Reincarnation of Lelouch Lamperouge

Reincarnation of Lulu Xiu Chapter 374

"Major Shuki Suzaku, please come with me. Now we suspect that you violated the second military rule."


Suzaku was silent.


Euphemia turned her head back in shock, her face suddenly changed.

"Wait a minute! He is my knight! You have no power..."

But Shunizeer reached out to stop Yuphy and shook his head gently.

"Even if you stop it now, it will be the same afterwards, so it's better to do it now..."

"Then, that, what is going on!"

Unsure of what to do, Euphemia cast his helpless eyes on Lloyd beside him, but the other party just shook his head slightly.

Chapter 294 Losing the Heart

The black stain on the wall is the meaning of this room.

The windows lined with iron bars do not consider the comfortable and beautiful cement floor at all.These alone are enough to cause despair and anxiety for those who are locked in.What's worse is this dirty wall that was deliberately neglected to clean.The stains on it are all blood stains.

What happened here and what will happen in the future?

The nightmare is swelling. As far as the arrested prisoner is concerned, as long as he sees this wall, he will have the idea of ​​confessing all the crimes, even if it is not the crime he committed, even if it is an unwarranted fault.

But if the crime is true!

It's like the scarred, weak and pale boy inside.He closed his eyes and sat alone in this small dark room.

There was no expression on the childish face, and the pupils were extremely absent.Although he was not forced to be shackled, his hands and feet remained motionless.In the dimly lit room, he, Suzaku, just stared at the stained wall, searching for lost memories.

The first place where Suzaku, who was detained by the gendarmerie of Shikinejima, was taken to was the headquarters of Shikinejima.In retrospect, when I came to the island with Euphemia and others, he was immediately attacked by ZERO and the Black Knights.Therefore, this is the first time he has stepped into the headquarters.

The base commander sent Al to let Suzaku listen to the communication records.At the moment Suzaku lost his memory, the headquarter recorded a communication conversation with Lancelot on the scene.

The arrested ZERO was pressed into Lancelot's cockpit.On top of it is the prototype Knightmare Gawain, which is ready to fire inside the floating aircraft Avalon.However, Lancelot started suddenly and escaped the attack range of the Hadron Cannon at an unprecedented speed.

"What are you doing, Major Shumu! Order..."

"Shut up! Who cares about that kind of stuff! I must... survive!"

"You guy......!!!"

At this time, communication was interrupted and recording stopped.

Suzaku stood there blankly, and the fact that he violated the order and violated his own standards once again tore a huge wound to him, who was already severely traumatized in body and mind.

Lieutenant Colonel Pair said to him grimly.

"Although I don't know how I got out of Lancelot and escaped to such an island. However, Major Shumu, I am sorry, because you care about your life, you wasted a great opportunity to solve ZERO. You have nothing to say. Right?"

As an official soldier in Bunitania and the commander of Shikine Island, Paiair has been very angry that Suzaku dared to roar and violate his orders.If there is a chance, he will not let this lucky ELEVEN go.

Give him some color to see.

"I really……"

Suzaku asked softly.

With a disdainful sneer on Pair's face, he announced coldly.

"This is the most serious defying command line."

If he personally solves the ELEVEN knight Suzaku who has brought shame to Bunitania, he will definitely enter the eyes of those big people.

Pieel thought this way.


Next, the two said nothing.Suzaku trembled all over, without the strength to stand still, and knelt on both knees.

Of course, Suzaku knows nothing and remembers nothing.

Why would I take such actions and ignore the regulations?


That was the absolute command Suzaku heard. The twisting power that could change his personality and the world was Geass of Lelouch.As he said, the cruelest punishment was given to Suzaku.

Especially for people with attachments to their hearts, going against the direction they insist on is betraying their own life.

Suddenly, the surroundings of Suzaku sitting in the small black room lit up, and the fluorescent lights began to flicker.

With the crisp sound of metal rubbing, the lock of the little black house opened.The iron door opened with a heavy sound, and a man wearing rimless glasses came in through the crack of the door, with a frivolous smile on his face.

"Really... sorry."

The man who walked into the room was Major Lloyd, who belongs to the Specially Dispatched Guide Technical Department. He announced the release of Suzaku in the usual strange tone.However, it was him who came to announce this order, but it had to be surprising.

"I didn't go to heaven again! Suzaku, so you were released."

Suzaku did not look back, but continued to stare at the wall.Finally, he slowly stood up and asked Lloyd in a very empty voice.

"Is this... an order?"

At this time, Lloyd's already small eyes narrowed even smaller.

"You can also think of it this way. His Royal Highness Schonizel is basically a gentle person. Moreover, now is an extraordinary period. He said that the crimes of violating the order should not be investigated. Well, the knight of Euphemia was ordered to die. The order itself is also suspected of exceeding authority, not to mention that the attack also involved His Royal Highness Euphemia in. This order is also a little compensation for you and Euphemia by Schnauzer!"

"is it……"

Suzaku closed his eyes, patted the dust on the uniform, and looked into the mirror to rearrange the crooked tie.

Then, Suzaku walked to Lloyd who was standing at the door.

"After being released, do I have to return to the mission immediately?"

"Yeah, I have to ask you something."

"Before that, can I go to a place first?"

The musty air suddenly solidified.

"no problem."

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