Reincarnation of Lelouch Lamperouge

Reincarnation of Lelouch Chapter 382

Powerful long-range attack ability, terrifying melee combat, and this solid armor.

Gundam is a real war weapon beyond Knightmare.

However, compared to the shocked Suzaku and others, the injured Dragoon was even more surprised.He was the first Gundam to be injured in this war. They who had looked down on the Knightmare of Bunitania, felt a strong threat at this moment.

"Damn Japanese monkey!"

Another dragoon was left with a wound when he saw his companion face to face, and instantly pulled out the heavy assault rifle behind him, and started shooting Lancelot, who had landed in midair.Although his shooting was very accurate, but Lancelot's super moving speed made all the bullets missed.

When they confronted Lancelot, on the other side, Gavin, who flew up into the sky, used the powerful strong particle cannon and finger cables to easily suppress the three dragoons.

CC and Lelouch, who are themselves members of Jean's developers, are driving the seventh-generation Knightmare that is more advanced than Jean. This is not difficult.

Chapter 300 Invincible Dragon Knight

Although Gene is a general-purpose Gundam, this battle was not equipped with a flying device. After all, he carried heavy particle cannons and heavy assault rifles, which were entirely to resist the enemy's attack from the sea. As for the sky, it was forgotten. .

Of course, the appearance of Avalon was an accident.

Therefore, in the face of Gawain's aerial attack and the powerful strong particle cannon, the three Jeans also suffered some damage.Seeing that the two companions over there were also caught in a bitter fight against Lancelot, and the news that the coast was breached by Bunitania, these dragoons had to fight and retreat.

Because in the rear, there is a dragoon general who can surpass the combined combat power of their twenty dragoons.

"Major Shumu, try to capture a Gundam as far as possible. This is our best opportunity to understand Gundam and the strength of the Chinese Federation!"

Because of the existence of the Son of Heaven, four billion people became her fanatics, which also prevented spies from other countries from infiltrating.Even some old spies were slowly assimilated.

Therefore, this can capture the enemy Gundam, even if only a few days, for Lloyd, it is a supreme temptation.

Such a huge body, system, armor, energy, and even structure are not to be missed.With Lloyd’s eyesight, it is natural to see that this Gundam named Jean may not be as good as Lancelot, but it is absolutely superior to the fifth-generation Knightmare and is equivalent to the seventh-generation Knightmare. Body.

"Yes, My lord!"

Even in the face of two Gundam attacks, Suzaku was undaunted, relying on Lancelot's super performance, wandering near Jean, the indestructible laser oscillating sword left wounds on Jean.

However, for the huge Gundam, this kind of damage does not seem to weaken the opponent's combat effectiveness and action.

Can’t go on like this!

The five dragoons clearly realized this.The two airframes in front of them are not only the seventh-generation Knightmare that is more advanced than them, but also the pilot's skills are far above them. If this goes on, they may really become the first dragoons captured.

At this moment, a communication was passed into the cab of the five dragoons who were struggling, letting them breathe a sigh of relief.

After fighting for a few attacks, the five Jeans began to slowly gather together, moving toward the left side of the headquarters, which should be exactly the direction behind.

Jean's actions quickly aroused the attention of Lelouch and Suzaku, but Gawain stopped pursuing them, but received Lloyd's order...or rather, Suzaku who had been asked to chase him.

Toward the already scarred Jean.

The subsequent reinforcements will arrive soon, as long as the opponent's retreat is held back, the task can be successfully completed.Lloyd and Cecil have been taking care of him, and there has been no chance of repaying, so he will not let go of this godsend opportunity.

"That fool!"

"I mean, that guy is probably going to be remembered by some terrifying guy!"

In the sky of Gawain, Lelouch and CC met with a smile, and said gloating.

As if verifying the words of the bad demon king and witch, at the moment Suzaku rushed up, a bright and huge figure fiercely blocked Suzaku's trajectory.At the same time, a shadow cut through the air and smashed toward Suzaku, who was moving at full speed.

"Boy, I am so courageous, I dare to attack my subordinates!"

With the sound of the wind, it was a very cold, but very young voice.

"Suzaku, be careful!"

On Avalon, Lloyd and Cecil passed through the screen and clearly saw the gorgeous white and blue body that was blocked in front of Suzaku and the other Gundam completely different.For gorgeous, unlike Jean painted in gray and light silver, there is a long barrel, a huge rifle, and other things that are invisible to the side. Look Going up is like the wing skeleton behind the angel.

Full of hideous and powerful beauty.

This is the real Gundam!

The moment he saw the blue and white body, such a comprehension appeared in Lloyd's mind.A real body equivalent to the seventh-generation Knightmare.

Without Lloyd's reminder, Suzaku instinctively felt a huge crisis.At the moment that black shadow hit the waist, Lancelot made an uninteresting turn in mid-air, and dangerously avoided the slap in front of him.But an explosive force still shook him out.


The twin-engine jet jetpack behind him was destroyed by the opponent.

After landing, Suzaku didn't have time to see the true face of the figure that attacked him, so he quickly backed away and opened the distance between each other.He didn't stop until he retreated twenty meters away, and saw the true posture of the frame ahead, which was gorgeous as if it were an animation.

"what is that?"

"I'm afraid it is the exclusive Gundam of Dragoons. Be careful. It doesn't matter if you don't capture Gene!"

Lloyd's call came, and it seemed that between Lancelot and Gene, he chose to keep Lancelot.

"I see, I'm careful!"

Suzaku did not give up completely.

"That little girl actually brought the assault along with the Vulcan Cannon. Does she want to destroy the Bunitanian Army in the 11th district?"

In Gawain's cockpit, Lelouch also saw the blue and white aircraft clearly, and frowned slightly.The CC below him chuckled, knowing Lelouch's worries.The power of the assault and the Vulcan Cannon is indeed quite terrifying.

"What's wrong, let her be willful a little bit!"

"Boy, you are very arrogant!"

At this time, the gorgeous blue and white body spoke again.A crisp and sweet voice came from the loudspeaker, and even the fifteen Jeans that were retreating in the distance, and the Bunitanian army pursuing further away, could clearly hear it.

The reinforcements from Bunitania have finally arrived!

In the sky, Lloyd, who had already given up capturing Gene, gave a happy face and immediately ordered Avalon to move in the direction of the local headquarters.In the face of Gundam that cannot be airborne, Avalon will become the key to intercepting the enemy's escape.

Just like before the appearance of humanoid combat weapons, the air force has always been the king of land warfare—the deadly nemesis of tanks.

"Are you General Chen of the Chinese Federation?"

Suzaku stared at the giant gundam full of pressure ahead, put away a laser vibrating sword, and drew out the VARIS gun.

"Yes, it's a pity! I originally wanted to play with you, but now I have no time! Atsushi Sawazaki's trash is so useless!"

Looking at the Bunitanian army approaching in the distance, and Avalon moving in the sky, Chen Qian frowned her lovely brows, waved her hand, and gave the order for the entire army to retreat.

"All the dragoons, retreat to the third base, board the plane and return to Kyushu. Don't entangle with the Bunitan army. Give me those guys!"


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