Reincarnation of Lelouch Lamperouge

Reincarnation of Lulouch Chapter 390

Dalton said in the tone of his loving father seeing his grown-up daughter. He was indeed very satisfied with the fact that Yuffi had admitted Suzaku on the battlefield.Now I only hope that the man will not let down Euphemia's expectations of him.

Chapter 306 Report by Xiunaizeer

In the huge monitor hanging on the wall, the image of the person who has the most power in the world is displayed.The gorgeous clothes worn on her body and the sharp gaze that can overwhelm the person in front of her in terms of momentum.Although his actual figure is already quite tall, it gives people a feeling of more majesty than the actual figure.

This majestic man with no anger and prestige is exactly the ninety-eighth emperor of the sacred Bunitania Empire, Charuru DI Bunitania.

There was a man kneeling in front of the monitor, and the emperor said blankly on the monitor screen.

"I have already seen the future strategic plan for the Far East."

The man's head lowered deeper.Judging from the fact that the man’s appearance is very similar to that of the emperor in front of him, it is easy to guess that this respectful man with his head down is exactly the “white prince” Shunezer EI·Bu Nitania, the second prince of the Bunitania Empire, is also the most powerful contender for the heir to the throne as the prime minister of the empire.

Of course, because of the recent Shinejima incident, the attack order he issued involved the third empress Euphemia. Although it was because of Euphemia's own willfulness, it still received a lot of criticism.Let his momentum be slightly suppressed, but as long as His Majesty the Supreme Emperor does not speak, Shunizeer's advantage is still obvious.

What's more, Shunizeer didn't get nothing in Shengen Island, he had already obtained the qualification to join the God War.

"It's really in line with your style to use peaceful solutions instead of powerlessness, Shunizeer!"

"very sorry."

Although his father's words were full of sarcasm, Shunizeer still replied in a steady tone.

"At present, the Chinese Federation has no military or diplomatic breakthrough for our country. Under the current circumstances, although we can also take this opportunity to increase the military pressure on other countries, we foolishly think that this is not a long-term solution."

About three days ago, the exile politician Atsushi Sawazaki occupied the Shikoku base.In this incident, the Chinese Federation, a great power in the Far East, made a very big mistake.Although they assisted Atsushi Sawazaki to successfully control the Fukuoka base, they also caused great losses to the Bunitanian army that later counterattacked.Not only was the Bunitan army led by the Governor of the Eleventh District, Cornelia, suffered heavy casualties, his own Avalon was also destroyed.

However, the tactical defeat was concealed by a strategic victory. Atsushi Sawazaki and his assistants were all captured alive, and they also received powerful testimony to the empire.

And those testimonies and evidence became the best evidence for the Empire to condemn the Chinese Federation for interfering in other countries’ internal affairs. Moreover, the Japanese who lived there had no support for the actions of Sawazaki and the Chinese Federation at all. It was a revolutionary movement not recognized by the public. It was unsuccessful from start to finish, at best it could only be called a stupid rebellion.

"Many people of insight accuse the Chinese Federation of sending volunteer troops this time to actually have ambitions for the territory of other countries, but it would be a bit wrong if this incident is too publicized. This time, although we succeeded in destroying China The conspiracy of the Federation, but the strong combat power displayed by the opponent cannot be ignored! Once the opponent is pressed, they may reach an understanding in Siberia and the EU to join forces against the empire. This is a big deal for us in Bunitania Threats, so we might as well take the initiative to eliminate the sense of isolation of the Chinese Federation in advance and ease the relationship with them through diplomatic means. I believe this will greatly help the stability of the areas we control."

The video of the Vulcan Cannon shooting down Avalon has been seen in detail by Schneizel.Moreover, they also asked professionals about information about Lloyd and Cecil.At this stage, the Dragoons and Genes of the Chinese Federation, Dragoons and Gundam, have a very clear upper hand in the combat effectiveness of ordinary knights and Knights of the Round Table.

The empire is still confronting the EU on the Alamein front. Although the Chinese Federation has recently clashed with the EU in Siberia because the emperor wanted a huge ski resort, it even occupied most of the original EU’s territory in Siberia. The battle of Shikoku Island was too tough, and it would be troublesome to divert the attention of the Chinese Federation from Siberia to the Eleventh District.

Moreover, there seems to be some changes in the upper level of the EU recently.

"What you mean is that the current military preparations in Bunitania should be the EU that is under the Bell Project, not the Chinese Federation, right?"

"As you said."

"How many odds are there?"

"Although the other party has not made a clear statement, the Chinese Federation is currently operating under the will of the emperor, so as long as she obtains her understanding and proposes that my country will agree with the Chinese Federation in the interests of Siberia, I believe it will not refuse!"

"That little devil emperor is indeed such a wayward person. In order to get a ski resort, he launched a war against EU. Probably only they can do such a thing!"

Charouru on the screen sneered.

"Anyway, if we want to improve our relations with the Chinese Federation, temporary compromise is essential."

"Huh, a group of lolicon, such a big country with excellent traditions has become what it is now, or that kid emperor..."

The emperor suddenly smiled contemptuously, but the smile on his face quickly disappeared when he suddenly stopped. The matter of CODE and GEASS could not be known to the man in front of him for the time being, and he had to discover it by himself.So, planning to end the topic, he looked at Shunizeer in front of the monitor.

"Forget it, let's listen to you about the specifics after you return to your country. I basically have no objection to your proposal. You can consider the specifics for yourself! Shunizeer..."


"and also……"

The emperor suddenly paused.

"I have communicated the proposal made by you and the deputy governor of the 11th District to all regions. From now on, the emperor's name is allowed to be implemented in a convenient way!"

"Father's insightful righteousness, ministers and others are grateful"

"Is this part of your strategy?"

This time, Xiunazer was silent for a while, then raised his head and said with a gentle smile.

"Actually, this is Euphy’s proposal. Because I felt it was very good, I promised to assist her with all my strength. It has been seven years since the Far East Incident, and it is no longer the era of bloody suppression by force alone."

After that, the two discussed some political affairs with each other, as well as reports during this period, which ended the conversation.Schneizer bowed deeply again, and the huge display in front of him turned gray again.After confirming that the emperor's image had completely disappeared, Xiunazer stretched out his arms and stood up and said with a finally relieved expression on his face.

"It's still breathless as usual. But I can't guarantee that the person who spoke to me is the real father, not a substitute."

Standing in front of Schonezer was a man who remained motionless in a standard military salute posture. After Schonezer’s consent was released to lift the standing posture, the man with the rank of general on his shoulders, General Bartlett, General Bartley Asked carefully.

"You said that the one just now was a substitute?"

"I mean it might be..."

After answering questions from his subordinates happily, Xiunazer threw off the cloak he was wearing, and then walked quickly outside the door. Batlle hurriedly walked out with him behind him.

"In this way, everything I should do in this area is done. Batlle, thanks to your care during this time."

"Where else, if it weren't for you, maybe I'm still in prison at the moment, you are my most honorable master!"

"I will trouble you next"

"Yes, please let me order!"

The corridor surrounded by a gray wall, the ground is a self-advancing crawler, Schonezer and Batlle stopped after walking up, and in front of the corridor was a tightly closed door.

"But, Your Highness, is this really good?"

"what's up?"

"Nothing... It's just about Shikine Island... It seems that His Majesty doesn't know at all!"

"Well, there are no results worth reporting yet."

Xiunazer smiled, and the two people quickly came to the front door in the corridor. After the sensors detected their bodies, the electronic lock of the door opened immediately.

"Moreover, although the communication just now uses encrypted signals, it is still possible to be eavesdropped, so I plan to talk to him in person after returning home."

"Ah, that would be the best."

While talking, Schneider and Batlle walked into the room through the open door.There is a semi-circular research room in the center of the room. Researchers in white research uniforms are busy in front of the instrument. After seeing Schonezer and Bartlett come in, they immediately stop their work and salute them. .

Shunizeer waved to them to continue working, and then walked to the center of the room with countless wires connected to it like a capsule.The huge cylindrical capsule container is filled with a transparent culture medium, and a black object is floating in the center of the culture medium.

"Is the work here going well?"

Standing in front of the capsule container, Xiunaizeer asked the black object in the culture medium.

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