Reincarnation of Lelouch Lamperouge

Reincarnation of Lelouch Chapter 403

"No matter how you compliment me, it's useless!"

Karen smashed her mouth, her tone still full of contempt.

"Today is the academy festival, I don't have time to play with you here, the kitchen ingredients have been used up, go to the warehouse with me to get it!"

After speaking, Karen walked out of the kitchen and toward the warehouse without waiting for Suzaku to fully recover.Behind, Suzaku rubbed her abdomen whose pain had not yet receded, and followed with a bitter expression.

The warehouse is at the rear left of the club and the location is relatively remote, so the two of them walked for five minutes before arriving.

However, when Karen and Suzaku walked into the warehouse one after another, the scene that they first entered their line of sight, suddenly stopped them.In the dark corner ahead, two people were leaning against the wall, shaking violently.

Walking a few steps closer, his eyes adjusted to the darkness quickly saw the figures of the two people.

One was Lelouch. He was pressing on a female officer wearing a female non-commissioned officer's costume. His lower body was completely plunged into the middle of the opponent's thigh, shaking quickly.It hits the woman who was held down by him like a pile.And his left hand stretched into the opponent's clothes along the bottom of the clothes, rubbing vigorously on the opponent's bulging chest, and even through the clothes, he could clearly feel how big his movements were.

The eyes moved up again, and the lips of the two were pressed tightly together, and they kissed deeply.

Even though they were so far away, they could clearly hear the tangled tongues of Zizi and the sound of bangs.Although Suzaku is still a virgin, since he went to school, he has heard and seen countless times when Lelouch and the beautiful female classmates in the school made the sound.Even not long ago, the goddess he liked had the same experience and made the same voice.

Two people are in Make·Love!

However, this fact did not surprise Suzaku. After entering this academy, he saw countless times that the rising Lelouch was handing a beautiful female student, proclaiming adultery in various hidden corners of the campus, even The sacred women's toilet has also become a fixed place for him and the girls to meet up.At the beginning, he was a little surprised and even stopped him in person, but he was taught a lesson by the group of girls who were originally dissatisfied with him, and the rejection among boys was even more excessive.

Because it seems that the girls who were forcibly assaulted by Lelouch were all his girlfriends, or one of his friends.As long as there is Lelouch, even in class, the incredible group of girls will still ask for it.

However, today he was surprised.

Because from the costume of the female officer, and the silhouette of her faintly revealed, it was very similar to a familiar person of him.

However, it's impossible for that woman to have an affair with Lelouch here.

However, the greater the so-called expectations, the greater the disappointment.In front of them, Lelouch speeded up his movements fiercely, like a beast that had released its shackles, fiercely impacting the female officer’s soft and beautiful body like a leaf in the wind, and the sound of slaps almost filled the whole The warehouse is endless.

And at this moment, Lulu Xiu, who was all focused on the last moment, also let go of the lips of the woman he was kissing about to suffocate, biting the peaks of her chest through the clothes, in the violent impact, He pressed her body violently, pushed her feet off the ground, and then stopped violently, let out a dull low growl, and her hips vibrated vigorously.

The penis deeply inserted at the end of the female officer’s uterus exploded all the hot semen into her deepest part. The hot orgasmic uterus kept cramping, reflecting more vaginal semen, and the love fluid of the two mixed together. , Regardless of each other, just like their overlapping figures at the moment.

Chapter 316: Overlapping Lies

The face of the female officer who had been blocked by Lelouch’s face was completely exposed to Karen and Suzaku at the moment he left, as well as the unbearable bliss when she reached the peak, and it was released fiercely. Come out and ring in the warehouse.

"Hmm... so comfortable, Lu Lu Xiu! It's hot, no, I'm going again...go...ahhhh..."

The joyous shout of this infinitely charming woman was like a heavy hammer, hitting Suzaku's chest fiercely, making him vomiting blood with discomfort.

It is really her—Cecile Krummit’s deputy director, a gentle and intellectual lady officer, and the woman Suzaku most respects and admires, and exists like a sister.However, now even his last piece of pure land was taken away by Lulu Xiu.

"Really...Miss Cecil!"


Suzaku clenched his fists and gritted his teeth, but didn't have the courage to step forward, let alone question it.Staying here can only add to the embarrassment. Thinking of waiting for the two people to finish, Suzaku turned and hurried away.

The injured aloof beast can only find a secluded place to lick its wounds.

As for Karen, she didn't care. At the aftermath of the peak of the two murderers, she walked in openly, lifted the spare ingredients easily, and then turned and left.

It took a long time for Cecil to recover a trace of clarity from the extreme pleasure, and his feet fell on the ground, and then his back leaned against the wall.Sticky water stains flowed all the way from the part where she got rid of Lelouch's support, and accumulated a small milky white pond on the ground.

After Luloxiu arranged his clothes and pants, he took out a clean handkerchief and wiped it for Cecil, who was still a little weak, before helping her to leave the warehouse.

This place is not very secretive, but it happened to be smashed by Karen and Suzaku. Is this the so-called fate?

Just as Lelouch hugged Cecil and walked out of the warehouse, Suzaku jumped out from behind the big tree next to the warehouse and stopped in front of the two people who had just stolen the affair, with red eyes and hot faces, gritted teeth and asked.

"What's the matter? Suzaku-san!"

The two stopped, and a smile flashed across Lulu Xiu's face, and he asked first.

"Miss Cecil, why are you..."

Suzaku did not answer Lelouch's words, but looked at Cecil with a happy face. This was the first time he saw this smile on this person.But because of this, he has to ask even more.

"When I called you to school, didn’t I meet him? Since then, I will see him every night in my dreams, and... Maybe, it’s love at first sight! I came to attend the school festival today, and I happened to see him again. It’s him. So I confessed to him, and I didn’t think he had a good impression of me since that time.”

Cecil's face gets redder as he talks about it, just like a ripe peach, bright, beautiful and delicious, looking very charming and moving, she is completely a young girl who is immersed in beautiful first love.

"Yes, I also happen to be looking for a girlfriend. Cecil is so beautiful and generous and an officer in Bunitania."

Lelouch also added that while speaking, he frequently gestured to Suzaku, apparently asking him to cooperate with him to conceal his true situation.Including identity, including the fact that he has a fiancé, and the truth that he already has countless women.

"Suzaku, you are too much. There is such a beautiful female colleague, and you don't even introduce me to me. We are our childhood friends!"

In order to conceal the truth that he already had a girlfriend, and more than one, Lulu Xiu actually raked back and pushed the blame on himself.

A trace of unbearable flashed in Suzaku's eyes, but Lelouch was right. The two of them were close friends in childhood, and they still are.But Miss Cecil, he really didn't want to deceive her.However, if you tell her the truth, not only will Lelouch be unable to step down, but Cecil will probably be very embarrassed.

After all, just now two people did the most intimate thing between a man and a woman.


Suzaku replied vaguely, and after Lelouch and Cecil's continuous elimination, he completely forgot his original intention and fell into an embarrassing situation.

"Ah, by the way, should I get the ingredients to make pizza?"

With his right fist smashed into his left palm, Suzaku muttered to herself with a revelation, and hurriedly bypassed Lelouch and Cecil, ran into the warehouse behind, then took out a box of ingredients from it, and hurried away. Up.

From beginning to end, Lelouch and Cecil were watching Suzaku's ridiculous behavior as if they were watching a funny clown making up and acting.

On the other side, Yu Fei, who was successfully reunited with Nanaly, also began to enjoy this grand school festival under the protection of the two guards Alice Phil and Saki Seko.Lelouch took Cecil and was about to get along with them, but he almost met Lloyd on the road. Fortunately, Cecil led him away in a hurry, otherwise the person would see Lelouch and he might think of it. There may be nothing.

After all, Lelouch is a celebrity in the upper class of Bunitania. Although he only retains his childhood appearance, he is probably recognized by Lloyd's IQ at a glance.

From the age of nine to seventeen, the changes in his appearance are not so obvious.

After the three brothers and sisters reconciled smoothly, the support group concealedly blocked the sight of soldiers and media reporters participating in the school festival, so that the three highnesses could enjoy this rare school festival happily.In the passage of time, it is finally time for the highlight of the school festival, the production time of "The World's No. 1 Pizza".

As the secretary of the student union, Lival is also the narrator for the production of "The World's No. 1 Pizza".

"Then, soon, it will begin! The process of making the world's best pizza!"

Of course, the narrator, and Lival, who also guides the entire operation, stood at the top of the elevator on the temporary stand in front of the square, holding the microphone, mobilizing the emotions of all visitors.

"The oven under my feet is the oven specially made for this event. It is an amazing budget waste. Only our Ashford Academy has such a big hand!"

In Lival's passionate speech, the huge curtain slowly lowered, revealing a huge Knightmare inside.

"Then let me introduce it to everyone! The one flying the dough is Ganymede of the Ashford family! However, driving it is our student council member of discipline and the knight of Your Highness Yuphimia-the tree suzaku!"

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