Reincarnation of Lelouch Lamperouge

Reincarnation of Lelouch Chapter 399

Once the father succeeds, he will become the god who rules the world, and all human beings in the world will be controlled by him.What Lelouch wanted was not the emperor of the Bunitania Empire, but to seize the fruits of his father's plan and become the god of the world.

Facing the temptation to become a god, no one will choose to give up.And Cornelia also heard that Shunizel had recently learned some of the secrets and had already obtained the qualification to join the battle.

Therefore, the suggestions of Dalton and Guildford were untenable from the beginning.Once Lelouch is exposed, waiting for his result, there is only one!


Even if the heroic spirits will not die, they can use the huge national power of Bunitania to create obstacles.It's like fighting all over the world for those ruins now.Therefore, Lulu Xiu had to choose the path of rebellion and at the same time avenge his father's actions for abandoning them.

At the same time, it was also Cornelia who vented her anger when she saw her beloved being sent to the empire as a hostage.

"We have our plan. Whether it is Lelouch or me, there is only this one. You only need to answer whether I am loyal or rebellious!"

Loyal to Bunitania and His Majesty the Emperor, rebelling against his lord Cornelia; Loyal to his Lord Cornelia, rebelling against Bunitania and the Emperor.

Speaking of it, it's just swapping the objects of loyalty and rebellion.However, this answer is not so difficult for Guildford to answer. As a knight of Cornelia, Cornelia's will is his will.

And Dalton!

Yes, the key is Dalton's choice.

Kneeling down on one knee, Guildford, who declared his allegiance with the etiquette when he was appointed as a knight, has already expressed his attitude.Later, he too, along with Cornelia and Lilithia, turned the questioning gaze to him.

"But, ZERO, the Black Knights, the NAC, the rebels everywhere. Since we arrived in the 11th district, how many Bunitanians have shed blood and died? Your Highness, you keep saying,' The so-called ruler is, in a sense, standing on top of the sacrifice of his own citizens. If so, how can you not bear this heavy responsibility on your own body?' But now, you have to actively violate this Principle!"

The office of the ruling hall was immediately silent, dripping needles could be heard.

After a long time, Cornelia slowly raised her head and fixedly looked at Dalton.If it weren't for Dalton, if it weren't for her to regard this man as her father, Cornelia would execute him on the spot based on this passage alone.

However, because it was Dalton, she understood why the other party would say such a passage.

"I am indeed a person who adheres to principles, but principles are not the most important thing in my heart!"

Cornelia released Lilithia and slowly got up from her seat.

"Lelouch, Euphy, Nanali... They are more important than my principles. If it is for them, I can abandon all principles, life, and responsibilities!"

This is Cornelia's determination.

"I know!"

Just as Cornelia knew Dalton, Dalton also knew Cornelia this "daughter". He left the seat, clenched his right hand and stopped on his chest, bowing his head respectfully.

He has expressed his attitude.

Conelia breathed a sigh of relief when he finally got the two right-hand men.Although she had made up her mind, if those two people really opposed it, she might have to take care of Dalton and Guildford by herself for Lelouch's plan.This is also a difficult choice for Cornelia.

Of course, when everything is over, she will repent, but she will not regret her choice.

This is a war, and a war cannot be without sacrifice. There will always be deaths, blood will always bleed, own and others'.Then, those who lose will cry, and those who win will get a smile.

The purpose of Cornelia's actions is to protect the smiles of those people.

At this moment, the people she wanted to protect were all in the same place, the club building of the Ashford Academy Student Union.In the lobby on the second floor of the villa behind, Lelouch didn’t separate from Euphemia even though they were having lunch, just like when they were on Shengen Island, because at this moment they don’t need to carry any disguise or masks. Together.

Nanaly, who was rescued from Lelouch’s crotch by CC not long ago, was taken back to the bathroom to take a shower. They did not return to the hall that had become a "battlefield", but came to the terrace of the club building In the greenhouse on the side.

This greenhouse looks like an exhibition hall made entirely of glass, and the weather vane on the roof is constantly rotating in the wind.


CC, who walked into the greenhouse with Nanali, let out a small sigh.The interior is unexpectedly spacious, full of colorful flowers.Bellflower and platycodon, saintpaulia and lycoris.Although each flower is so beautiful, it is the one that stands out most.

The yellow petals that seemed to be burning, like the rising sun.Its name also comes from this.


Nanali held the small kettle with water in her left hand and said happily.

"I manage this place together with people from the student union, and occasionally use them as decorations when the school holds events."

It is very hard to manage the greenhouse, but this should be led by the active president.

Standing in front of the blooming sunflower, CC thought to himself.Speaking of it, it was the first time she went to this kind of place. In the past, apart from helping Lelouch, she was hiding in the room and eating pizza. The concern for her daughter only stayed at the level of life.

But despite this, Nanali has grown up very well, except for being unrestrained by a man every day.

At this time, I saw Nanali's wheelchair moving towards her.

"It's a sunflower."

"Can you tell?"

"Well, you can tell by smelling it."

Nanali nodded and held the sunflower flower in her hand.

"I always feel..."


"CC looks like this flower."

"this one?"

CC laughed blankly and lowered her head unexpectedly. She felt that she had nothing to do with this flower.

sun?Daytime?On the contrary, the night and the moon are more suitable for you, or the ominous Widowmaker is better.Or, is this what she imagined in Nanaly who was blind?Although she can feel it, she cannot tell the specific image.


"If it refers to flower language, it can be regarded as part of it."

The flower language of sunflower contains the meanings of "hypocritical wealth" and "false usury".Hypocritical, false... This is really wonderful.The witch that seemed to be convenient, but actually tricky, was continuously given to others.It looks like a lucky prop, but in fact it is a devil's curse.

"However, the flower language of sunflower also contains the meaning of worship and admiration."

Nanali shook her head slightly and said so.

Worship and admiration are generally used to describe the feelings of children towards their parents.Maybe Nanali didn't know that she was the daughter of Lelouch and CC, but her respect for CC did contain a similar adoration and admiration for her mother to her mother.

Nana Li's feeling is indeed very keen, which can be said to be her talent inherited from CC.

"You know so much, Nanali."

CC of course knows this. Although they are not very similar in appearance, Nana Li has indeed inherited the advantages of herself and Lu Lu Xiu very well.Marianna created Nanali's plan, which should be considered a success.However, the fruit was picked by Lulu Xiu and CC.

"Sister CC is."

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