Reincarnation of Lelouch Lamperouge

Reincarnation of Lelouch Chapter 381

Chapter 299 Gundam Battle Knightmare

"Zhumu, can Lancelot still move?"

At the critical moment, it is necessary to rely on him to appear on the stage. How could her sister Yuffi's final efforts make her fall short.Therefore, at the most desperate moment of Suzaku, Lelouch drove Gawain to the stopped Lancelot.

"Is it ZERO?"

In Lancelot's cockpit, Suzaku stared angrily at the black Knightmare on the screen, clenching his fists tightly.It was the person in front of him who raped the most noble goddess in his mind and tarnished her pure body and soul.

Suzaku would rather die if he was rescued by this person.

However, what made Suzaku more ashamed was that ZERO, who did not hear his answer, took the initiative to take out an energy pack and handed it to him.

"Energy pack, what do you mean! ZERO, do you think I will accept your help after you do something like that to Euphemia? I will kill you whenever possible!"

"Stop, Suzaku!"

As soon as Suzaku had finished speaking, the communication from Yuffi prevented his self-destruction.

"Accept ZERO's help, complete the order, and destroy Sawazaki Atsushi!"

"His Royal Highness Euphemia, that's ZERO, this man..."

"This is an order, Suzaku!"

On the screen, for the first time, a stern expression appeared on the face of the gentle Princess Euphemia.

"Even my first order cannot be done when I come back alive. Do you still want to be my knight? Suzaku!"

Suzaku, who was puzzled by Euphemia's expression, heard Euphemia's warning that it was not an explanation, but rather an explanation.

Yes, if he refused ZERO's help, he would not even be able to survive. That is to say, he not only failed to abide by the order of His Royal Highness Euphemia, but also failed to do the first order he had promised.

Looking at the opposite Gawain bitterly, Suzaku bit her lip, stretched out her right hand with difficulty, and took the other party's energy pack.

This is just a stopgap measure, next time... the next time he meets, he will definitely kill Zero himself.

Consoling herself in this way, Suzaku changed into an energy pack, and the powerful Lancelot regained his vitality again. The feeling of full activation was like a prehistoric behemoth that had awakened, full of hideous and dangerous feelings.

"ZERO, this is an order from His Royal Highness Euphemia, I will not accept your kindness!"

Pulling out both swords, Suzaku resisted the urge to attack Gao Wen in front of him, and said bitterly.

"up to you!"

Lelouch replied with disdain, and looked around.

"But before that, let's take a look at the scene first! Those guys, it's not easy to solve!"

Following Gawain's moving gaze, Suzaku also looked around.Yes, it's really not the time for small talk. During this time, the five Gundams, no smaller than Gawain, have surrounded them.

Both the heavy particle cannon and the heavy assault rifle were received behind them, and the five Jeans pulled out the fixed weapons behind them, the MA-M3 heavy-cutting knives, and slowly surrounded them.

Unlike the Knightmare, which is equipped with high-speed driving wheels on its feet, the opponent is just like a real human being. It moves with its feet, but the movements are not slow.Moreover, because it is a human-shaped mechanical leg, the opponent has more activity than Knightmare in local activities, and changes in direction and evasion at close range.

Just now, I explained that the opponent's long-range attack was absolutely superior to Lancelot, so Suzaku didn't mean to underestimate the enemy.Both cannons and machine guns are detachable weapons, and only the huge ship-cutting knife is the weapon fixed on it.

Therefore, it can be guessed that the Gundam named Jean is a more comprehensive war weapon than Knightmare, and the most basic combat ability is close-range combat.

"Suzaku, be careful. The forward of Cornelia's landing force has already contacted the other fifteen Gundams. In just one minute, the entire army was wiped out! The enemy's melee and long-range combat are very powerful!"

At this time, the communication from Avalon was Cecil's voice, highlighting the strength of the enemy in front of him.

The fact is also true. Suzaku attracted most of the base's combat power, and even the five dragoons guarding the coastline were transferred back.Cornelia immediately saw this opportunity and launched the landing operation.

However, as they approached the coast, apart from those fixed fortresses that did not pose much threat, the fifteen Gundams became the biggest obstacle to their landing.Several nautical miles away, their heavy particle guns had already begun to roar, destroying the inconvenient warships one by one.

But the artillery of the battleship was helpless with the flexible Gundam.The turret was quickly destroyed under the attack of the successive warships, but the fifteen Gundams did not even wipe off the fur.

Obviously it is the Bunitanian Army, which relies on elite forces to win more with less. At this moment, facing the Chinese Federation, which has less than one-tenth of its own number, it can only rely on quantitative advantages in exchange for advantages. For Netanya, it is undoubtedly a shame.

However, in the face of the blockade of the fifteen high-heavy particle cannons, this method could only be used to force landing.

Soon, fifteen high-heavy particle cannons were exhausted under the impact of the endless Bunitani army, regardless of loss, and they could only be fired with heavy assault rifles.Then, the masses of the Knightmare of Bunitania finally washed up on the coast.

However, the forward's Knightmare unit, in the close battle with Gundam, encountered a pale.Even if it was two-to-one, but facing the Gundam twice as tall as them, and the huge ship-cutting knife, the most elite Knightmare in Bunitania suffered an unprecedented defeat.

All the Knightmare, in one face, were chopped in half by the Ship Slayer that was bigger than their body, and none was spared.

However, even if the entire army is annihilated, it is still unable to prevent the landing of the Bunitanian army. More Knightmare floods from the sea, even if the dragoons are indeed terrifying, but facing ten times the number, Still failing.The sturdy armor and the ability to fight the terrifying far and near have caused Cornelia's troops to suffer heavy losses.

In other words, Lelouch and Suzaku had to face the Bunitanian troops led by Cornelia equal to one-third.

"Come on, for Your Highness Euphemia!"

Suzaku roared, and rushed up first, so that ZERO could no longer take away his dignity.

Of the five Jeans, two were separated to meet the Suzaku, while the other three rushed towards Gawain, who was similar in size to them.

The severe battle began again.

The first encounter was Suzaku who took the initiative to attack.Although he is one size smaller in size, he wins with speed and movement.The two laser vibration swords shrouded in red light cut out two sword flowers, slashing fiercely towards the joints of the legs.

Attacking the enemy’s weakness, the enemy’s defense is obviously very strong, here is only the weakness of attacking the opponent.

Suzaku's choice was undoubtedly correct. Under Lancelot's high speed, the huge Ship Slayer only saw his phantom and cut a huge gully on the ground.However, Lancelot dexterously followed the side of the Ship Slayer, slid below Gene, and slashed at his thigh joint.

If it was a high-speed machine using the driving wheels, this blow would never be dodged, but Gundam didn't have that kind of device, so he just lifted his foot slightly and kicked it at Lancelot.

Not only did he escape Lancelot's slash, he also attacked his vitals.

"What a flexible response speed!"

Not only for the performance of the Gundam, but also for the enemy's pilots.

It is difficult to avoid this situation with the action of driving the driving wheels with high planes, but Suzaku and Lancelot are not among them.At the moment when he was kicked by the opponent, Lancelot suddenly jumped up and stepped on Gene's thigh. Then, using Gene's body as the attachment surface, he flew to his head and cut out with his left sword. It slashed hard on Gene's chest.


Sparks flew everywhere, and the huge reaction force made Lancelot rebound.

In midair, Suzaku stared at Gene's chest in shock, where a huge wound appeared, exposing the circuit inside, but the opponent's actions did not suffer much.

If it were Knightmare, this sword was enough to split the opponent in half, but for Gene, it only left a wound, and it did not affect the opponent's actions.

What a terrifying defense!

Finally got new combat data, about Jean.But Suzaku, as well as the people in Avalon, felt afraid for a while.

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