Reincarnation of Lelouch Lamperouge

Reincarnation of Lelouch Chapter 366

Chapter 288 The Demon King, Princess, Witch, and Brave


Suddenly, Lelouch, who was enjoying the service of two beautiful girls with different temperaments, heard the sound of someone approaching from a distance.

"what happened?"

Yuphi and Karen raised their heads and looked at their man.But it was Yuffi who asked, because Karen was receiving the impact of a fiery torrent, and tried to swallow a drop of it.

"It's Suzaku, that lucky guy seems to have drifted to this island..."

"Cut, that cockroach's fate!"


Lelouch, who turned to look in the direction of the sound, suddenly heard an incredible gnashing of his teeth. The familiar tone made him look back quickly and looked at Yuffi in an incredible way.

However, what appeared before his eyes was a beautiful face with a gentle smile.

Is it an illusion?

Lulu Xiu shook his head.

Just at this moment, all the ignited energy had been vented into Karen's lips below, and after a few gentle rhythms, he pulled that part out.

"Okay, put on your clothes! We have to welcome our great knights!"

Caressing the cheeks of the two women, a cruel smile appeared on Lulu Xiu's face.

In the distance, the Suzaku, who pushed aside the bushes and headed towards the waterfall, suddenly felt a wave of strong malice and could not help but fought a cold war.

"Is it an illusion?"

With a whisper to himself, Suzaku moved on.However, just as he was about to walk through the forest, he could already vaguely see the splash of the waterfall through the gaps in the leaves.

"It's a fate to have to borrow somebody's words, Suzaku! You may be able to change it to a Suzaku cockroach, it won't die!"

Surrounding the rocks around the waterfall, a girl with short fiery red hair and wearing a black uniform that is incompatible with the surrounding environment suddenly jumped out of the water, like a beautiful black pearl.

The familiar voice, plus the face that the other party showed after falling on the rock.

"Karen! Isn't it... it's Karen Huydafelter from Ashford Academy. And that dress, from the Black Knights... is it really you?"

Suzaku looked at the very familiar girl in disbelief, who turned out to be a member of the Student Union, one of the eight nobles of Bunitania, and the eldest lady of the Soutafilt family, Karen Soutafelt.

By the way, it seems that when I was catching ZERO, I did hear Karen's voice vaguely.

However, the fact that Karen, who was frail and sickly and was also a great nobleman of Bunitania, turned out to be a member of the Black Knights, this fact is really incredible.

"Yes, it's so happy to see you so embarrassed! Why? As a soldier in Bunitania, do you want to arrest the only daughter of the Grand Duke of me?"

Now that he knew the true identity of Lu Le Xiu, Karen was not as nostalgic for the Japanese identity as before.Speaking of which, in the blood contained in her body, she had unknowingly turned towards Bunitania, the same race as Lelouch.Therefore, when introducing herself, Karen put herself in the position of a Bunitan for the first time.

She was a little hesitant at first, but after seeing Suzaku's expression of astonishment when she heard her words, Karen thought it seemed good.As the daughter of the Grand Duke, a noble of Bunitania and one of the eight famous gates, she actually joined the Black Knights against Bunitania.

Well, if you know the true identity of the leader ZERO, who is actually the prince of Bunitania, this matter doesn't seem so incredible.

Looking down at the sluggish Suzaku satirically, Karen warned in awe.

"Next, I can't let you go forward!"


Suzaku awakened from her lack of consciousness and asked subconsciously. Then, the panicked girl's cry for help from the waterfall made Suzaku wake up instantly.

"Father Yamei, help me, someone will rescue me... Suzaku, my knight, come and rescue me..."

Although there is a trace of panic and fear that cannot be concealed, the graceful voice and the simple and crisp tone still make people linger and impress, making people want to see the owner of this voice.

That must be a very gentle and beautiful princess!

"This voice belongs to Your Royal Highness Euphemia!"

An expression of surprise appeared on Suzaku's face, but then, a voice full of magnetism, but with a slightly deep voice, came from the waterfall behind the rock in the same direction.The tone and content drove him into the abyss of hell again.

"It's useless, this is an uninhabited island. Before the rescue comes, let me enjoy it! The Empress of Bunitania, I don't know how it is different from other women! Hahaha... ...I really want to see you begging for mercy under my crotch later, I can't wait!"

"Damn it, it's ZERO!"

How could Suzaku forget this man's voice, although it felt a little different, there was no doubt that behind the rock opposite, the lord he was going to protect, His Royal Highness Euphemia, was being insulted by an evil man.

Without hesitation, Suzaku rushed in the direction of Karen. This straight line was the fastest shortcut.If it were the frail and sickly eldest lady in the academy, she should not be able to stop herself.

However, the cruel facts shattered his wishful thinking.

The moment he approached the rock, the "frail and sickly" eldest lady Karen, at a speed that would be swift after being accelerated by him, seemed like a cheetah, suddenly appeared in front of him and stopped his direction.

"Stop it, Suzaku! I can't let you disturb Master Zero's interest!"

"Get out of the way, Karen!"

The lord is suffering from an unprecedented crisis, although the one in front is a friend of the Student Union, but at the same time the girlfriend of his best friend Lulo Xiu.However, even so, it is not as important as that person's position in his mind.

With a merciless punch, he smashed the beautiful face of Karen fiercely. Suzaku was like an angry bull, his nose exhaled a heavy breath, and his eyes were round, with a hint of blood red. .

That was the look in the eyes of a berserker who might run away at any time!

"Don't think about it!"

Karen snorted disdainfully, and also slammed a fist. His white hands were far less ferocious and huge than Suzaku.However, it was faster and accurately intercepted Suzaku's punch in mid-air.

Two fists with huge differences in size and color collided in the air, making a crisp sound.

This is the sound of a fracture.

It is not Karen, a weak and beautiful girl, but a Suzaku who is an elite male soldier.When his fist collided with Karen, it was crushed back by an incredible force, causing his phalanx and wrist to be misaligned.

Suzaku, who had a reflex nerve far beyond that of ordinary people, had a meal before it was too late to scream, and quickly avoided that incredible powder punch.

Aware of Karen's irresistible strange power, Suzaku immediately changed direction and chose another direction to break through.His purpose is to rescue the lord Euphemia, who has encountered the greatest crisis in life, and free her from the evil mob, the clutches of Zero.

However, Suzaku had forgotten that it was not only power, but Karen's speed and far surpassed him.

At the moment when she was wrong, Karen flew a kick and slammed it on the calf of Suzaku who had just smiled on her face, and the strange power that emerged again directly kicked and folded his left foot.Suzaku's body slammed hard and hit the rock in front of it heavily, and then fell to the ground by the reflected force.

Even so, Suzaku still endured the sharp pain in his right hand and left foot without saying a word, struggling to get up, over the rock that looked like a city wall.

On the opposite side is his lord, his goddess, his reason for existence.

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