Reincarnation of Lelouch Lamperouge

Reincarnation of Lelouch Chapter 389

After getting out of bed, Lelouch came to Karen, gently hugged her body, and kissed her mother’s lips, her face, and her skin. , The pair of hands that had touched her mother, walked around her skillfully, untied her clothes, then hugged her waist with one hand, raised her left leg with the other, repeating the morning experience again, Entered her body.

"Although you said that on your lips, your body reacted when looking at me and your mother h! Look, below, it's so wet!"

Forcibly squeezing into Karen’s body, Lelouch moved back and forth gently, as he said, Karen’s place was already wet, and with the help of the lubricant that her body actively secreted, Lelouch was very Smoothly reached the deepest point of Karen.

Moreover, because of Lelouch’s words, Karen, who had a strong sense of morality in his heart, was tense, and his body was subconsciously taut, and the layers of soft flesh wrapped in the foreign body that entered his body also contracted and spasm at any time. Lulu Xiu brought an unusually strong feeling.

That's great!


Turning around, Lelouch overwhelmed Karen on her mother's bed and hit it vigorously. The luxurious bed once again creaked and spread far away.

Chapter 305 The Return of the Guards

The matter between Karen and her mother was so understated by Lelouch, and since then, he has had a pair of beautiful mother and daughter flowers to enjoy.However, as time goes by, this opportunity does not seem to be too many.

The sequelae of the Battle of Shikoku Island have begun to spread. Although Bunitania suffered a big loss, even Cornelia as a military commander and Schonizel, a tactical planner, these two Bunnies. The most powerful heirs to the throne of Tania were defeated horribly under the dragoon generals and dragoons of the Chinese Federation, but they did not hinder the strategic victory.

At least, independent Japan headed by Atsushi Sawazaki has been wiped out.Moreover, from the captured Sawazaki Atsushi, Schonizer also obtained a lot of evidence and testimony about the Chinese Federation's interference in the rule of Bunitania in the Eleventh District and secretly supporting resistance organizations.

However, because I have seen the powerful strength of the Chinese Federation, especially the highest military commander of Kyushu, General Chen Qian, driving the Gundam named assault, using the Vulcan Cannon to shoot down Avalon’s horrible record, let Bunitani Yada was shocked.For this reason, Cornelia finally has a reason to send his two strongest guards back from the 18th district and Alamein.

The sun in late autumn is still warm, even giving the illusion of spring. In a reception room of the Interior Hall, the Governor of the Eleventh District, Cornelia LI. Bunitania, is looking through the square skylight above his head. To the wide and clear sky outside.

Because the sunroof can be opened and closed remotely, Conelia's entourage asked her if she needed to open the window, but she answered negatively.But now Cornelia felt that it would be good if the skylight were opened.For her now, there is a feeling that she really wants to breathe the fresh air outside, especially when she feels a little unable to adjust herself right now.

The shadow of the fiasco of Shikoku Island has not disappeared.Ordinary dragoons have absolute power over the Bunitanian knights. The dragoons fight against the powerful force of the first army, making Cornelia invincible against the Bunitanian army for the first time. The name was questioned.

The only one who can fight the Dragoons is probably his own guard.

To be precise, it should be the female guard!

Alice Phil, the powerful knight recognized by that man, was enough to fight against Chen Qian, the Dragoon general.

While thinking about it, Cornelia's gaze shifted from outside the window back to the room.She was standing on the podium, and on the red carpet in front of her stood nearly a hundred people who bowed their heads respectfully.

Men are all determined men in military uniforms, while women are young girls in beautiful female knight uniforms.They also have one thing in common, that is, they are all the pilots of the Knightmare, known as the strongest weapon in modern warfare, and they are all elites with the title of knight.

"Coming from afar, everyone is really hard."

Cornelia, who was sitting on the governor's seat in the main seat, had a slightly listless face. After seeing the nearly hundred knights below, she finally recovered a bit of excitement and spoke to the officers below in a clear voice.

"Plus Secretary Grandstone and Nats, who are on standby in our country, our army can finally take corresponding actions. As for the current situation in these eleven districts, you should already have some understanding of the situation! I am! I hope that all public officials and your adoptive father Dalton will help me."

The knights underneath bowed deeply again, and Cornelia scanned them around and then looked aside. Dalton, who was standing next to her, also bowed his head slightly.

As Cornelia said, although the officers standing in front of her are the guards of Cornelia's direct troops, they are also excellent "children" cultivated by Dalton.Although Guildford is the captain of the Guards, he is indeed better than many experienced Daltons in training and teaching.

So after graduating from the Non-commissioned Officer Academy, these rookies who had just graduated from the school received Dalton's training before they officially became the guards who accompanied Cornelia on the battlefield.It is no exaggeration to say that the members of these guards are also Cornelia's private forces, and their loyalty to Cornelia even exceeds their loyalty to the Emperor of Bunitania.

Dalton, who always had a serious expression on his face as usual, raised his head, and Cornelia nodded slightly to him, and then continued to speak to the officers below.

"The emperor's brother who is currently inspecting in the 11th district, the Prime Minister of the Empire, His Excellency Xiu Nijie, is scheduled to return to China at 11 o'clock today. I hope that you will be able to serve as the guards for the farewell ceremony and the return of the Prime Minister. In addition, Your Prime Minister's flagship Since Avalon was attacked in the Shikoku Island War, the technical department of the special dispatched guide will adjust and repair it, so it will continue to stay in District 11. Regarding this, please be prepared for this."

After the officers saluted again, they quickly lined up and exited the house, but the captain of the men's and women's guards, Guilford and another blond girl, stayed behind.The figure watching them disappeared from sight.Cornelia looked at the blond girl standing next to Guildford.

She seems to be only fifteen or sixteen years old, and she has a rare long golden hair that reaches her waist.Although it has a baby face, it looks very cute, but the breath is very awe-inspiring, and his face is not smirking.It looked like the same cold snow lotus, exuding the breath that no one should get near.

She was the first knight recognized by Lelouch at Cornelia's coming-of-age ceremony ten years ago, and she was also the first female guard captain, Alice Phil, to be eaten by him.

Ten years later, as a semi-heroic, her body has stopped growing very early, but her strength is completely inconsistent with her appearance.Possessing a powerful force no less than that of the round table, and, in addition to excellent driving skills, she also has commanding abilities no less than that of Cornelia. She is the second person in Conelia’s series, and her status is higher than that of Guildford. Dalton is a bit higher.

After Cornelia repelled the EU on the Alamein front, she led the female guards and continued to stop EU.

His gaze was taken back from Alice Phil, and when their figure disappeared from Cornelia's sight, Conelia sighed slightly with the exhausted look that was rare in Cornelia.

Cornelia, who was lying in the chair with her whole body, slightly raised her eyes and looked up at the sky along the skylight.Dalton, who was standing next to Cornelia, took a look at the tired empress and asked in a low voice.

"is this okay?"


Cornelia's answering voice was full of exhaustion, and couldn't hear any domineering.

Although the Battle of Shikoku Island was just a farce directed by that man, in addition to letting Yufi get Suzaku's diehard loyalty, it also gave her the opportunity to dispatch her own guard to the 11th district.

However, looking at the leopard through her eyes and seeing the micro-knowledge, the powerful strength of the Chinese Federation made her, as the Queen of Bunitania, start to worry about her country.And Shunizeer, that man seemed to have felt something, otherwise it would be impossible to decide to leave so soon.

However, what Dalton wanted to say was about Schonizel.

"With regard to the farewell ceremony, His Highness Xiunazer seems to mean not to be too public."

"That being said, after all, as the prime minister of the empire, no matter how hasty his decision to leave is, he can't even omit the simplest farewell gift!"

Cornelia also didn't want to give that man away, let alone see his face, imaginary and confusing.


What else does Dalton want to say.

"Furthermore, this time the emperor is not on the airship Avalon, but a general passenger plane. Therefore, it is our duty to at least escort him to the waters on the border of the 11th district. The farewell ceremony is only a kind of escort. It's just the form, of course I am also going to participate."

Cornelia listed many facts in succession, and Dalton could only lower his head slightly. Although it didn't show it on the surface, he sighed slightly psychologically.

Cornelia always looks like this lately.Since the Brock incident, the situation in District 11 has basically stabilized at a well-off level.Although this is a good phenomenon, Governor Cornelia has shown a low mood that has never been.Of course, this low mood did not make her let go of government affairs, nor did it affect her keen judgment.But this kind of negative emotions must have an impact on him, and Dalton, who has followed him all the year round, knows this too well.And for Dalton, he also knew the reason for Cornelia's depression.

"Even the formal farewell..."

Dalton broke the silence and said.

"It's also best to decline all interviews by reporters. Judging from the current situation, many of those guys are not trustworthy."

Cornelia gave an ambiguous "um" and nodded, at least within the eleventh district, there shouldn't be any trouble for Shunizeer.

"Then, that's all right. Regarding the command of the escort guard, leave it to Andre. The country's first fleet will be picked up on the way. As long as it is escorted to meet them, there is no problem."

In this way, a trouble can finally be thrown away. The head is always pressed by an emperor and prime minister, which makes the always strong Cornelia quite unhappy.


"and also……"

Suddenly Cornelia's voice became gentle.

"Where's Yuffi? How is she now!"

"Very well, Your Highness Euphemia has really grown up!"

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