Reincarnation of Lelouch Lamperouge

Reincarnation of Lelouch Chapter 368

If there is no Fujitang, perhaps the entire Black Knights will be destroyed in this battle!

But even if Fujido tried his best, he could not find ZERO and Karen.No, this is inherently impossible.Because after the first wave of bombs hit, the figures of these two people had disappeared from Fujitang's eyes.

When desperate calls for help were all around, the two figures appearing on the Knightmare sensor undoubtedly gave everyone hope for their survival.But afterwards, ZERO and Karen, who were at the center of the explosion, disappeared, and even the Knightmare they were driving disappeared.The place where they were originally has been reduced to ashes.

And no one found their bodies or remains there.What is more suspicious is the subsequent actions of the Bunitanian army.They don't seem to be enthusiastic about chasing the Black Knights, which is one reason Fujitang can lead everyone to retreat successfully.

However, what are the plans of the Bunitanian military?Why would they let the enemy so easily this time?

Fujitang was full of doubts, of course, in the Black Knights, no one knew.The second person second only to ZERO was announced to the face that after he left, the mysterious girl who had the greatest command over the Black Knights—CC, and the technical development officer—Laxata, all knew the actual situation. .

But they didn't tell everyone in the Black Knights, not only because no one raised her, nor did the two of them think it was a big deal.Moreover, even if she explained the situation to everyone, probably no one would believe it.

Now for the members of the Knights, there is probably nothing more important than believing that ZERO and Karen are alive and finding a way to find them.Of course, the two of them are indeed still alive.

Now, the Bunitanian army seemed to be desperately searching for something.Speculation inside the Black Knights might be looking for the Lancelot.Not just because of its military use as a weapon, but because it was ZERO and Suzaku who drove it at that time!

Because after its disappearance, its wreck was not found, the Bunitanian army even gave up chasing the enemy and chose to find this Lancelot first.

But the facts are very different from the Black Knights' speculation, because now the Bunitanian army is desperately looking for, it is not ZERO, but the third empress Euphemia who disappeared with ZERO and Karen at the same time.

So now this submarine is planning to wait for the opportunity to escape the tracking net of the Bunitan Army and look for Karen and ZERO.For CC, it is better not to break their dreams than to cause commotion, so she remained silent.

"But I still trouble you to think about it..."

With that, CC put his hands on his chest unhappily.

"As a result, what you did did not help us at all! I don't care what happens to the other three people and the Black Knights, but you will only make me trouble. Even if you plan to create space for them to be alone, you don't have to be so troublesome. !"

At the other end of the corridor came the footsteps of other people, probably members of the Black Knights.

CC lowered his voice and said:

"All in all, because of you, both me and him are in trouble. The price is very high... You can listen to me clearly. I am not interested in that island, and I don't want to go there. You want to go there. Do whatever you want, but don't get Lelouch and me involved. He is now my man, and as for you, he probably has his memory!"

"Oh, what, dissatisfied? But you made it yourself, our child, Nanali! She is doing very well now. As for you, just destroy it with Charuru!

"Hehe, there is no regret about taking medicine in the world. I don't know what kind of expression Lulo Xiu, who entered the world of C, looked like when he saw you!"

"Surprise, surprise, or..."

Chapter 290 The "Guardian" Knight

The knife in the shape of a cute little pocket is a substitute for a pistol in a sense, but of course it is not Suzaku.It belonged to the unhappy girl sitting in front of him.

The sharp blade flipped dexterously in her hand, and then flashed a silver light, accurately cutting the rope that hangs Suzaku upside down under the waterfall.

Then, with a crash, the untied Suzaku fell heavily into the pond below.The re-opened wounds again oozes traces of blood, which dyes the pond red.But soon, the water from the waterfall washed away and disappeared.

The cold water shook, Suzaku's dizzy brain recovered a little sober, and he staggered up from the pond.However, his current body and physical strength can only maintain this basic action. It is impossible to go to the grass in front to rescue Euphemia from ZERO's hands.

It was already the second day, and the moaning and gasping that lasted all night finally stopped before dawn, and Karen, who had been guarding the Suzaku, also slowly fell asleep.It is impossible for Suzaku to escape now like this.

Also, after being severely beaten continuously, coupled with the bruises on the body caused by the cane, and the trauma in the heart, Suzaku finally fell asleep poorly after the sound of that hell ceased.Then, until the sun rose and found this waterfall hidden in the forest, he slowly woke up.

The first thing Suzaku who woke up saw was Yufimia with a gaunt face and disheveled clothes by the stream, and ZERO, who was holding her body from behind, placing her on her lap and moving up and down.

From the occasional unbearable gasp from the girl's cherry lips, and the crimson skin, everyone can guess that under the skirt, the sex organs of the two are absolutely connected.Yesterday was just a voice, but today, it was in the presence of Suzaku, insulting his lord.


The sound of gnashing teeth awakened the men and women who were doing adult activities over there.

However, ZERO turned to Suzaku with a masked face, while Yufimia bit her lips tightly and dropped her head deeply.

"Remember what you promised me!"

Then, a slightly inaudible voice floated over, just in the ears of Suzaku whose consciousness was gradually recovering.

"Of course, as long as you obey my words, I will stop torturing your knight and give him food!"

ZERO pressed Euphemia forcefully, pushing herself tightly against her deepest point, and infused all her essence into the girl's lower abdomen, the space that nurtures life.

This conversation between the demon king and the princess clearly told Suzaku that he could be put down and the reason why Karen threw the dirty raw meat on the muddy ground by the river.

It was the lord he should guard, Her Royal Highness Euphemia, who used her body as a sacrifice to the demon king.

"His Royal Highness, I am not worthy of you!"

The Suzaku, who had just walked ashore, couldn't bear it anymore and knelt heavily on the mud ground, crying.

Seven years later, since that fate-changing night, Suzaku has cried again and burst into tears.

The man does not flick when he has tears, but he is not sad!

But the current Suzaku is more than sad. He has surpassed the limits of consciousness and pain. If death can be liberated, he would have chosen to commit suicide long ago.However, he knew it was impossible, he could not do that.

In that case, who will rescue Your Highness Euphemia, as long as you live, there is hope!

Therefore, Suzaku can only use crying and tears to vent the unspeakable pain and sadness in his heart.

"Suzaku, my knight, please don't be so! The knight is to protect the lord, but the lord, shouldn’t the lord protect his knight! This is the duty of being a noble man! I have been making self-willed demands at the back, always letting you Protect me, now, it's my turn to protect you!"

"Oh, it is so great, I am really touched! The bond between the lord and the knight!"

ZERO's hands left Yufimiya's soft waist, but Yufie, who had lost her restraint, did not leave the thighs of the man who used violence to force a certain part of his body into his most sacred place.

If you leave now, Suzaku will be tortured and beaten endlessly!

It stands to reason that this is what I think, but...

(It’s so happy to be able to stay with the emperor brother all the time! Suzaku, you still have a bit of use, hahaha... more painful, the more painful you are, I can get more love from the emperor brother! Suzaku, This is the only purpose of your existence!)

Feeling the flow of heat injected into his body by Lelouch, two Euphemias, one black and one white, united the will, and felt the passionate love injected into the body by the beloved.

Behind her, ZERO said, and put the two hands that left Yufimia's waist into her chest and under the dress, causing the noble empress to make a rude voice again.

"It's a lovely voice. I have been doing it all night, and I have hardly been separated until now. It seems that your body has begun to accept me! Next, until the rescue comes, I will always love you well, I believe that in a few months, I will hear that an unmarried emperor is pregnant! Hahaha..."

In this burst of triumphant laughter, Suzaku ate the raw meat mixed with mud and tears into his stomach.

The life of the boy named Shuki Suzaku no longer belongs to him since just now.It was a noble goddess named Euphemia Li Bunitania.

I want to live!

At this moment, Suzaku's desire to survive was stronger than ever.

The night fell unexpectedly early.

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