Reincarnation of Lelouch Lamperouge

Reincarnation of Lelouch Chapter 396

Storm is coming!

"If ZERO is really that person, then Clovis is killed, but it makes sense! Except for a few His Highnesses, including His Majesty the Emperor, they are all targets of his revenge!"

In the silent room, Dalton made a sudden noise, breaking the silence in the air.

"I am a knight of Cornelia, and I received great help from that Highness back then. As long as Cornelia's decision is made, I will support it unconditionally!"

Guilford replied that this did not surprise Dalton.

This is no longer a rebellion by terrorists against Bunitania, but an internal struggle within the empire.His Majesty the emperor finally took the throne after eliminating all his brothers and sisters.

Is history going to reappear now?

No, there is already a royal victim!

The former governor of the 11th district, the third prince Clovis LA Bonitania, was killed by ZERO, his brother.

So, what is their choice?

The two looked up at each other, nodded together, and left the room.

Now that they have the answer, go and confirm with their loyal master.At least, to know her decision.

At the destination of Dalton and Guildford, in the office of the Council.

Standing in front of the room was a girl sergeant candidate.Of course, this is nothing surprising.Basically, Cornelia did not arrange a maid in the private room of the Interior Hall.All those responsible for taking care of Cornelia’s daily life are all students dispatched by the Non-commissioned Officer School, and all are girls.

After all, for Cornelia as a woman, the girl sergeant candidate can better take care of her daily affairs.

Conelia found it strange that the girl standing in front of the house had never seen herself before, and was not the one who had been working here before.Seeing that Cornelia was looking at her with some questions, the girl in a military uniform that was obviously a little loose and not fitting hurriedly said after a military salute.

"I’m Lilithia Gottwald from the Land Warfare Machinery Operation Department of the 11th District Non-commissioned Officer School. The former Lilena...No, Lilena Belka’s candidate is now included in the Air Combat Superior Department. Now I will take over her task!"

"is it!"

Cornelia nodded, listening to what she said, Cornelia just remembered that she had already received the report last week.However, because I was busy yesterday with the government affairs accumulated due to the Sawazaki Atsushi incident, I didn't care about such trivial matters.

"It is my supreme honor to be able to... be the follower of the beloved Governor Cornelia! From now on... I will do my best to serve the Governor, please take care of me!"

Probably it was a line that had been memorized a long time ago, and the girl blushed and said it.But because he spoke too quickly, he bit his tongue, and his eyes were full of tears, and he seemed to cry soon.

It should be painful!

Cornelia thought to herself that she was such a lovely girl.

As she thought about it, she raised her hand involuntarily, gently stroked the other's face that was bulging from the pain, and asked gently.

"Are you ok!"


Tears filled the candidate's eye sockets, but she still stubbornly endured it, which was somewhat similar to Cornelia when she was a child.If there are others present, she never cry, but chooses to hide in an empty corner.

However, I remember that the first time I cried, it was because of that man, but I confided it in front of another man who was like a father.

Gently stroking the opponent's cheek, Cornelia began to look at the opponent carefully.

She should be fourteen years old, but her petite body and immature facial features look much younger than her actual age.At most, he was only eleven or twelve years old, otherwise the smallest alternate student uniform would not seem so generous.

And it seemed to be quite nervous, probably because I was already quite prepared for this first meeting today.

Cornelia couldn't help but smile. Whether as a boss or as a member of the royal family, she is not a kind person, so it is natural for others to feel terrible.Moreover, she is still such a small girl.She felt that the name of the hamster used to describe her sister Euphemia was quite appropriate to describe the little guy in front of her.

"Mutual each other, please take care of each other, Lilyxia candidate."

Cornelia made her voice softer than usual, and then said to the little girl who called herself Lilithia.But the girl still looked very nervous and answered "Yes!" and then opened the door.Cornelia shrugged slightly and walked in.

To eliminate physical fatigue, a hot bath is the most effective way.

After taking a shower, Cornelia walked out of the dressing room, wrapped in a bath towel.The girl had put her new military uniform on the bed, and she was still standing there waiting for Cornelia with a nervous expression.

"Do you want me to comb your hair?"

"Ah, then please."


Cornelia sat down at the dressing table by the bed, and the girl immediately handed over a cup of steaming black tea.Cornelia looked at the girl, and the girl immediately said with a panicked expression.

"Ah, that... because I heard that your Excellency also worked till late last night, so..."

The girl said nervously like a child who did something wrong.

"So I want to at least allow you to have a more comfortable rest. Sure enough, I, as a follower...behave like this without authorization, is really too presumptuous...Woo..."

I bit my tongue again!

Seeing the tears accumulated in the girl's eye sockets again, Cornelia smiled with an expression that she thought was very natural and gentle, and then took the teacup from the girl's hand.

"I just want to drink it!"

Although this was just a very casual sentence for Cornelia, it was still said in a tone that he was not good at.However, from the girl's point of view, it seemed to have received a great compliment, and the girl said with a very happy smile on her face.

"Yes! Thank you very much."

The girl turned out to have a childish expression, and she smiled more like a child.Cornelia looked at the girl's smile and couldn't help feeling that she looked like a person.But who he was like, I couldn't remember it.

Holding a hair dryer and comb in her hand, the girl began to tidy up Cornelia's hair.Maybe she is not used to combing other people's hair. The girl's movements seem a little blunt, but she still combs very hard.The fragrance of black tea made Cornelia's mood better, and the exhaustion of working all night yesterday seemed to be relieved a lot.It is also because she is evolving towards the heroic spirit, otherwise with her day and night work intensity, I am afraid that she would have been tired and lay down.

"You said you are from the Mechanical Operations Department?"

Probably because of a good mood, Cornelia took the initiative to speak to the girl.This is very rare for her.

"Do you want to be a driver? Kinghtmare?"

"Yes, it is!"

There was still some tension in the girl's answer.

Don't be nervous enough, right?

Just as Cornelia thought about it, the girl continued to speak.

"I...I am really happy to be the Governor's entourage. His Royal Highness Cornelia is the strongest Knightmare driver in Bunitania."


Cornelia smiled helplessly and took a sip of black tea.

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