Reincarnation of Lelouch Lamperouge

Reincarnation of Lelouch Chapter 371

In the dim sea, the submarine moved forward slowly.

"Is this location really okay? It's the opposite direction from Shikine Island..."

After being asked by the deputy commander of the Black Knights to fan, CC in straitjacket shrugged slightly.

"I just said there is such a possibility. It is your business whether or not to adopt my opinion."

"No, I didn't mean that! ZERO has already said that when he is away, you are the only one who has the full command of the Black Knights!"

Fan waved his hand in a panic and explained quickly.The aura from CC is really too strong. As an ordinary person, he does not have the confidence to stand upright in front of this mysterious girl.

CC smiled arrogantly, but looked at the distribution of Shengen Island on the strategic dashboard.

"But this is at least better than staying on the bottom of the sea without moving, I can only say that. If the man and Karen do anything during the escape, but you are not nearby, it is meaningless. "


Fan Yao, as well as all the cadres of the Black Knights, were all silent.Why ZERO gave CC such a large authority, they understood a little bit at this moment.

At the same time, on the other side of the coast, a search of huge floating warships also came to Shengen Island, breaking the tranquility of this uninhabited island.

"Aha, that's it..."

A member of the Special Dispatch Guide Technology Department, Major Lloyd Asbrud looked at what was in front of him and suddenly laughed wildly.

The gaze under his glasses is staring at the bare ground, but this piece of land is not a simple fracture, but almost cut off by something. This is by no means a naturally formed fault.Its central part and both sides formed a huge door-like shape.If you explore the depths of the ground where it is, the force that can form this fault has almost surpassed the limit of common sense that technology can reach.

In the light projected on it in the middle of the night, countless wonderful engravings flashed in this door-like place, seeming to have come to a distant age of mythology.

"This is indeed a supernatural phenomenon that has never been seen before."

Although his voice sounded the same as usual, Lloyd rarely used honorifics.After hearing his words, the tall man beside him couldn't help but smile.

"Youphi and Shumu should be nearby, at least on this ruined island, so that the subordinates can start searching."

"Yes, yes, that is to say..."

A golden light flashed in Lloyd's frame, and he glanced sideways at the man who seemed very happy.

"That is to say, your Royal Highness should have a certain level of expectation before ordering the firing of the gun? Oh, isn't this an accident? It turns out that Knightmare, which disappeared from the scene, is only in Shigen. Is it just on the edge of the island?"

"You fellow, you are so rude!"

It was the soldier opposite the man who spoke out.He is much shorter than the average man. He is a middle-aged man with a beer belly and a round head. He is more like a priest than a soldier, but he has a gleaming general badge on his chest. .

"In what mood did Your Highness give such orders! You know, there is still the presence of Your Highness Euphemia there. The protests and warnings over the past few days will probably break the communication!"

Lloyd’s tone was a little rude. He didn’t believe that Schnauzer would not know that Euphemia was underneath. The network of relations behind that His Royal Highness was too huge. Although the connection was lost, once It really happened.

At least half of the Zodiac will besiege this highness.


The man stopped the general's roar.Then, as his smile faded, haze began to appear on his sculpture-like face.

"I don't want to explain more about this. But it is indeed a kind of gamble. I also feel sorry for Shumu, but I didn't expect Yuphi to be involved! Fortunately, she seems to be fine, otherwise I am afraid it is true. Apologize with death!"

Schonezer EI Bunitania.

This is the name of the man, the second prince and prime minister of the sacred Bunitania Empire.Although the power of the prime minister is not as good as before in the implementation of the emperor's regime, he has replaced the rumored first prince who was too mediocre and became the most powerful right-handed figure of Emperor Chalulu, and the voice of becoming the next emperor is also Quite high.

However, Euphemia’s disappearance has caused a storm in the 11th district and the mainland of Bunitania.Of course, this is only the news spread among the upper few people, and it is this few people who represent the entire Bunitanian Empire.

If it weren't for the identity of Cornelia or even Euphemia, and the true identity of ZERO, perhaps the squad would have been sent back from Africa to save his sister on Shengen Island.

Even so, Cornelia, as the governor of the 11th district, also sent extremely harsh words and warnings to his emperor brother, the imperial prime minister Shunaizer.I am afraid that because of this incident, Shunizeer's voice may lose a lot of points.

But what does this have to do with him!

"Ah, Your Highness..."

The middle-aged male general was full of apologies. It seemed that the protests his Highness received in the past few days were his own responsibility.

"But I think Major Shumu himself is not the kind of person who can complain! Only Your Highness Euphemia, that's your own family affair!"

Unlike the middle-aged man who looked moved, Lloyd still commented in a calm tone.

"The question is, what would the other person think?"

Lloyd already knew about Lelouch's existence, and the link that connected Euphemia's network of connections had emerged. Once he stepped up, no, maybe he had already stepped up, but it might have been hidden in the dark.

The only man who defeated Shunizeer had been dormant for seven years.There is a Chinese saying-if you don't fly, you will be soaring; if you don't cry, you will be a blockbuster!

Shunizeer, His Majesty the Supreme Emperor, may be in danger!

Since half a year, a series of events have happened in the 11th district, let Royd vaguely feel that a storm is brewing towards Bunitania.No, maybe not only Bunitania, but also this world and this era.

Rebirth, or destruction!

"Yeah, I don't want Yuphi to be frightened again. But her safety is more important than this, so we must first ensure the safety of both of them."

"I seem to hear a lot of interesting words."

As he spoke, Lloyd couldn't help muttering in his heart.

"This guy still hasn't changed!"

Even if you shed tears, you have to endure the pain to complete your plan, and you will shed tears and regret the heartache for those who were sacrificed.Hypocritical kindness, or delayed confession, a combination of contradictions, using these words to describe the man in front of him, I am afraid it is not complete.

After the Shikine Island incident, Lloyd boarded Schonage’s airship and came here with him.This island was once called "Shengen Island" in military information, a name that Royd had never heard of.This is not surprising, because this small island, which was originally an uninhabited island, did not have an official name, and now it can have a name, it is just for one reason.

That is, the remains under this land have been gradually discovered by the military in recent years. In addition, the nearest island is Shikine Island. For these two reasons, this unknown island was named Shenne Island. !

Looking at the vast void underground, Lloyd couldn't help shaking his head in surprise.

"In other words, in order to investigate this ruin, His Royal Highness left the Tokyo headquarters and came to the nearest Shikine Island, right?"


Xiunazeer returned to his usual look and nodded.

"Father is also very concerned about this place, and once told me that if there is a chance, he must develop it."

"But I still don't know. This is too far from my expertise. Ancient civilization and supernatural phenomena should come to Cecil! She is better at this kind of stuff."

Lloyd put his hands in his pockets, while walking, looking at this mysterious space.

"Don't be so unwilling! Today is not to clarify everything, just to investigate, right, Bartley!"

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