Reincarnation of Lelouch Lamperouge

Reincarnation of Lelouch Chapter 402

Being dragged by Mirella to walk in the crowd, Lelouch looked at all kinds of visitors and replied softly.

"Okay! I'm going to work on other things, don't run away, I will come back anytime!"

Mi Lei drew Lelouch to the consultation office again, and then turned around and left after asking him. As the president of the student council, she had more things than she thought.However, Lelouch is not bad here, not long after sitting down, to prevent the phone in the toolbox from ringing continuously.

"Yes, pizza starts in the afternoon!"

This is an inquiry from outside school personnel who plan to visit the school festival.

Didi di...

Just put down the phone, the other one rang again, and Lelouch opened the communication.

"Hey, it's the drama department. I have already talked to Yingyan!"

Now it's obviously not the time to do this, so it seems that we should find someone to replace it later.There are still a few people who are familiar with the work of the Student Union, so they can just give orders directly.

Just when the impatient Lelouch was about to find someone to replace him, a familiar figure in the distance came into his sight.

"Uh! She is here too!"

Not far from the front, a lady officer in military uniform was about to play a game of whack-a-mole with excitement. Of course, the gophers here are not toys, but real people.Looking carefully, Lelouch couldn't help but laugh softly. It turned out that this female officer was almost all beating the same person, and that person looked very similar to a frivolous guy. They were all superficial studies with glasses. image.

The special Lloyd, the Earl of Pudding, who is well-known in the upper class of Bunitania.

"Is there such a big grudge against Lloyd!"

The female officer who can hate Lloyd so much is naturally only Cecil, who is also a special member.

Chapter 315: Try Cecil

Seeing Cecil, who smashed towards the same target, wielded a cork hammer and said to himself "It's fun, academy festival", Lulu Xiu couldn't help laughing.

Lloyd, it seems that you really fail to be a human being. Even Cecil, who has always been a gentle character, hates you so much.

While thinking about it, Lelouch beckoned to the two students who set up the stall opposite, pointed to the toolbox on the seat, and got up and walked towards Cecil, who was immersed in the excitement of beating Lloyd.


At this moment, the hammer that had been ravaged by Cecil for a long time finally couldn't help her ravages. When she waved it up, the hammer broke in the air. The huge hammer head happened to find Lulu Xiu who was planning to attack behind and flew over. It hit his head with a sound.

"Sorry! The handle is broken!"

Hearing the sound, Cecil couldn't see the person clearly, turned and bowed, subconsciously apologizing.

Taking the hammer that had fallen from his head, Lelouch handed it to the staff who smiled bitterly, and smiled at Cecil, who was holding his head down.

"That person is not Lloyd. Although it is a school festival, let's understand the staff a little bit!"

"Ah! It's Master Lulu Xiu!"

Hearing Lelouch's figure, Cecil looked up, only to find out who was standing in front of him.Thinking of her behavior just now was seen by the other party, her face couldn't help but two blushes appeared on her face, and she was so ashamed that there was a gap in the ground to get in.

However, this is of course impossible, so she can only explain with her hands in a panic.


"I know, I won't tell Lloyd, but I have time anyway. Before Yuffi has come, let me go shopping with me!"

Lelouch looked at Cecil, who was usually so calm, with such an expression, which was quite interesting.It's like an iceberg beauty who doesn't usually smile. Once the smile begins, she will definitely be beautiful and very moving.At least, Lelouch was completely attracted by Cecil in front of him. Before Yuffi arrived, let's taste the taste of Cecil.

The promise was made at the beginning, but now it should be fulfilled.

"I'm sorry to say that, last time I clearly said that I would take the time to have a good time with you, but I failed to say anything! I'm sorry, Cecil!"

Lelouch ignored the presence of others and went straight up to hug Cecil and held her flexible waist.

"Ah no, there is no such thing, I know Master Luloxiu you are usually very busy, I..."

There was a move on Cecil's face, and he shook his head to answer.

A handsome male student, an intellectual and beautiful female officer, the two embraced so intimately, which attracted the attention of the surrounding students and visitors. Feeling the many sights falling on him, Lelouch held Sisi. Er, walked towards the remote warehouse.

"This is not a place to talk, let's go elsewhere!"

Cecil seemed to have a premonition, and the blush on his face deepened.

At this time, on the other side, Suzaku, who was preparing to make the world's largest pizza material, finally met Karen who had been separated on Shengen Island.In addition to the establishment of independent Japan by Atsushi Shikoku Island, the reunion of Euphemia and Lelouch took all of Suzaku's mind, so he had forgotten it.

Therefore, when Suzaku, who was carrying the ingredients into the kitchen, saw Karen who was preparing inside, he subconsciously touched it on his waist.It's a pity, but he felt empty, and at this time he also woke up, in the academy, as a student, he has no weapons.

"Give up, even if you have a pistol, do you think that kind of thing is useful to me?"

Kallen naturally heard the movement behind him, but did not respond, completely treating Suzaku, the Knightmare driver who is no less powerful than the Knights of the Round Table, as air.

She didn't take Suzaku at all.

Suzaku seemed to realize that her reaction was a little too radical, and for Karen's terrifying skill, the pistol was really of little use.Of course, the more important thing is that he can't shoot Karen.

Her Royal Highness Euphemia has already recognized Lelouch. As Lelouch’s girlfriend, the eldest lady of the eight great nobles of the Empire, the Huda Felt family, if Lelouch returns to the Empire in the future, she will also become a member of the royal family. The princess, the sister of His Royal Highness Euphemia.He did not have the qualifications to shoot at all, it would be a great crime of rebellion, and even His Highness Euphemia would not forgive him.

"You even dared to fall the school, are you not afraid that I will tell the empire about your identity?"

However, Karen's attitude that completely ignored him still hurt Suzaku's self-esteem, he asked with a calm face.

"That’s why I’m here now. The Soutafield family is one of the eight famous gates of the empire. If you have really revealed my identity, someone will come to my house to question. But I didn’t get the relevant news, then you Of course I didn't say it! And even if you did, what can you do to me!"

As Karen said, she turned around and looked at Suzaku coldly, with ridicule and disdain in her eyes. This kind of gaze, like watching a clown, stung Suzaku even more, just like the one on that island. The time is the same for two days.

She just looked at herself with this mocking look while waving his blood-stained vine whip.

"Do you think that by becoming a knight of Your Highness Euphemia, you will be able to show off the noble eldest lady of the Huddafir family? So is the puppet queen, besides betraying her body to you this useless knight for one A little bit of freedom is useless!"

And her poisonous tongue.

"You are not allowed to insult Your Highness Euphemia!"

Hearing Karen’s words insulting his lord Euphemia, Suzaku rushed up with excitement, and then instantly kicked back by Karen’s lightning-flying kick, flew out of the kitchen, and rolled on the grass. ring.


Putting away the raised right foot, Karen patted the dust on it, as if he had kicked something dirty.

"Ahem... ahem!"

Suzaku was struggling to get up while coughing. Although he didn't vomit blood like on the island, his abdomen was kicked by that incredible force and it still made him cramp, as if his internal organs were rolling.Fortunately, his physique is strong enough and his body's ability to resist blows is also good, so he just feels quite uncomfortable and is not injured.

"As expected of Karen, he is still so good!"

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