterfall, there will be streams and fresh water!

On the small islands on the sea, food is almost nothing to worry about. Even the shellfish, fish and shrimp on the beach can become rich food.Only fresh water is the most critical.Of course, Lulu Xiu and Yu Fei are heroic spirits, so there is no problem with eating and drinking water, but Karen is different.

Moreover, the behavior that they were accustomed to suddenly changed, and it was indeed not suitable. As princes and princes, Lelouch and Yuffi were not the kind of people who would wronged them.

Two girls with very different temperaments on the left and right, but with exceptionally good temperaments, walked around. Lelouch didn’t feel as anxious as before. Instead, he tentatively hugged the shoulders of the two women and then pulled into his body. Starting little by little, caress the skin of the two girls through the clothes.

Finally, it is the sensitive part that women have long ago.

One is soft, the other is flexible, and the two different kinds of elasticity are very attractive, which makes Lelouch love it.

The waterfall was a little far away, so when they passed through the forest and saw the waterfall, Lelouch's hands had been smoothly resting on the two women's hips, pinching the two plump soft flesh.

When Lelouch and the others successfully arrived under the only waterfall on the island and took turns to wash their bodies in the clean fresh water river, the Suzaku who was washed to the shore by the sea water in the other direction also slowly opened his eyes.

Fortunately, the Vermillion Bird that fell into the sea after being blown up, followed the tide and rushed to the small island where Lulu Xiu stayed.

He was awake from the coma, he was obviously much more proficient than the three Xiaobai who lived in the wild from Lulu Xiu.After observing the surrounding situation, he quickly guessed his approximate location.

"Because the flowers and trees growing nearby are no different. The sunlight and temperature have not changed much. It should be not far from Rishine Island. It should be clearer if you can observe the position of the stars at night!"

I looked at the sea with no land in the distance, Suzaku and analyzed the current situation, as well as the next activities.

"The walkie-talkie is also lost. There is no means of communication. It is better to ensure the water source first to ensure that you can survive in the wild!"

From the direction of Suzaku, you can clearly see the waterfall hanging down from the hill in the forest.

However, at the moment Suzaku was heading, in the pond washed out by the waterfall, and three people got on the ground first.

Under the waterfall reflecting the sunset, sparkling and splashing water, but under the impact of the fierce water, there were three figures who did not care about the strong water at all and let them wash their bodies.

The bodies of the three white flowers are closely attached to each other, like a sandwich.

Lelouch was in the middle, holding Yuffi in his left hand and kissing her fiercely.And his right hand was placed on the head of Karen, who was squatting under him, and stroking her short fiery red hair gently.

The so-called blessing of all people is probably used to describe this situation!

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