Reincarnation of Lelouch Lamperouge

Lulu Xiu: Reincarnation Chapter 392

Now Cornelia was really said to be weak, and her face was flushed.The relationship between her and the shining Mariana is more than just looking forward to.Moreover, because of Lelouch's relationship, she has not removed the target of suspicion from Shunezer.

In the final analysis, the person who transferred Mariana's body was Schonizer.

Seeing Cornelia fell into deep thought again, Shunezer smiled and turned his attention to the pink girl next to Cornelia.

"Youphi, help Cornelia well, one is strong and one is soft, you work together, just complement each other, and the clothes are seamless. I believe that the 11th district will be more stable and prosperous under your construction!"

"Thank you, Brother Xiunazer!"

Yuffi, who was wearing a gorgeous dress, returned a gentle smile and bowed gently.No matter her manner or temperament, she was completely opposite to Cornelia, completely at two extremes.Just as Shunizeer said, one is hard and cold steel, the other is gentle and pure water.

However, it is this pair of temperaments that are completely opposite, one cold and one hot, one rigid and one soft sister flower that propped up the world of District Eleven.If they could blend together perfectly, even Shunizeer would not dare to underestimate it.

"It is no longer the era of bloody suppression that relied solely on force!"

This is not just a verbal report from Xiunizeer to His Majesty the Emperor, but also his own true feelings.

His gaze flicked over Yufi again, and came to the Suzaku who was standing at the back.As a knight of Euphemia, he is eligible to participate in this farewell ceremony.Moreover, after experiencing the battle of Shikine Island, Shinne Island, and Shikoku Island, he has left an extremely strong impression in Schonizel's mind.

In Lloyd's words, this is an absolutely competent person for the Knights of the Round Table.

"Major Shumu, Yuffi's safety is up to you!"

"Yes, Your Highness!"

In Suzaku's calm answer, Shunizeer finally turned and stepped on the plane.

Chapter 308 News of Lulu Xiu and Nanali

After a brief ceremony, Cornelia, who sent the emperor Xiunazer back home, did not immediately separate from Yuffi, but took her and her knight Suzaku together to the office of the congress hall. .The desk is still full of documents waiting to be processed as usual.

"Can I read these documents anytime?"

Let Yuffi sit aside and wait for a while, Cornelia actually asked the secretary.

"If you can, I'd better be able to reply today."

"I see, then come pick it up at night!"

The secretary bowed respectfully and stepped out.

If it was normal, Cornelia immediately began to immerse himself in daily affairs.But today's situation is a little bit special. For the first time, she put aside the responsibilities of the governor and looked at the knight who respectfully guarded her sister Yuffi three steps away.

Suzaku, despite being an honorary Bunitanian, became the first knight recognized by the royal family.But these are not what Cornelia valued. The reason she set her sight on this man first was because according to Yuffi, he provided information about the person who was most important to her.


Cornelia's unique glamorous tone brought Suzaku a strong sense of oppression, which made him straighten his waist and straighten his posture again.


"Listen to Yuffi, you know... know the news about Lelouch and Nanali!"

"Yes, Lord Governor!"

Suzaku replied firmly, although Cornelia's aura is very strong, but after this period of inquiries, he already knew that not only Euphemia, but also Cornelia is one of Lelouch's most cherished women.Moreover, according to Dalton's secret, before Euphemia was born, Cornelia was the person most likely to sign a marriage contract with Lelouch.However, because of age and the birth of Euphemia, this marriage contract was passed on to Euphy, who was one year younger than Lulu Xiu.

In the upper class of Bunitania, there is even a joking saying that the vase princess Euphemia is stronger than the female army god Cornelia because she robbed the army god’s fiance.

Although it is a joke, it is enough to explain how close the relationship between Cornelia and Lelouch is.

"Eight years ago, Lelouch and... No, when His Royal Highness and His Highness Nanali came to study in Japan, they lived in my hometown, but I was fortunate enough to meet and befriend them Deep friendship!"

As if afraid that Cornelia would not believe it, Suzaku added immediately.

"is it!"

Cornelia's tone was very calm, and he couldn't hear the emotions, anger, sorrow or joy at all, which made Suzaku's heart tense for fear of hearing bad news.But then, a familiar but unfamiliar trembling voice made him completely relieved.

"Great! Lelouch and Nanali... they are all fine!"

This is not a fake. I saw it with my own eyes and felt completely different from what I heard from outsiders. At this moment, Cornelia showed a weak expression on her face for the first time.Or it shouldn't be said to be weakness, but from a high-ranking emperor soldier god to a sister who is worried about her younger siblings, and the wife of a loved one.

His Royal Highness Cornelia would show such an expression!

Looking at Cornelia, who was crying with joy, her faint ruddy eyes, Suzaku secretly said in her heart.The feeling of awe for Cornelia has disappeared a lot.At this time, Euphemia, who had been sitting in the chair, also stood up, came to Cornelia, and leaned gently.

"Well, Brother Lulu Xiu and Nanali are fine, they are both alive and well, and they are now attending Ashford Academy!"

"Ashford...Is it Mi Lei? I always thought she was looking for Lulu Xiu just like us, but I didn’t expect that she would have protected him and Nanali long ago! Next time we meet, please wait Just punish her!"

Cornelia gently wiped the red and swollen eye sockets, slowly suppressing the strong emotion that had risen.There are still outsiders present, and she is still in the office of the Executive Hall. As the governor of the 11th district, she really shouldn't show such a young daughter.

Receiving the handkerchief handed over by the thoughtful Yuffi, Cornelia gently wiped her wet eyes and smiled embarrassingly at Suzaku.

"Sorry, let you see my rude place, Major Shumu!"

"No, Your Excellency has paid too much attention to His Royal Highness and His Highness Nanali, that's why it is so! It is me who should say that I apologize. I should have told His Royal Highness and Nanali about the matter earlier. Your Highnesses!"

"No, you did the right thing! It's always good to be cautious. You can't let the things that happened seven years ago happen again! Once the news that Lelouch and Nanali are still alive, the guys will definitely not Let them return to the empire! And the attitude of His Majesty the Emperor is worth considering, after all, he sent Lelouch and Nanali away back then!"

These things are not something that the honorary Bunitani Suzaku can mix, even if he is the exclusive knight of Euphemia.So when he heard these words, Suzaku just bowed his head slightly, left ear in, right ear out, completely ignoring.

His attitude like a loyal dog makes Cornelia very satisfied. It seems that Euphemia has trained Suzaku well!Gentleness is indeed a sharp blade that kills people without seeing blood sometimes.

"Emperor Sister, since we already know about Lulu Xiu and Nanali, let's get them back!"

Seeing that Cornelia had accepted the fact that Lelouch and Nanali were still alive and even around, Euphemia quickly proposed.

"Not yet!"

But Cornelia subconsciously rejected the proposal.

Even if it was not planned, she would not agree to reveal the news of Lulu Xiu and Nanali now.At least, before the truth of the terrorist attack became known, except for their power, everyone else, including the emperor, was an enemy.

Cornelia no longer wants to see the history reappeared eight years ago.Although her strength is still very weak, it is not without a trace of resistance.

"You should be clear about the reason, don't be influenced by your own feelings! This is also for the future of you and Lelouch, and for Nanaly's safety!"

"Got it!"

Although Yuffi is naive, but not stupid, Cornelia's scruples are clear to her.After all, she was also one of the people who experienced the incident eight years ago.The Aries Palace, which was once second only to Pandora Palace, was completely turned into a ruin, full of hideous bullet-hole fragments and blood-red blood. That kind of horrible scene left in the young heart of Yufei. An obliterated memory.

Seeing Yuffi lowered her head in a loss, it was Cornelia's turn to comfort her.

"However, I don't mind if you go around looking for him, as long as you don't let Dalton find out!"


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