Reincarnation of Lelouch Lamperouge

Reincarnation of Lelouch Chapter 393

Yu Fei immediately raised her head excitedly, really easy to understand.

Cornelia secretly said and nodded gently.

"Okay, if it's okay, leave first! I'm going to start working. Give me greetings to Lelouch and Nanali and tell them! I miss them!"

"Yes, the emperor!"

Yuffi had rushed to the door of the room in a hurry. After hearing Cornelia's words, he smiled softly before opening the door and walking out.Suzaku saluted Conelia, kept her distance, and followed closely.

Walking hurriedly down the corridor, to an unmanned corner at the turn, Euphemia stopped suddenly.

"Suzaku, you should know that my time is running out! If I can't meet and have a relationship with Emperor Lulu Xiu before confirming that I am pregnant!"

While she was talking, she gently stroked her flat belly and said with her back to the Suzaku behind her.

"If pregnancy is diagnosed, everything will become irreversible!"

"Yes, I will take you to Ashford Academy now, in the name of inspection, I believe this reason should be concealed from General Dalton and others!"

Suzaku knew Yuffi's worry. Although this was helping her to deceive Lelouch, he could tell any lies for the sake of this highness.Even if the object is his only best friend Lulu Xiu.

However, when I thought that I had agreed to the agreement a long time ago, but not only did it delay for so long, but also caused Yufimia to be insulted by ZERO, and Suzaku was full of endless self-blame towards Lelouch.

"Very good, lead the way!"

Yuffi knew that Dalton admired Suzaku very much, and even cultivated him into his first non-Bunetanian "righteous son". With his rhetoric, I believe Lelouch's affairs can be hidden for a while.

And this period of time is precisely the most critical period for the implementation of Brother Lulu Xiu's plan.

But the main character being discussed at the moment, Lelouch was lying on the body of a newly enrolled little girl in Ashford's lower grade classroom, slamming quickly.The little girl’s mouth was blocked by her cartoon panties, and her hands and feet were pressed by two other female classmates about the same size as her. She couldn’t move at all and could only passively accept the one lying on her body. The noble and handsome man entered his body again and again, kissed her skin, and enjoyed this green body to the full.

Beside, a group of very cute female junior high school students gathered together. Some of them were wiping naked Nana Li. Her body was covered with traces and liquid left by Lelouch.The other part was waiting eagerly for Lelouch to leave the body of the girl who was being held down on the ground, and then to replace her and receive the prince's favor.

Chapter 309 The Ceremony of Reunion

With black sunglasses and sun hat, Yu Fei, accompanied by Suzaku and Alice Phil, came to Ashford Academy.Because it was the time for class, there was no one other than the guards who came out of the school.And Mi Lei stood at the door, welcoming Yu Fei and his party.

Just stepping out of the car, Yu Fei saw Mi Lei who had already met in the last hijacking incident. Speaking of which, this was the first official meeting between them in seven years.

"Sister Mi Lei, long time no see!"

"Yufie, too, has become more beautiful!"

Mi Lai didn’t care about the existence of Suzaku and Alice Phil, she opened her hands directly, took Yu Fei who had walked up into her arms, and wrapped Yu Fei with her broad “breast”. The waves were soft and soft, completely Yuffi's cute face wrapped in it, so she could barely breathe.


Yu Fei let out a painful sob, struggled a few times, and finally escaped from Mi Lei's pair of human chests.He cocked his cute little mouth and complained.But the moistness in her eyes betrayed her inner excitement.

"Really, Sister Mi Lei still likes to tease me like before!"

Still the same as before, this unusual way of greeting reminds Yuffi of the scene seven years ago.

"Ah! Sorry, Yuffi has grown up, especially there!"

Mi Lei was also very excited, but she hated crying reunion more than that.Therefore, seeing Yu Fei's emotions so excited, her eyes immediately fell to the pair of similarly large mountain peaks on her chest, her arms folded, and the pair of murder weapons on her chest was squeezed more spectacularly and clearly, molesting the simple Yu Fei.

"When I was young, did I envy Cornelia and me? Now I have grown up!"

Mi Lei's words finally made Yu Fei smile shyly, and wiped the tears from the corner of her eyes.At this time, the two knights who had been following, Alice Phil, who was not in the slightest under Yu Fei and Mi Lei, stepped forward and reminded in a low voice.

"This is not a place to talk, Mi Lei, take us to meet that person first!"

"Alice Phil is still so rigid!"

Mi Lei

"That's why your place has never been able to grow!"

While talking, Mi Lei's gaze fell on the hills where the blond girl knight did not feel too strong.Yes, if according to the scale of Yuffi and Mi Lei, it should be a mountain, while Alice Fir's is a hilly area.

Mi Lei's frivolous gaze deeply pierced Alice Phil. Although this had already been expected, Alice Phil came to see that person.However, this woman is still so annoying.

"Huh, it's better than a cow! It's just two masses of fat, what's so great!"

Although she said that, Alice Phil's slightly avoiding body and her clenched fist revealed her unwillingness.She became heroic prematurely, her body stopped growing a few years ago, and at that time, it was precisely the age at which women developed best.

Thanks to this, Alice Phil has a knight's career with the king's army, and has a strong force among the top ten.

Hearing Alice Phil’s answer, Mi Lei let go of Yufi and came to her. The pair of huge murder weapons just entered her sight, and she couldn’t help being attracted to her, looking at the pair of women with envy. The perfect body that everyone is jealous of.

However, if Mi Lei followed, her envied eyes were immediately filled with anger.

"Oh, a woman's breasts are where men dream and hope, right! Suzaku!"

"Ah, this..."

The Suzaku, who was affected by the pond fish, turned her face away in embarrassment, looked in other directions, and didn't know how to answer.However, it is wise to remain silent here and not involve this woman's war.

"Well, it's getting late, let's go to see Lulu Xiu! He and Nanali should have been unable to wait!"

Suzaku smiled wryly, and walked toward the student union club first.Hearing the names of Lelouch and Nanali, the three women stopped their extraordinary "reunion", and there was another most important person waiting for them.

Passing through the path in the side garden, the four soon arrived at the club standing behind the academy.Next to the club, through the corridor on the second floor, is the villa where Lelouch and Nanali live.

However, the closer you get, Yuffi and Alice Phil following her, the more nervous they become.Along the way, the two of them were taking care of their clothes, looking for untidy places.Mi Lei smiled in her heart when she saw it. On the contrary, Suzaku's mood was very complicated.

Soon, that unattainable goddess is about to fall into the arms of a man!The more prudent Youfei is, the more it shows how important Lulu Xiu is in her heart.He didn't have a chance at all.Moreover, not only her Royal Highness Euphemia, the blond girl who gave him a strong sense of oppression, her performance as nervous as Euphy also shows that she has a close relationship with Lelouch.

Perhaps, just like the girls in the academy who admired Lulu Xiu, they were also his crotch ministers.Obviously so diligent, and most of them are just props for those girls to vent their extra energy on the spot, why are there so many girls willingly.

When Suzaku fell into this complex mood of envy and jealousy, the villa had already arrived.He just heard the sound of the automatic door opening, he raised his head, and what he saw at a glance was the two people kissing each other tightly at the entrance.

Euphemia...and, Lelouch!

I have known that they are the people of the marriage contract, but I saw the half-siblings hugging and kissing each other tightly, and I wanted to rub each other into my body. It was like a lightning strike and slashed fiercely. In Suzaku's heart, he was completely dull.

When Suzaku was distracted, Lelouch, who had a foreboding Yu Fei's arrival, was already standing at the door.The moment the automatic door opened, the two saw each other's familiar face at a glance.Then, without saying a word, the two of them stepped forward at the same time, hugged each other strongly, and then kissed each other.If no one was around, they poured out all their love.

Not to mention seven years of separation, even if they were separated for a hundred or a thousand years, their love for each other would not change at all. Suzaku's fluke expectations were completely lost.


With tightly breathed tongues, saliva exchanged, and stroking each other's body vigorously, not only them but also Mi Lei and others in the distance can clearly feel the passionate love emanating from them. And passion.If it weren't for their presence, maybe the siblings would express the joy of reunion in a more intense way.

For a long time, about ten minutes, Nana, who was pushed by Sakishizi in a wheelchair to the siblings who were still passionately kissing together, gently tugged at the corner of Lulu Xiu’s clothes, and finally let the pair The lovers who were immersed in the two-person world wake up.

Parting slowly, the saliva of the two brought out a strand of silver in the air.Yuffi did not wipe off the silver thread that was mixed with the saliva of the two, just squatted down like that, hugged Nanaly, and kissed it as well.

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