Reincarnation of Lelouch Lamperouge

Reincarnation of Lelouch Chapter 372

"Yes, the same ruins have been found in several places in the world. Except for the one I found, all places are set as royal forbidden places. Although it is speculation, the invasion plans of various countries may be targeted at these places!"

"So, in order to analyze these mysterious areas, did Gawain's Druid system be used? Use an unadjusted prototype body!"

Shunizeer glanced at the right hand side, where the height of the wall ceiling makes it hard to imagine an underground cave.But in it there was a huge shadow that almost reached the top of the hole.The appearance is human, it looks a lot like the Knightmare, but it is much larger than it, almost twice the size of a normal Knightmare, the entire body is black, with a huge turret on both shoulders.

"That's why I found you. I don't think I need to stick to theoretical analysis. Isn't there a precedent for the successful use of unfinished particle cannonballs? Although this has involved you in an unexpected situation..."

"Aha, I seem to be a little hard-earned."

The cannonball attack that smashed the Black Knights on Shikine Island was fired from the shoulder of this Knightmare, a powerful hadron cannon.

Chapter 293 Captures Gao Wen's Outlying Islands

There is a small hill in the center of the island, and at this moment, ZERO and his party, who were supposed to live a leisurely camping life on the island, are looking for a way to go to the hinterland of the island.

The four people, ZERO, who was walking in the front with Euphemia, walked behind them, and dragged the tied captive Karen of Suzaku with a rope.

At dawn, Lelouch and Yuffi, who were hugging each other and bathing under the waterfall, clearly felt the bright light approaching from a distance, and then fell on the center of the island.

That location is exactly where the door that Lelouch felt.

Don't think about it, Lelouch and Yuffi also guessed that Shunezer was here.For the arrival of Shunezer, the feelings of the kidnappers and the kidnapped are exactly the opposite.

He kidnapped Euphemia and violently assaulted her ZERO. I felt very happy.He was finally able to get rid of this primitive life, and he was very interested in the body that instantly defeated the Black Knights.

On the contrary, as a victim, Euphemia was very regretful and disappointed.

With ZERO, to be precise, the happy life with Lelouch is about to end.Before Karen and Suzaku woke up, Euphemia seized the time and asked Lelouch almost uncontrollably. It was not until the sun rose and Suzaku was ready for breakfast, and he reluctantly took Lelouch's body. He climbed up and down, and put on the underwear that he hadn't worn for two days and nights again.

After having a leisurely breakfast that was not too delicious, ZERO, who knew that the opponent was an enemy, made the decision to move towards the hinterland of the island.Of course, what is said about Karen and Suzaku.

The search team, whether it is Bunitania or the Black Knights, is an opportunity for the ZERO team who was killed.

Deliberately avoiding the guarded front, ZERO they came to the highest point from the back mountain.However, after opening the woods, what appeared on the opposite side of the grass was a huge rock, which was very flat, like a man-made place in the mountain.

If you look closely, you can also see the faint V-shaped mark from this flat stone slab.

Is it connected to the following?

Lelouch secretly said, from this place, looking through the gap of the leaves, you can vaguely see the Knightmare troops guarding outside.What should be resolved now is to create an opportunity to use GEASS.

"Did you see it? Euphemia, your luck is good, it was Bunitania's troops who came first!"

Gently pushing aside the bushes, ZERO pointed at the knights of Bunitania below and sneered.He squeezed the emperor's chest with his hand, and seemed to vent that the enemy who arrived first was the enemy, not his own knights.

Suzaku at the back also noticed the colleagues below. Although he did not speak, the flame of hope was already ignited in his eyes. As long as Yufimia can leave ZERO and attract the attention of the soldiers below, he has the opportunity to let it go. His Royal Highness Euphemia is out of danger.

However, there is only one chance, and it is very slim, and even his life is required, but Suzaku still has no fear.If his own life can make Euphemia get rid of the current situation.

He gave his life without hesitation, because now he no longer has that reserved qualification.

Suzaku's concentration has been raised to its limit. With lighter footsteps than a cat, darker movements than a snake, and a humble posture than a mouse, he moved in the direction of Karen and ZERO.

However, just as Suzaku approached, no. To be precise, it was the moment when his feet stepped on the slate, standing on the slate with ZERO, Euphemia, and Karen.Suddenly, the ground under their feet vibrated violently.


I don't know who exclaimed first, but at this moment, Lelouch felt an abnormal pressure in his eyes.


The geass pattern appeared in that eye despite Lulu Xiu's will.No, the place where the pattern appears is not only his pupils, but also his feet.The blood-red and enchanting light, from the rocks on the ground, emerged a picture of the phoenix spreading its wings that could not appear in reality.

"This, what is this--"

At the moment when Lelouch spoke, the rock also began to sink slowly following the earthquake. Amidst the red light, the figure of a child entered their minds.

A child with long blond hair who was sneer, that indifferent but cold smile.

At the same time, under the stone slab, there was a person who exclaimed exactly the same.

"Hey...what is this?"

Lloyd could not help but let out a rare exclamation. Although he didn't pay much attention to it at first, when he combined the black Knightmare, the body named Gawain with the material in his hand, and began to analyze the body, the abnormality began. Displayed on the monitor, the graph of the entire screen began to fluctuate sharply.

"It shouldn't be my problem..."

As if to prove his words, the entire underground cave shook.Suddenly a huge rock appeared on the roof of the cave at the exit, slowly falling towards the working site, and four figures appeared on it.

"Major Shumu? And...ZERO!"

There is also the third empress Euphemia and another person who has never met.

Although it happened suddenly, when the soldiers at the scene noticed ZERO's mask, they all took out their guns. At this time, the barrel belly General Bartlett stood up and stopped talking.

"Bastard! Your Highness Euphemia is on it! Put your guns away! First of all, make sure your Highness is safe!"

The soldiers all obeyed Barlett's instructions and temporarily put down their guns and walked towards the rock. Of course, Lelouch and Kallen, who were in chaos, quickly recovered.At this time, Suzaku, who was already ready to go, knocked away from the side the ZERO that had released Yuffi because of the fall.

Then in the next second, he was overtaken by Karen, kicking in the air, and hitting a distant rock hard.Suzaku couldn't help vomiting a few mouthfuls of blood due to the tremendous power, but he quickly struggled to get up and rushed towards his lord, like a beast that didn't know fear and fear.

Shouting while running.

"Your Royal Highness Euphemia, run away!"


Karen, who kicked Suzaku, didn't grab Yuffi, but came to an somersault after being hit and flew, and landed firmly beside ZERO behind.

In Karen's cry, ZERO quickly observed the surroundings, and immediately saw the huge black Knightmare standing on the ground with his knees bent behind him.

Is that the way Shunezer defeated the Black Knights' body!It is huge, but now is not the time to consider this.It seems to be starting now, and there is no one in the open cab!

"Karen! Cover me!"

"I know!"

The soldiers began to approach the rock gradually. In order to temporarily force them back, Karen took something out of her arms and threw it down.In an instant, dazzling light burst out all around.It was an ultra-small flash bomb, which instantly disturbed the sight of the soldiers wearing the underground working light mirror.

Then, Karen once again showed his skills far beyond human beings.


Suddenly appeared in front of a soldier who climbed up, she slapped him on the chest with a backhand, snatched his gun, and then kicked the person below.The moment she held the gun, she did not hesitate to fire at the soldiers who were catching up.

However, many soldiers rushed up from other directions, and they stopped in front of Euphemia, who was at a loss.

"Quickly, everyone form a human wall to protect Your Highness Euphemia!"

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