Reincarnation of Lelouch Lamperouge

Reincarnation of Lelouch Chapter 383

The blue and white Gundam pulled out the slender giant assault rifle from behind with a set of motions, and fired several shots. It even sealed all the dodge gaps of Suzaku and destroyed the VARIS gun in the air.

"It seems that you don't seem to believe my words!"

The Blue and White Gundam, which prevented Suzaku's footsteps, looked up at the huge aviation ship Avalon in the sky and replaced the assault rifle with the huge artillery.The long green barrel and the exquisite and mysterious structure make people feel its powerful destructive power at a glance.

And they can see it soon!

Looking at the artillery, the giant Gundam aimed at the Avalon that was slowly approaching in the sky.

"Lloyd, what do you need to avoid?"

Cecil reminded, then secretly said in his heart.

Although with Avalon's size, I'm afraid it can't be avoided.

"No, Avalon's light shield system is not easy to break through!"

Lloyd is very confident in the system he has developed. Avalon was still unscathed when he was attacked by nearly a hundred missiles just now, which proved the robustness of the light shield system.

However, this confidence will soon be broken in the face of cruel facts.

"Oh, don't you evade?"

Seeing Avalon who was still flying in his direction, Chen Qian smiled coldly.

"But ah! Excessive self-confidence is pride!"

As soon as the voice fell, Chen Qian pressed the launch button of the Vulcan Cannon.


Suddenly, a thunderous roar sounded, shocking the entire battlefield.In everyone’s unbelievable gaze, a golden-red beam of light shot out from the huge muzzle on the shoulder of the blue-and-white gun, instantly piercing the sky, crossing hundreds of meters in the sky, and hitting heavily. Right below the advancing Avalon.


The silver light curtain appeared in time, blocking the golden-red light beam, but the huge shock still impacted Avalon tottering.The light shield is also rapidly fading, and it seems that it may disappear at any time.

Boom boom boom!

The air pierced by the light set off a huge wave of air, and the sky seemed to be rolled up by a storm, causing the huge Avalon to be pushed up and flew up.

"How is it possible! Avoid it, avoid it quickly!"

The huge energy consumption, the red alarm of the light shield system, and the crumbling Avalon instantly smashed Lloyd's self-confidence, making him show a panic expression for the first time.He loudly conveyed the evasive command to the communicator. However, Avalon was too huge. Although the power was also very powerful, when it turned halfway, the energy was not exhausted, but the light shield system suffered from Can't stop the huge attack, and collapse instantly.

Then, in the next instant, Avalon's left wing was penetrated by that huge golden-red beam.The staff standing there working in an instant, along with the destroyed left wing, were drowned in the explosion and turned to ashes.

Chapter 301 The Strange Ending

"Alarm! Alarm! The flanks are seriously damaged, the left cabin of Avalon is damaged, the center of gravity is shifted, one-fifth of the system is stopped, and the backup power supply is activated..."

The alarm from the computer-synthesized sound made the stunned everyone quickly recovered, and Lloyd quickly ordered.

"Lower the altitude, prepare for landing, the staff put out the fire, and we must maintain balance!"

On the other side, Cecil's fingers were tapping on the electronic keyboard at a speed beyond human limits without everyone noticing, re-modifying the system, maintaining Avalon’s balance, and other aspects of Avalon. manipulate.She must replace the staff involved in holding, complete these tasks.

Not for herself, but for everyone on Avalon, and Lloyd.

At this moment, watching the huge Avalon above it descend with billowing smoke, the Bunitanian army chasing on the land couldn't help stopping.Guildford, who landed at the back, gave the order to stand by.

The blue and white gundam in front, and the huge artillery on her shoulders, like a Dalmos sword, hung above their heads.

"It seems that not all people are stupid, well, young ones, retreat!"

The crisp voice echoed again on the battlefield that suddenly became silent, but this time, no one refuted it. Only the Avalon that was slowly descending in the sky, with a huge wind pressure, blew down. The sound.

In front of a bunch of Bunitanians, the blue and white Gundam that had just shot down the symbol of their pride—Avalon’s blue and white Gundam turned and left, caught up with the twenty dragoons, and disappeared in the black. In the night.

After giving Bunitania a slap in the face, the Chinese Federation retreated happily.However, they were not so unrelenting. Atsushi Sawazaki, and his accomplices, were all left behind.In other words, this chess piece has been completely abandoned by the Chinese Federation.


"The following are related reports about the terrorist incidents caused by anti-system organizations in the Shikoku district. In the early morning of this day, Governor Cornelia carried out a lightning operation. The ruling army of the 11th district arrested four former criminals, including the principal criminal Atsushi Japanese government officials, and captured most of the old Japanese military officers. Although they did not capture the aid of the Chinese Federation, their participation is obviously an undoubted fact and caused great losses to our army. In the 11th district His Royal Highness Nigel, the imperial prime minister, stated that he would file a lawsuit in the International Court of Justice through the Imperial Ministry of Foreign Affairs, demanding a reasonable explanation from the Chinese Federation!"

Inside the thick curtain, the girl listened to the announcer faintly conveying the story of the incident, and an elusive smile appeared at the corner of her mouth.The long black hair and white skin are reminiscent of traditional Japanese dolls.Although it looks young on the outside, it shows the maturity of an adult from time to time, which is really unpredictable.

Outside the curtain, the conversation of the adults continued.

"In the end, has the information related to the involvement of ZERO and the Black Knights been concealed?"

"Of course, in the eyes of Bunitania, there is neither a reason nor a need to officially release that kind of thing."

"We are all the credit for repelling the terrorists! Humph, Bunitania, these greedy guys."

"However, things like intelligence will still spread through the Internet."

"How did the Japanese people react to this?"

"Various, that is, some people support and some people oppose, similar to us."

"Really, even though Sawazaki, who rioted without knowing that we would know it, has his own fault, ZERO, what on earth is that man thinking, openly stood on the side of the Bunitanian army."

"Although there is no need to help Sawazaki... but you can also let him disrupt the Bunitanian army."

"He is indeed a dangerous man. If he is left alone, one day he will not even pay attention to us. No, he has not paid attention to us anymore. After all, he shouldn’t have it seven years ago. Let that fellow make a living!"

"Well, it is necessary to show him some color now..."

"But can it be done by us? His Highness Kagura is deeply infatuated with that man. She will not allow us to be disadvantageous to that man! The ubiquitous Judgment Corps may not be weaker than us!"

"Don't you just look at him so arrogant? Even if he really seizes the throne of Bunitania, it may not make Japan independent!"

Although everyone is playing mystery, this conversation has no actual content.

"Duke Tongyuan, what do you think?"

Finally, they cast their sights on the only old man who remained silent.The old man opened his eyes slightly, and his cloudy eyes flashed with the sinister light of a fox.

"Okay... Now start the inspection! Let's start with the Denso system."

A woman dressed in white, Lakshata, who is in charge of the technical development of the Black Knights, gave an order, and the workers started working together in their posts.Of course, the simple preparation has been completed during the transportation by ship.But, after all, that was the body that had returned from the first battle after the improvement, and no one could guarantee that there was no problem.Since the equipment is complete and the manpower is available here, it should be checked again.

"The strong particle cannon should be disassembled and checked carefully. Although the energy condensing of the bombardment is considered successful, the energy conversion efficiency is still too far behind. In addition, give me the back-mounted layer dispersion data and the vibration number of the reaction controller. Pass it over."

"What about the analysis of the gun body?"

"Of course it must be done. That's what I care about the most...Hey! CC, you are not allowed to run."

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