Reincarnation of Lelouch Lamperouge

Reincarnation of Lelouch Chapter 384

"I am not responsible for the Hadron Cannon. It was the man who fired the cannon headlessly..."

CC quickly put aside the responsibility, it was obviously the happiest she had.

"I wanted to hear your opinion about the impact on the body when the gun was fired. Didn't you sit in there doing nothing?"

Lakshata knows the facts between CC and ZERO very well. This witch is sometimes especially fond of fun. She is sure that most of the energy of the Hadron Cannon is used up by her.At least, Lelouch would not use that cat and mouse method to tease the Dragoons.

Except for a bad witch.


CC, who had never escaped a disaster, looked at He Lakshata dissatisfied, but for this woman with more than bad habits, she did not dare to take it lightly.

"Yes, this is the checklist. Hurry up and write it down and hand it in!"

Under Lakshata's tough attitude, CC took a few sheets of paper that the female researcher had forced her and walked over with an unhappy face.

"Although I knew it before, this woman really likes being hard by being strong."

When CC said this, Lu Lu Xiu, who had been watching from a distance, smiled happily.

"Sure enough, Lakshata is someone you are not good at dealing with, CC."

"It's not as exaggerated as you said, but I can't talk about it...what's so strange about this?"

"It's nothing, just seeing you being called by others makes me feel refreshed. That's it."

Having said that, Lulu Xiu himself, like CC, is struggling to write about the inspection items as high as a mountain arranged by Laksha Tower.It is commonplace for drivers who manipulate Knightmare, a sophisticated mechanical assembly, to do such things after use.Moreover, this is also in response to the strong request of Lakshata personally, and contains the meaning of physical examination of the driver.

If not, she threatens to sit with her every time she strikes.This is of course a special treatment for Lelouch, and in this way, even Lelouch, who is the leader of the Black Knights, cannot refuse, let alone the others.In fact, even Karen and Fujitang write this while scratching their heads every time.

"Really, why should I write such things..."

CC was dissatisfied, and still whispered.

"Really, Lelouch, just sacrifice your hue and let Lakshata let me go!"

It seems that CC is really not good at these things, or as a witch, she is a problem student from the bottom of her heart.Moreover, in order to escape the job, he even betrayed his man for it.

"No, in order to speed up the design of the strong particle cannon last time, I have promised her to stay with her for a few days. Although the time is still uncertain, I have no plans to owe the debt."

"Hmph, you call yourself self-sufficient, who told you to fall into Lakshata's knowledge and forcibly pushed her down."

"She obviously took the initiative, OK?"

"Huh! Who knows!"

"Hey, over there, don't talk quietly, it will distract me."

When Lakshata was tapping the keyboard faster than Cecil, the two of them stopped speaking.

Lulu Xiu completed the work first.

"Then I will go up first."

"You have some experience in doing this kind of thing."

"I am the best at pre-exam assault. As long as I understand the question, the answer is not just handy." (PS: Let Lu Ludian teach us the assault answer before the exam!)

Lelouch smiled, stood up from his chair, put the finished paper into the folder, and prepared to hand it over to Lakshata, who was immersed in the analysis of data in the center of Ganaku.When Lu Luxiu passed by, CC asked coldly:

"Have you found the answer?"


Lelouch looked at CC in surprise, but her gaze was always fixed on the checklist in front of her, the pen in her hand hadn't stopped for a moment, and her face was still dissatisfied.

Lulu Xiu looked at her for a while, and finally shook his head slowly.

"how to say……"

The eyes covered under the mask were exquisite, and they looked at the black Knightmare-Gawain, which was housed in the designated place in the warehouse.

"I don't know if this is the answer, but I understand at least one thing."


"Failure and regret are two different things, success and joy are also two different things. Instead of indulging in temporary gains and losses, it is better to look to the future and challenge the next obstacle!"

At this time, a confident smile appeared at the corner of Lelouch's mouth.

"At least, ZERO thinks so, and does it this way."

CC turned his head and glanced at him secretly, then suddenly closed his eyes and smiled slightly.

"Really! It's really hard for you to satisfy the waywardness of that little girl from Yuffi!"

"If Yuffi can reach the goal with only one Sawazaki Atsushi, this deal is quite a bargain. Now, Suzaku should tell Yuffi about me and Nanali!"

But... well!Let's do this for now.

Thinking about this, Lelouch came behind Lakshata.Seeing a mature woman immersed in the computer quickly analyzing and comparing various data, from his position, you can clearly see the deep cleavage under her collar and the plump and big breasts.The clone of the lower body slowly swelled. Although Lakshata had been given a few days, it did not prevent him from paying the bill in advance.

Anyway, for Lakshata, who likes to study, the so-called companionship is nothing more than staying in bed all day and making love.For example, after he realized the knowledge that Lakshata possessed, he spent three days incessantly assaulting this woman before finally conquering this genius scientist.

Thinking of the three wonderful days of life, Lulu Xiu's body became even hotter.Without suppressing his inner desires, Lelouch put the folder next to Lakshata, then leaned down and placed it on Lakshata's back, then stretched out her hand and leaned down into her chest, grabbing I stayed in the two plump soft meats and rubbed them vigorously.

The plump breasts flowed from his fingers, and the soft touch made Lulu Xiu love it, and he used more and more force.Under his vigorous rubbing, Lakshata's attention was finally transferred to Lelouch.

"You man, there are really no taboos! You actually came into estrus when I concentrated on working!"

Although she said so, Lakshata's breasts became more rounded and bigger, especially the two nipples that were wantonly played with by Lelouch's fingers, also stiffened, like two ripe grapes.

Feeling the changes in Lakshata's body, Lelouch freed up a hand and quickly took off his pants.

Lakshata got up from the seat knowingly, Luloxiu immediately sat down, and then lifted Lakshata's white coat, wiped it with his hand, and forcibly tore off her underwear.Then he held her pair of plump buttocks, pointed the already moistened meat crotch skillfully at her high cock, and let go.Lakshata's ass sat down hard, and the wet nudity immediately swallowed Lelouch's cock. Once it was inserted to the end, the compact vagina was forcibly opened, and then Huaxin was heavily resisted.

A sensation that couldn't be verbally transformed into a blazing electric current, which instantly spread from the uterine flesh wall held by Lelouch's ghost head to every corner of her body, causing her to breathe violently.

"Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh too deep, being pushed to the very inside...uh..."

Only this time, Lakshata Jiu Kuang's body ushered in a wave of climax. Amid the indulgent gasps, a ball of vagina was ejected from the womb and poured onto Lelouch's penis.

Lelouch's back numb, and he can't help himself comfortably, exploding hot semen into the deepest part of Laksha Tower.At the same time as the eruption, he was still thrusting quickly, and at the same time his hands stretched out from her lower body.In his right hand is a pair of sexy black lace panties that he tore off.

Putting the underwear to the tip of her nose and taking a deep breath, Lelouch then stuffed the underwear into Lakshata's mouth, who was panting violently, and blocked her mouth wide open because of her extreme pleasure, and her ass shook quickly. , The huge meat stick violently thrust into Lakshata's ripe peaches, and the honey juice exuding the special fragrance of mature women never listened to the friction and overlapped sexual organs splashing out, and instantly filled the room.

When the two were madly engaged in a fierce battle, CC quietly summoned all the members of the King’s Army of the Black Knights, that is, the most beautiful girls in the eleven districts that were selected, and then sneaked away. .

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