Reincarnation of Lelouch Lamperouge

Lulu Xiu: Reincarnation Chapter 388

No, it is not so much a change, it is better to say that he has completely abandoned the confusion and no longer hesitates.The incident three months ago, and a series of things that happened afterwards.After the decision is made, I will no longer be confused and keep moving in that direction.

Even if...

Although the Shikoku Island incident only happened yesterday, it did not affect the class today.It was probably a rare time to relax, until after breakfast, Lelouch kept holding Nanali, sticking to each other tightly without separating.

Enough Energy has been absorbed from the mother and daughter of CC and Nanali!Lulu Xiu brought his schoolbag and went to normal class.

Restoring the image of a daily playboy, Lelouch molested all the girls he met along the way. Some outstanding ones even took them to a hidden corner for a "morning exercise" before coming to the classroom before the bell rang.

However, today is a little different than usual. The well-known and sick lady who has been avoiding Lulu Xiu, Karen Sudafelter, not only came to school very early.And as soon as Lu Lu Xiu appeared, she was forcibly dragged out of the classroom to the girls' toilet.

In this Ashford Academy, the women's toilet is recognized as the place where Lelouch had affair with girls.Moreover, during class time, almost no one will come here, it is a good quiet place.


As soon as he was dragged into the women's toilet, Lulu Xiu was thrown on the wall bitterly by Karen, making a crash.

"Oh, Karen, do you want to cosplay the queen today? This is not the same as the sick lady I know!"

Lelouch tidyed up the collar that had been messed up by Karen, looked at Karen who was glaring at him strangely, and joked.

"Don't move the subject away, tell me! Why? Why on earth!"

Hearing Lelouch's jokes, Karen rushed to Luloxiu excitedly, grabbed his collar and pressed him against the wall.


Lelouch asked strangely, he really didn't know why Karen was doing this today.

"My mother! Why... why do you want to do something like that to her! She has become a vegetable, and she is still my mother. You did that to her! There should be many women! As long as you say, Countless women in the academy will actively dedicate themselves, including me! Why do you want to do this to my mother!"

Karen's next words let Lelouch understand why Karen would suddenly run away.

Indeed, since knowing that his mother stayed there for herself and suffered all the hardship and torture, all of Karen's grievances have turned into respect for her mother.This kind of strong feeling gave her the consciousness to face any difficulties and cruelty.

However, just yesterday, she learned that her boyfriend had violated her mother when she didn't know it!And it was two full months.If it weren't for Inoue, she might not know the news until her mother became pregnant.

Of course, Karen still didn't know that Lelouch, as a hero, would not be able to make a woman pregnant again.

With the mentality of missing it and not letting it go, Lelouch backhanded Karen, who dared to be mad at him, against the wall.

"Eat your mother's thing, after school, I will visit her with you and tell you why. But before that..."

Lelouch looked at Karen’s finally awakened face. Before she had time to escape, she tore her clothes like lightning, then set up her thigh with one hand and took off her pants with the other, revealing that she was already The swollen meat stick then aimed at the familiar petal below her and stabbed it in.


After Karen let out a soft snort, gritted his teeth firmly, silently bearing the storm-like impact of the man in front of him.She knew that since he was brought to such a place, with the character of this playboy, she would never let her go.So she can only accept it silently, even if she already knows that this man has done that kind of thing to her beloved mother.

If he couldn't give himself a satisfactory explanation after school, she would never spare him lightly!

And Lelouch's answer really made Karen unable to refuse.

Missed for half a day of class, Lelouch had always been in the women's toilet in various shameful postures and positions, and then was entered, vented, entered, and vented again and again.It wasn't until the end of get out of class bell rang and another girl came to the bathroom that she got a little breathing time and ran away in a hurry.

And this women's toilet has also become Lelouch's temporary residence, and one girl after another walked in and then left with a blushing face. Even the young female teachers did not escape until the lunch break bell rang.

As soon as school was over, Lelouch, who had changed his clothes, left the school with Karen, took a special car, and arrived at the villa opposite to the residence of Duke Suttafelter in District 11, and then the two went to the second floor. Karen's mother's room.

Afterwards, the next thing completely stunned Karen.

In front of her, Lelouch quickly stripped off her clothes, then climbed onto her mother's bed expertly, took off her pajamas, and directly picked up the pair of white thighs and entered her with ease. In his body, he was doing the same thing that he had done to Karen in the morning.

"what are you doing!"

I was about to go forward to pull Luloxiu from his mother, but Luloxiu suddenly stopped her.

"Do you want me to remind you? Karen!"

Lelouch moved excitedly on Karen's mother while stroking her younger body, revealing her changes unreservedly before Karen's eyes.

"Think about how your mother looked like a few months ago, and then look at her now, don't you feel her change yet?"

"what do you mean……"

In fact, Karen had a hunch after washing her mother's body on behalf of the nurse last night.My mother's body became younger, more beautiful, and healthy.However, she couldn't believe that it was caused by what Lelouch did to her mother.


When he came to the bed, Karen watched the changes in the expression of his mother, who was being held again and again by Lelouch.Yes, she, who was originally lifeless, seemed to have a hint of saneness under Lulu Xiu's entry and exit.On her face, the rising blush and the unconscious murmur from her mouth clearly showed that her consciousness seemed to have recovered some.Although it is very weak, it is true.

"I'm treating your mother!"

"Cure, is it..."

Karen's head was not stupid. It was only because of the shock of what was in front of her that she became dull for a while. When she heard Lelouch's words, she remembered.Having a relationship with Lelouch, even if it's just some intimate actions, the body will change.

If, if you continue to do this, then... Mom will be fine!Will recover soon!

Karen didn't go to see Lelouch again, but fumbled with her body.

Yes, the rosy skin, the body full of temperature, and the vigorous life hidden underneath.No doubt not telling Karen that her mother's body is extremely healthy, healthier than ever.Except that the spirit has not fully recovered, her body has obviously recovered to the most mature, beautiful and moving moment of a woman.

"In addition to the reasons for the treatment, there is also, Karen, your mother's body is so great, even I can't stop it, no wonder I can give birth to you! You said, if your mother is pregnant, she should call you what?"

Because of this!

Karen turned her head, glaring at Lelouch who was still sprinting on her mother.

However, Karen could not refuse.

If this can really save her mother, she can only acquiesce in Lelouch's actions.

"But speaking of it, Karen, your mother tastes great!"

While talking, Lelouch shook a few vigorously, then slammed on her mother's body, and bit on her chest where the tooth marks had disappeared, and poured the hot liquid that proved him to the peak of happiness. The warm and comfortable cradle.

In the refreshing rhythm, he shot all the seeds of life into Karen's mother's body, and Lulu Xiu slowly backed out.The viscous milky white liquid immediately flowed out of his body with his withdrawal, and a pool of milky white pools accumulated on the wet sheets.

"This is your real goal! Mother and daughter flowers, our Japanese specialty!"

Karen glanced at Lelouch coldly, and laughed.

"You man who knows how to use his lower body to think!"

"Yes, what kind of person I am, didn't you already know it?"

Lelouch didn't mind Karen's ridicule at all. Although he had just vented it once, Lelouch felt that he had come again when he thought of the mother-daughter relationship between Karen and the young woman under him.

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