Reincarnation of Lelouch Lamperouge

Reincarnation of Lelouch Chapter 395

Of course, this young man-Andre Dalton is also very clear about this.

"Ah, it was discovered."

Before the girl stood up, Dalton said with a smile.


The girl's eyes widened in surprise.

Dalton didn't care, and continued to speak in a very exaggerated tone.

"I think the weather is good, so I ran out of the city quietly. But in such a place, I was caught by the princess. It seems that the lightest thing must be a warning. I finally got promoted to captain. , Mom has been happy about this for a long time!"

The girl seemed to stare at Dalton's face unexpectedly.Then he asked in a harsh tone.

"You... didn't come to take me back?"

"What will take you back? I was planning to take a nap, so I came here."

Dalton said in a brisk tone.

"However, if the princess reports me to my boss, then I don’t even have a place to take a nap. At the same time, I probably have to think about what new job I should find tomorrow. But I think I’m born with nothing. A person of ability can't think of what he can do other than being a soldier. Laziness is a felony, even if it is imprisoned!"

The girl still stared at Dalton's face.Dalton's ridiculous expression of self-pity was reflected in her innocent pupils.Suddenly, the girl's eyes lowered, and then she said in a slightly angry tone.

"I won't report you, I hate reporting sneaky things!"

"That's great, Royal Highness Princess Cornelia. Then I will temporarily forget the guarding job of the castle according to the original plan and take a good lunch break here."

While talking, Dalton sat down next to the girl, Cornelia Li. Bunitania, the second empress of the holy Bunitania Empire.Then leaning on the thick tree trunk, he closed his eyes leisurely.Cornelia squinted at him, her mouth squirmed a few times, but said nothing.

The sunlight shining from the gap between the branches shone on the two of them, looking from a distance, like a father and daughter resting after an outing.

There seemed to be many birds playing in the woods. The branches shook slightly and made a rustling sound, accompanied by the cheerful calls of the birds echoing in the silent woods.The strange "father and daughter" listened silently to the sounds of nature around them, and it seemed that even their consciousness became more profound with the silence. At this moment, the emperor suddenly spoke.

"I can't be Lelouch's fiancée!"

Dalton didn't speak, or even opened his eyes, as if he had nothing to do with the girl next to him.It is precisely because of this that the girl can show an expression in front of him that she would never show, and say something she would never say.

This is a word that is absolutely impossible to say in the castle, as the second empress of the Bunitanian Empire, so now he can't stop the girl at all, only let her say it.

"It is impossible to be his fiancee!"

Cornelia repeated it again, but Dalton remained silent.Then Cornelia hid her tearful cheeks between her knees again, and continued to speak for herself.

"The age difference between Lelouch and I is too big. Generally, as an emperor, at the time of the coming-of-age ceremony, the marriage contractor is already decided. But at that time, Lelouch was not an adult. The recorded royal families were The marriage contract was signed before the Bar Mitzvah."

The girl's words gradually began to cry.

"I am eight years older than Lelouch, but I want to stay with him forever, and I want to be his wife. But as a royal family, my marriage cannot be the master of my own. Today I apply to my father. Signed a marriage contract with Lelouch, but..."

When the girl said this, she couldn't talk anymore, she could only hold her knees and desperately control her not to cry.But the uncontrollable feelings still made her petite shoulders tremble constantly and gradually choked up.With his head buried between his knees, he made a weeping sound from time to time.

Dalton remained silent, because he knew that even if he said anything, it was futile, and no matter what he said could not calm the girl's grief, because the decision of the Supreme Emperor was absolute.Therefore, for this girl who has always been strong, she can only vent her depression and sadness with tears.

And now, she is the only object she can talk to.

So, Dalton silently listened to the voice of the emperor who never showed weakness in the city.

A few months later, Dalton met the little emperor again, but this time she wore a bright smile that was completely different from the crying expression last time.

"Dalton! Dalton!"

After seeing Dalton's figure, Cornelia's eyes flashed with joy, and then ran to him quickly.In the bright morning sun, wearing a pure white dress running over vigorously, I can no longer see the shadow of the previous cause.

"My mother is about to give birth to a prince."

Of course, Dalton knew about it a long time ago.But looking at the joyous little emperor before him, Dalton nodded respectfully.

"Congratulations. It must be a very handsome child like His Majesty and the Concubine."


The emperor nodded vigorously.

"So I can rest assured, Empress Gu and Princess Marianna said that this child will replace me and become Lelouch's engagement party. In this way, I can stay with Lelouch forever. Because of mine Sister, will become Lelouch's fiancée, and will become the queen in the future!"

Hearing this, Dalton smiled.

"Congratulations, Your Highness Cornelia!"

In the royal family, if there are brothers and sisters in the same royal family, they can choose to assist another royal family to fight for the throne in the name of guardianship.In this way, even if you don’t get married, no one will say anything.

Because he (she) cannot ascend to the throne.

The room of General Dalton in the Governor's Mansion, on both sides of the table full of various precious drinks, the owner of the room Dalton, while drinking a collection of whiskey, told his memories towards the already drunk Suzaku on the opposite side.

That was hidden ten years ago, Cornelia, Euphemia, and Lelouch's constant fetters.

"Don't have any expectations of Euphemia that exceed your master's and servants' expectations, it will not have any results. In the end, you will only be bruised and bruised and self-destructive!"

Chapter 311 The small alternate student Lilithia


The automatic door opened automatically, and Dalton walked out of his room, looking at Suzaku, who was lying on the table after being drunk, and muttering to himself, he stepped out of the hallway and closed the door again.

With heavy steps, Dalton came to the next room and stepped in through the automatically opened door.

"how about it?"

In the room, Guildford put down the eavesdropping device and looked at the colleague who walked in.

"Yesterday at noon, after bidding farewell to His Royal Highness Shunezer and returning home, Euphemia and Major Shumu entered the office of the Executive Hall with His Royal Highness Cornelia. In about ten minutes, they left the Governor's Mansion. Accompanied by Knight Alice Phil went to Ashford Academy secretly. After that, only Major Shumu left from Ashford Academy."

"Adding to the appearance of Major Shumu now, you can be sure that the person your Royal Highness Euphemia went to meet in secret should be the noble Royal Highness!"

"Eight years ago, those two Highnesses were boarding at Shumu Shrine. Together with the relationship between the Ashford family and that Highness, all these clues are connected. I should have thought of it long ago!"

"It should be said that we have all miscalculated. The most dangerous place is the safest place. We always thought that the Ashford family, like His Royal Highness Cornelia and His Royal Highness Euphemia, were also secretly looking for two Highnesses, but I didn't expect that they would have protected the two Highnesses long ago!"

"They should have been in contact long ago!"


Immediately, the right and left arms of the two Cornelia were silent.

Although there have been some speculations for a long time, it is confirmed that it still gives them a big impact.If that person really got in touch with the Ashford family as early as eight years ago, it would be impossible for him to do nothing during the seven years he was dormant in District 11.Think of Clovis being killed, all the things that have happened so far.

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