Reincarnation of Lelouch Lamperouge

Reincarnation of Lulu Xiu Chapter 394

Just like when they were young, the three exchanged kisses.


After half an hour, the three people who finally held the reunion ceremony calmed down a bit and sat at the long table in the living room.Of course, Yuffi and Nanali are sitting on the sides of Lelouch, while Alice Phil and Mi Lei are sitting on both sides of Yufei and Nanali.Lulu Xiu, who was surrounded by four girls, held hands and two younger sisters, Euphy and Nanaly tightly, and told about what happened in the past eight years.

As for Suzaku, she sat lonely on the opposite side, listening to the opposite side, hugging left and right, surrounded by young girls, loli, and girls of the same age, as well as the four age groups of the imperial sister. Telling about the miss of His Royal Highness Euphemia and the funny stories of their childhood.Speaking of happy places, Lelouch would kiss two lovely sisters separately.

However, what Suzaku cared most was that Lelouch looked at Yuphy's fiery gaze.It was exactly the same as when he used to take the girl to various secret places to "tryback" when he was up.

He wants to possess His Royal Highness Euphemia!

This is obviously a fact that Suzaku has been avoiding, but it finally came.

"Suzaku, I will stay here tonight, you go back first!"

Yuffi also looked at Lelouch with blurred eyes. Although she was talking to Suzaku, she did not look at him.This kind of behavior should be very rude to the emperor, even if the opponent is her knight.

But Suzaku couldn't say anything, even if his heart was twisted, even if he was in pain, but he could only watch his longing goddess throw into the arms of others, kissed and touched by him wanton.And immediately, they will be more intimately united, their souls and flesh will blend, regardless of each other.


"This is an order, pivot knight!"

After speaking, Yuffi kissed Lelouch again, without even looking at her loyal knight.

"Yes, Your Highness!"

Suzaku replied with difficulty, returned a chivalry, turned and walked out of the room slowly.As soon as he walked out of the hallway, the sound of the combination lock was heard. At any moment, it was the sound of a squeaking chair moving, and the sound of taking off his clothes, as well as the familiar kisses and groans.

Even through a door, he can clearly outline the picture of the room in his mind.

Lelouch put Her Royal Highness Euphemia on the table, then unbuttoned her casual clothes, while kissing the smooth and jade skin of Her Royal Highness, he lifted her skirt and took off her pants. His Highness took the initiative With the cooperation, she easily entered her body and started the most primitive exercise between men and women.

The vibrations and sounds that had stung his body and mind countless times on Shengen Island once again turned into a sharp blade and pierced his already torn apart heart.

Chapter 310 The Wounded Man

The next day, the sun had not fully risen, and Suzaku had arrived at Ashford Academy, which was more positive than ever.Unfortunately, in front of the gate of the Student Union Club, Suzaku ate behind closed doors.

Alice Phil, who was dressed in plain clothes, stopped him at the door.

"His Royal Highness Euphemia and His Royal Highness Lelouch haven't gotten up yet, Major Shumu!"

The blond girl with hands on hips reflected an unusually dazzling light in the gentle morning sun.Occasionally, the morning breeze blows, bringing up her waist-long hair, like a golden waterfall.

However, the terrifying pressure contained in the golden light made Suzaku afraid to take a step beyond the thunder pond.

"Then when will His Highness Euphemia and His Highness Lelouch get up, where are His Highness Nanali?"

Suzaku clenched his fist and asked unwillingly.

"Hmph, Major Shumu, it seems that you have not understood your own identity and position at all!"

Seeing such a Suzaku, Alice Phil's face was full of disdain.

"You are just a knight, how noble are the identities of the two Highnesses, even if you wait here, they are already your highest honor! Don't think I don't know what you think of Your Highness Euphemia. , But that's just a toad wanting to eat swan meat, wishful thinking!"

"I never expected the favor of His Highness Euphemia!"

Suzaku's face rose with an unnatural red color, and her head was lowered in shame.

"That's the best. If it wasn't for Euphemia's insistence, do you think that a lowly ELEVEN monkey can become a knight of the royal family?"

"I know how much pressure your Royal Highness Euphemia has been under for appointing me as a knight, so I have already decided to give my life for His Highness any time!

"Huh, it's better than singing. With me and the guards, your Highness's safety can be guaranteed two hundred percent. But as a knight of your Royal Highness, you have put her in danger. Don't tell me Shikine Island. You have forgotten about the matter! Fortunately, your Highness has nothing to do, otherwise you and all ELEVEN will be killed and your mistake will not be restored!"


"Why, I have nothing to say! His Royal Highness Lelouch, His Royal Highness Euphemia, and His Royal Highness Nanali grew up together. Their relationship and bondage are deeper than anyone else! There is no outsider to intervene. There is room, you should go back! Last night, His Royal Highness Lelouch received His Royal Highness Euphemia and His Highness Nanaly, as well as Mi Lei, Xia Li, and her personal service. Today we will use it to compensate for this. Eight years of separation, so there is nothing to do with you! If you are interested, it is best to get away and don’t get in the way here!"

Being so insulted by a woman who looked much younger than herself, but with a strong rank and strength, even if Suzaku's temperament was so gentle, she couldn't bear a boundless rage.However, he knew that he could not do anything, not to mention that he couldn't beat the opponent, just attacking the chief would cause him great trouble.

And now, Suzaku can no longer cause trouble to His Royal Highness Euphemia.Of course, this time, Suzaku had another idea.

Yesterday, because he didn't want to hear that kind of sound like a knife cutting his soul, he immediately left when he knew that Lulu was doing something to Euphemia.

However, this is their first reunion eight years later, that is to say, if there is no accident, His Highness Euphemia should still be a virgin.However, it is of course impossible.On that small island, during the two days when ZERO and Karen were caught, Euphemia was always insulted by ZERO's possession.

So, in case... if you learn that Her Royal Highness Euphemia is not a virgin, with Lelouch's arrogance and virgin plot, you will never forgive His Royal Highness Euphemia.If, in a fit of anger, the marriage contract with Euphemia is dismissed, Suzaku's chance will come.

Although still smiling, it is not impossible.

Because of this small expectation, Suzaku came to the academy so early.It's a pity that, looking at what he looks like now, his ideals did not happen last night.I don't know how Euphemia concealed it, or knew that Euphemia had been taken away by someone for the first time, but Lelouch forgave her.

However, no matter which one, Suzaku wanted to see.

And this ambition buried deep in his heart, at this moment, was revealed mercilessly by Alice Phil, a girl who had just met for a day.He was already bruised and completely unrecognizable, although he had endured even more painful and profound pain and flogging.But Suzaku really didn't know when he couldn't bear it.

His existence as a human being has been damaged!

Bit his own lips, red blood seeps from his teeth, dripping on the clean ground.Without retorting it, Suzaku lowered his head in frustration, turned and left.

However, Suzaku who had left didn't know it, and was just behind him.Two familiar faces emerged from the window on the second floor of the club.It was Euphemia lying at the window, and Lelouch who was naked behind him, hitting her body.


"It's a pity, I want him to see how loving we are!"

The two sneered looking at Suzaku's low back, and then looked at the girls on the incredibly big bed.From the immature and young Nanali, the bright and charming Xia Li, and the sexy and coquettish Mi Lei, they were all there.And soon, Alice Phil, who had just driven Suzaku downstairs, also walked in through the half-open door, and untied the plain clothes that were outside.

Inside, she also didn't wear anything, her crystal skin exuded a seductive luster, she gracefully lifted up her soft golden long hair, faced the morning light, came behind Lu Luxiu, kissed his skin, and joined The battle between him and Yuffi.


In the dense shade of the trees, no one is crying.

The spring breeze was blowing warmly.The sun was shining brightly.The undulating hills are covered with a piece of fresh green, and everything is singing the joy of life, thanking God for the gift of nature.But even so, the crying sound still did not stop.

A young man walked on the road, looked up at the blue sky, and then began to walk down the mountain.Gorgeous flowers were blooming everywhere, and the youth walked forward while avoiding stepping on them.At the foot of the mountain is a mixed forest. The young man walked into the forest, looking for the crying owner.

Finally, the youth found the owner of the voice under an oak tree.A petite figure sitting on the roots of a tree protruding from the ground with her knees on her knees. It was a little girl who was probably less than ten years old. Her slightly reddish hair was impressive. Her shoulders in a white dress were shaking, constantly Crying.

As if hearing the steps of the youth approaching, the girl lifted her face buried in her knees.Her eyes were a little red and swollen from crying, but after seeing the young man, a look of relief appeared on her face.


The girl hurriedly wiped the tears from her face and stood up.A strong girl, never allow others to see how she looks when she is crying.But it is such a strong girl, crying sadly in such a place.

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