Reincarnation of Lelouch Lamperouge

Reincarnation of Lelouch Chapter 373

The soldiers used machine guns to attack Karen, who was slaughtering their colleagues, while using their bodies to block any bullets that might fly to Euphemia behind them.At this time, Lelouch had boarded the black Knightmare and entered the cockpit smoothly.

After sitting in the driving position, Lulu Xiu's eyes widened in surprise at the unexpected sight before him.

"What, this Knightmare is... Gawain?!"

You understand as soon as you enter the cockpit.This is by no means an ordinary Knightmare.And it is completely different from the main aircraft Sutherland and the old Glasgow commonly used by the Bunitan army.Frankly speaking, even Lelouch could not fully understand its full function in this situation.But he is very clear.

This is the latest model. This Knightmare is now the most cutting-edge product in Bunitania, as you can see from its display.Lulu Xiu manipulated the controller in his hand to start.Although this was based on his previous experience, most of the Knightmare activation actions were roughly the same.

Although its operation method was very different from the ordinary Knightmare, Lelouch's fingers were able to break through the limits of human beings and became familiar with the general operation of this machine in just five seconds.

This machine is more complex than any Knightmare that Lelouch can recognize. In his intelligence, there is no news about this machine at all, even if it is as high as the Dragon Knight. difference.But what is needed now is not fighting, just being able to move and using weapons.

However, this machine is really great, great!

Ha ha……

Lulu Xiu couldn't help smiling. This time he really picked up a treasure. The life on the uninhabited island this time can be said to be a bumper harvest.

And at this moment, he looked at the owner of the Gaowen, Schonizel, who was standing below, surrounded by soldiers.

"Xunazer, you who have already received the admission ticket, don't let me down! Hahaha..."

Similarly, looking at the active Gawain, Schneizel did not have the slightest fear, but stared at the position of the cockpit with interest.

"That is the legendary ZERO!"

At this time, Lelouch had unplugged the cable connecting the external body and quickly closed the entrance.He squeezed the joystick tightly according to the instructions on the display. Instead of getting up in a hurry, he operated Knightmare and extended his right hand.

"Hurry up, Karen!"


Karen dodges the bullet that flew towards him lightly, jumped onto Gawain's palm, and squatted on his shoulders.In this process, occasionally even if a few bullets reflected off the ground and hit her, they only penetrated her clothes and then bounced away by the smooth skin under her.

But this detail was not noticed by the enemy in the fierce battle, except for Lloyd, who was pushing his glasses and watching the development from the beginning.

"The same person as Euphemia, Cecil!"

He whispered in a voice that no one could hear.

Everything happened in an instant, and Lulu Xiu who was riding on Gao Wen and Karen, who was standing on Gao Wen's shoulder, clutching one of the raised parts, had already begun to leap towards the entrance of the cave.

"ZERO, there is an enemy aircraft Sutherland in the forward direction!"

Of course, Lu Lu Xiu in the cockpit has confirmed the situation of the other party through the display.This is the Knightmare, the main force of the Bunitanian Army, with three in total.

"Be calm, Karen, be careful when I launch."

After reminding Karen to pay attention through the loudspeaker, Lelouch held the switch of the joystick, and then.


The black Knightmare gave off an ominous fiery red light on both shoulders, and two high-heat rays flew out instantly.Although this can exert great power for opponents with heavy armor, it is meaningless if the accuracy is not enough.The condensed red light spread at the moment of separation, crushing the rocks near the entrance of the cave.

"Cut! The weapon is not fully formed yet?"

Rock fragments began to fall from the shattered cave roof, and Karen outside the machine smashed all the rocks that fell on her, complaining.

"ZERO, what are you idiot doing!"

"It's not my fault, don't worry, it will be fine again, it won't kill you anyway, just treat it as a mole!"

Lelouch's answer subconsciously also used a funny metaphor.Hearing what Lelouch said, Karen could only vent all his depression on these rocks and knock them all away.It seemed that it was not a hard rock, but Lelouch's nasty face.

However, although some obstacles were created, the attack somewhat gave the enemy a certain degree of deterrence, and Sutherland's formation that blocked the exit began to be chaotic.Seeing this opportunity, the black Knightmare broke through in one breath.

Outside the underground cave, Sutherland was already waiting in the sun.

"ZERO, is the enemy's reinforcement!"

After finishing the gophers, Karen reminded loudly when he saw Sutherland who was waiting outside.

"Don't worry, the other function should work! Pray, Karen, it's not the kind of person who prays for Shunezer!"

In the cockpit, Lelouch smiled carelessly, and jerked the joystick upward.On Oh Gawain's back, four wings of light like butterflies opened in an instant.It had been walking swiftly on the ground and stood up in an instant. After crossing the enemy plane's shooting range, it still flew into the air without slowing down, as if it was completely free of gravity.

"Fly, fly! Knightmare actually..."


Amid Karen's astonishment and Lelouch's presumptuous laughter, Gao Wen disappeared into the air.

"Ah, Gawain! Our Gawain..."

Bartley, who had crawled out of the cave, uttered a desperate cry from the sky.But behind him there is a person who is as steady as a mountain.

"This is the so-called bad things, Bartlett, this is not your responsibility, after all, it is just a trial machine!"

"But, but, Your Highness..."

"In that situation, no one can do anything about it. By the way, is he ZERO? I didn't expect to meet him here."

Of course, the imperial prime minister, the second prince Shunezer, followed Bartlet out of the cave.He looked up at the sky where ZERO went away easily, squinting his eyes, as if thinking about something.But only for a short time, Shunizeer withdrew his thoughts and turned back with a smile.

"But it is already very fortunate that the two are safe. This is a great thing. Compared to this, taking a Knightmare is nothing at all."

Xiunazer gently watched Yuffi who came out of the cave, and the messed up behind her, and the Suzaku who had been beaten and tortured at a glance.

"Brother Xiunazer!"

"Yufie, I'm sorry I am late."

Facing the gentle smile of Shunezer, Euphemia also smiled back.

"I'm very sorry to worry you, Brother Huang."

"No, this incident is my responsibility, I think no matter what I do, I can't make up for it."

"Where, brother..."

But just when Euphemia wanted to say something, suddenly an officer came and stood behind Shunezer.

"His Royal Highness, please follow the scheduled plan..."

I don't know why, there was a slightly troubled look on Xiunazer's face.Euphemia also looked surprised.

During this time, the officer had passed Euphemia and Shunezer and came to someone.

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