Reincarnation of Lelouch Lamperouge

Reincarnation of Lulu Xiu Chapter 367

However, this persistence encountered a military boot that fell from the sky, and stepped heavily on the head he had just raised, and stepped him into the sand below.

"It just happened to be here, Suzaku!"

ZERO, who was arrogantly hugging Yu Fei's shoulders, walked over from the waterfall, looked at the Suzaku who was stepped on by Karen, and sneered and rubbed the opponent's lord's chest.


The disheveled Yufimia let out a scream, as if the big hand rubbing her chest made her feel a pain.

"ZERO, let go of Your Royal Highness Euphemia, what kind of ability to bully women, come at me if you have anything!"

Suzaku, whose head was stepped on the sand, rolled his eyes with difficulty, watching the goddess in his own mind being insulted wantonly by ZERO, and his heart was like a knife.

Suzaku's limbs rolled on the ground vigorously, trying to break free from Karen's foot on his head and save his lord.Unfortunately, Euphemia is the princess, ZERO is the devil, and Karen is the witch next to the devil, but he is not the brave who saves the princess.

His struggle, his resistance, in the eyes of the three of them, are so weak, so ridiculous, so stupid.

"Well said, Suzaku Shuque, what a wonderful expression! It's a pity that I don't have a mobile phone by my side, otherwise I can take it! Hahahaha..."

Seeing Suzaku who was stepped on by Karen but still did not give up like a cockroach, ZERO smiled triumphantly, and his big hand finally left Yuffi's shoulder.Then, at the moment when Suzaku had just raised a glimmer of hope, she slammed into the inner side of Yuffi's bra and pinched the wonderful softness.

"Father Yamei, ZERO! Save me, Suzaku, my knight, save me!"

The object of being frivolous, Her Royal Highness Euphemia, with a sad look on her face, looking for help at the Suzaku who was trampled by Karen, her exclusive knight.However, this pitiful, sad look in his eyes will only make Suzaku more self-blaming, more enlightened, and more painful to his bones, and life is better than death.

Chapter 289 The Mysterious Dialogue of CC


The miserable cry from the woods made Suzaku's heart broken, heartbroken, and desperate for death.

Taken away!

His goddess, his faith, the lord he swore allegiance, was possessed by a villain.

"Hahaha... it's the first time that I am the emperor of Bunitania. It's so cool and comfortable. Call more and make more noises! Ahahaha..."

Lelouch, who took off the mask, looked at Yu Fei, who had been completely brought into the role under her crotch, and violently broke into her body.The previous touch and intimacy had completely mobilized Yuffi's emotions, so the entry was very smooth.It's just because it was the first time that Yuffie felt an unspeakable pain at the moment the girl's purity was broken, from a girl to a woman.

In addition to the characters that were completely brought in, that cry, not all of them were acting.However, Yuffi, with tears in his eyes, not only did not have the slightest pain on his face, but was full of happiness and joy.

Finally...Finally became a person of Lulu Xiu!

The desire for more than ten years has finally come true. Even if she is brought into the forced role, even if there is still pain in the torn place below, it still can't stop the emotion that emerges from the depths of her heart.

It was full of love, pouring toward the male who was riding on the body and violently assaulting him.

With a faint groan of pain in his mouth, and a flowery smile on his face, Yu Fei carefully felt Lu Lu Xiu enter his body, twisting gently to make the two people bond more closely.Skilled friction and movements have brought supreme joy to both parties.

Just like the wonderful time they spent together in the Aries Palace eight years ago.

However, outside the woods where the two happily joined together, it was a completely opposite situation.From the violent woods, the excitement of laughter was accompanied by a clear bang, drowning the girl's painful moan.

"No, go away, go away! Help me,"

"Yes, more, and more help! No one will come back to save you, I won't let you fill all three small holes in your body with my liquid, and let you be pregnant with my baby! Bunny The empress of Tania is pregnant with the child of the eldest criminal ZERO, which must be very interesting! Hahahaha..."

In the woods, Lelouch vigorously thrust the noble and gentle emperor under him. With that flawless face and plump and sexy body, Lelouch couldn’t put it down, even if he was already infringing on the most important honey of women. Point, the male weapon is rampant in the opponent's womb, occupying the most important part of the girl.But Lelouch’s hands and mouth were still hungry and kissed and licked on Euphy’s smooth and soft skin, as well as sexy and seductive lips and chili milk, wishing to fully integrate himself into the other’s body or eat thoroughly. Drop each other.

It had only been eight years, and it was really amazing that Yuffi had grown to such a perfect level that the goddess would be jealous.Yu Fei, she is definitely enough to fight against the three most important people in Lelouch's heart, Nana Li, CC, and Lihua.If you only talk about the feelings brought about by the body, Yuffi will even rank first.

"Yufie, my Yuffi, why are you so cute, so beautiful, and so charming, I'm going to sink completely!"

Not just acting, Lu Lu Xiu has really turned into a beast.He wants to thoroughly eat the noble, elegant, beautiful, gentle and considerate Queen Yuffi.And as Luloxiu's more passionate assault and adultery against Yuffi, Yuffi, who felt his brother's heart, also screamed and shouted more pleasantly and comfortably.She stretched out her perfect body heartily, accepting Lelouch's thrusts and kisses.

It's great that my body can make my brother so infatuated.


The red-eyed Suzaku let out a roar like a dead dog, struggling frantically.The rope tied to his body frayed his clothes and tore his skin, making him a blood man soon.

But Suzaku didn't seem to feel any pain at all, he was like a wounded beast, roaring and struggling ceaselessly.

However, this is all in vain.

In the woods, the brutal atrocities continued.The same man who turned into a beast, galloping on the body of the noble emperor with excitement at this moment, the girl’s helpless sobbing, and the man’s excitement panting, complemented each other, deducting the evil of a perfect bow, although the woman did on site.

After hundreds of thrusts, Lelouch couldn't bear his desire, and shot an unprecedented huge amount of semen into Yuffi's body.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, Empress Euphemia, accept the injection of my semen, and then get pregnant with my baby!"


The wild laughter of the abominable man and the girl's suppressed gasp sounded in the woods almost at the same time, like countless stings, piercing the body and soul of the tied knight.

"Hahaha... come again, tonight, I'm going to play with every skin of your body, and use my semen to fill every corner of your body, your lips, your small holes, your chrysanthemum, you Little by little. The noble Princess Euphemia, completely become a sex slave under my cock! Hahaha..."

The second round of war began again, and this night was spent in the breath of two men who turned into beasts, and the helpless sobbing of a noble girl.

By the way, after an injured man fainted because of the heart-piercing pain, another red-haired girl in charge of guards used a rough whip made of cane and slammed it on On his face, wake him up and continue to listen to the song of bliss, or the song of hell, played by the man and woman.

The first day of the uninhabited island, just like that passed, compared to Lelouch, Euphemia, and Karen, who were enjoying the happiness and joy of the island’s field trips, as well as the unhappy ones, were tied and hanged. The Suzaku, suffering endless torture under the waterfall, is on the other side, but it is completely indifferent.


Standing in the shadow of the corridor, CC grumbled impatiently.

"It's all because of your pranks that caused me so much trouble-what? I was saved in the end? Don't be so great, this is just your evil taste, right?"

CC is now in the submarine, which is owned by the Black Knights.After yesterday's Shikine Island incident, he got rid of the pursuit of the Bunitanian army and is now quietly diving into the deep sea.

"So, how many people are in the end?... Hehe, do Lelouch and the emperor still have the Suzaku?"

There is no one beside CC standing in the corridor, but CC is obviously not talking to herself, but talking to someone other than herself.But she didn't hold anything like a telegraph or mobile phone in her hand.

"Even Karen is on that island? Your hobby is getting more and more disgusting. It's like a voyeur..."

But CC did not say this sentence.

Now the submarine she was on was in great chaos like the entire Black Knights, which was justified.Because as the commander-in-chief, Lulu Xiu and the second deputy leader Karen are still missing.

All this happened on Shikine Island, when the sudden appearance of the Bunitanian Air Force dropped a large number of bombs on the Knightmare troops of the Black Knights below, causing a devastating blow.A total of fifteen Knightmare units were lost during this period.Although most drivers used emergency escape devices and not many people died, most of them were already injured.

Similarly, although the large devices of radiation jamming transmitters can be recovered, the magnetic field generators used on land have been completely destroyed.

This can almost be called a disastrous defeat, and the reason why the Black Knights did not fall into a disintegrating situation and was able to maintain a certain formation to retreat from the front of the Bunitanian army was all thanks to Fujitang who commanded the scene.

He reorganized the teammate who was nearly half injured, and then used ECM to block the radio waves, and carried out blasting interference to nearby radio waves by remote operation, effectively preventing the enemy from using the island terrain to track.And using all the means around him, while resisting the strong offensive of the enemy ships, he commanded his companions to retreat in an orderly manner.On the way, he even recovered the Red Lotus II, which lost its driver and part of its body.

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