Reincarnation of Lelouch Lamperouge

Reincarnation of Lulu Xiu Chapter 400

Nana replied shyly.

"I just have many opportunities to learn this kind of superfluous knowledge."

After that, CC smiled.

"Did Nanaly find it out by herself?"

"I've checked it myself, Sakishiko knows this in detail, and I'm surprised Lival is also."

"Well, the maid's words are really appropriate, but Lival, as a man, actually understands this."

It turns out that his interest is not only in locomotives.But it's strange that men understand flowers, maybe it should be regarded as prejudice.

Gazing at the sunflower in Nanali's hand, CC asked again.

"Right, Nanaly."


"Don't talk about me, what do you think other people are? For example-Lelouch."

"Huh? Onisan?"

Nanali opened her mouth slightly, seemingly confused, and then tilted her head.

Yes, Nana said to herself like that.She released her hand holding the sunflower and moved the wheelchair away.

"I think he is very good, how about this flower?"

Nanali smiled and moved forward, approaching a bright pink flower.The overlapping petals seem to have been carefully decorated.Dahlia, long ago, the favorite flower of the wife of a man who climbed the throne of God as a common citizen, this flower is also famous for it.

"Flower language is gorgeous and elegant. Hmm..."

"There is also uncertainty."

"That's just right, isn't it?"

"Yes. Brother is usually very calm. But when faced with unexpected events, he always appears surprised."

After listening to Nanali, CC couldn't help but laugh.

"Indeed, especially when it's related to you, what about the others?"

"Suzaku's words are golden sparrows."

"The flower language is humble and clean."

"Mi Lei's words are lavender."

"Surprise, mischievous heart."

"Karen is peony."

"Retroverted and shy."

"Xia Li is a tulip."

"Missing, a declaration of love."

"Well, there is..."

Passing by Nanali, who tilted her head slightly, CC stood by the flower bed in full bloom.

"Nanali should be this kind of flower."


Nanali leaned over, the flower was not conspicuous, and small flowers bloomed all over the stem.Unlike sunflowers and calla lilies, which are in the center of the bouquet, small flowers are used as a foil.They will never be very public, but their gentle attitude and smiling gesture will be loved by everyone.

Nanali sniffed the fragrance of the flowers and stretched out her hand in the wheelchair to touch the petals.


"The language of flowers is pitiful and concise. I hope it can keep the appearance of flower buds forever."

"Japan also compares it to a cute bird."

Nanali's cheeks suddenly turned red.

"Thank you, Sister CC. Actually, I just want Sister CC to relax in the greenhouse, in return for your care for Ounisanma and me."

"Where, I had a great time. It's not bad to relax like this occasionally."

CC smiled softly and looked around the greenhouse.Actually it is very good.I don't know how long it has not been to enjoy flowers like this leisurely.Especially since returning to the 11th district from the Chinese Federation, an idiot has been saying that it is dangerous, don't make trouble and don't be annoying, because he is too long-winded, so she didn't go out much.

Of course, she got into trouble in the end, but because of this, Lelouch made up her mind and raised the banner of rebellion.

Nanali moved her wheelchair away from CC and began to water the flowers with the kettle in her hand.She was watering the lace and humming, seemingly happy.In fact, she liked this job very much, not because it was the task of the student union.Nana Li, who is blind, can enjoy the fragrance of flowers and feel the appearance of flowers with her hands, as well as the language of flowers.The charm of this job is not only visual enjoyment.

CC watched the girl watering the flowers with a smile, and then turned his gaze to the flowers blooming in the greenhouse.Maybe I want to build a new flower bed, and there are a lot of bricks stacked on the wall.CC sat on the pile of bricks and held his chin with his hands blankly.

Suddenly, her gaze stopped at a certain point.In the corner of the flower bed, a small white flower blooms there. It looks so inconspicuous in the gorgeous flowers of the greenhouse, or it looks more like green leaves used to set off the flowers.



Speaking of it, maybe, this is the flower that belongs to Mariana.

The flower language of clover, agreement, hope you can remember me.

And when it has the fourth leaf, it means lucky, and...belong to me!

That crazy woman, who has always wanted to possess Lelouch's woman, will be self-destructive because of this!

Marianna, if you really resurrect, will you still be the same as before?

Chapter 314 Ashford Academy Festival

"Thank you! Suzaku"

On the third day, Lelouch, who finally took Euphemia and Nanali out of the villa, said gratefully to Suzaku in the lobby of the club.

Opposite him, Suzaku with a haggard face just smiled bitterly, looking at Lulu Xiu who was full of spring, and Euphemia who was holding his arm with a happy smile, his heartache was completely numb.

In the past few days, as long as he was stopped by Alice Phil, he would go to drink to dissolve his sorrows, and then after sober, freshen up again, and then come to school again.Then, he was ridiculed again and left with shame.Today, the hellish life is finally coming to an end.But he didn't feel happy at all. Seeing how his Royal Highness Euphemia and Lelouch were close these days, how they were doing and what they had done at a glance.

Give the girl you like to other men to enjoy, are you still a man?

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