Reincarnation of Lelouch Lamperouge

Reincarnation of Lelouch Chapter 404

Lival’s words immediately aroused the cheers of all the visiting ELEVEN people in the audience. The Suzaku is indeed a banner for the people of the 11th district, as Ditohart said, among some moderate and neutral Japanese. In the eyes, it is their star of hope.

As if to cooperate with Livar's words, Suzaku, who had already been seated in the cockpit, drove this third-generation Knightmare developed by Ashford, posing a strong posture for me.

Although the Royal Knights actually manipulated Knightmare to do this kind of thing at a price, it seemed much more natural to be connected to the identity of Suzaku ELEVEN and those ELEVENs in the audience.

"The third-generation Knightmare Frame——Ganymede! That is the body that was driven by Princess Marianna, who was shining by your Royal Highness's mother!"

Royd and Cecil walked out from behind Mi Lei standing in the aisle in front of the club and said with interest.When he came to Ashford Academy this time, in addition to Cecil's frustration, he also wanted to meet Mi Lei, the eldest lady of the Ashford family.

Knowing the identity of Lelouch, the dormancy of the Ashford family over the years is probably not that simple.The most direct is the red Knightmare that once rivaled Lancelot.Thinking of those clues, Royd couldn't guess Lelouch's other identity.With Lakshatta's mind, and the Knightmare manufacturing technology accumulated by the Ashford family for eight years, it is not very difficult to develop a Knightmare that is even more terrifying than Lancelot.

Perhaps, the MS recently announced by the Chinese Federation also has part of the Ashford family's credit.

"It's just a basic frame, a doll made temporarily for this event!"

Mi Lei glanced at Lloyd and Cecil who came up from behind, her expression did not change much, and she answered very calmly.

"What about the dolls! The strength of the Ashford family really cannot be underestimated. Even though the heretical body squeezed out of the generational competition due to the death of Princess Mariana, its technology has not fallen yet!"

Temporary self-made, is it a body made intelligently for this event?

Royd pushed his glasses, the lenses gleaming with unknown meaning.

"So what, it's not just a tool that can only be used to make pizza, otherwise we can't help being driven out of Bunitania and come to this colony!"

"Really, then give me this doll!"


"I see! This guy has no feeling for the opposite sex at all. It is speculated like this that maybe their family will start from him!"

Cecil came up from behind, stood between the two, turned his head and looked at Mi Lei with a smile, in that tone, he had no respect for his boss, Lloyd, and was full of shame.It seems that he and Lloyd are colleagues.

"It's a pity, but the concept still exists, because I still want someone to inherit my knowledge!"

Lloyd revealed his iconic frivolous laughter again, causing the two beautiful women to get goosebumps, and vomit at the same time.

(This guy, absolutely no girl would like*2)

Chapter 317 Administrative Special Zone-Japan


The cheers of the audience rang out from time to time as Suzaku shook the dough. Seeing such a large ball of dough flying in mid-air, even Lival, who was in charge of the live broadcast, was a little frightened. Go, then there will be a big joke.

On the empty stair platform behind the crowd, Lelouch, Euphemia, and Nanali were resting here while admiring the grand scene in the distance.Yufei and Nanali were sitting on the left and right sides of Lulu Xiu, leaning on his body.

"Did you have fun today, Yuffi, Nanali?"

Lu Lu Xiu, who hugged left and right, was watching the most important program of the school festival performed by Suzaku and asked.

"Well, today is the happiest day I have had when I came to the 11th district. It's a pity that Sister Huang and Sister CC are not there!"

"It's also impossible. Empress Cornelia can't come to Ashford Academy. CC can't be exposed. Miresha Likalian and the others have their own things to do. Moreover, even if they have time, probably Won't come either!"

Lu Lu Xiu tightly hugged the two younger sisters.

Yes, the three of them have no room for others to intervene.As brothers and sisters, as marriage partners, as the three who grew up together, the bond between them is not something that CC or Cornelia can enter.



Yufei and Nanali responded one after another, leaning their heads on Lelouch's arm with attachment.Indeed, this kind of experience of three people playing together is already eight years ago.The space for the three of them only belongs to the world of the three brothers and sisters.

In order for them to continue to live this kind of life in the future, Lelouch has embarked on a path of the devil who cannot turn back. Behind him, Euphemia has also followed, only Nanali is still locked In that simple world.Maybe Nanali herself is very aware of the darkness and pain that Lulu Xiu and Yu Fei face, but she can only choose to be silent and hide in the pure white world they have built for herself.

The place where she is is a pure land, as the end of everyone's progress, waiting for everyone to arrive.

However, just when the three brothers and sisters were immersed in this calm and warm atmosphere, an accident happened.An accident that made everyone unexpected, in the perfectly constructed picture, a flaw was torn open.

Because of Suzaku's relationship, many ELEVENs came to the academy. Nina, who had a strong fear of ELEVEN, kept hiding in the student council room. Until Lloyd's call came, she went downstairs to see Lloyd and asked for some professional advice. On the problem.

However, just as she passed the trail and walked in the direction of Lloyd and the others, she found the three people sitting on the front steps.

Lulu Xiu in the middle, and the women nestling on either side of him.One of them is a childish girl with long flax hair and closed eyes.It was Nana that she knew well, and the other was a woman with a hat and a very beautiful long pink hair. Although the other party was wearing sunglasses, Nina recognized her true identity at a glance.

Yes, it was Euphemia, the third queen she longed for.

"His Royal Highness Euphemia!"

In surprise, Nina shouted the name of the other party excitedly, and ran towards the other party at the same time.

However, when she called out the name Euphemia, the situation was out of everyone's control.The news media in the vicinity heard the name first, and then turned around and keenly spotted the pink girl sitting on the rear steps.

This degree of disguise is of no use to these reporters. They can recognize the identity of the other party at a glance. It is the deputy governor of the 11th district and the third empress of the empire, Euphemia Li Bunny. Tania.

The next moment, the situation was completely out of control, and all the reporters rushed towards the place of the three of Lulu Xiu.Next are the students of the academy, and the citizens of Bunitania among those outsiders.

"This woman has ruined all my plans! After that, she must not be forgotten!"

Lelouch stared bitterly at the excited Nina, who had broken Yu Fei's identity. As expected, the plan was not as good as the change. He did not expect that his precise plan would be destroyed by this person.However, this is the end of the matter, and there is no way.

"Youphi, since it has been exposed, act according to the plan!"

Leaning to Yu Fei's ear and whispering a word, Lulu Xiu turned around and hugged Nana Li in the position of a princess.

"Ah, yes! Where's Nanaly?"

Yu Fei also stood up immediately, covering Lelouch and Nanali with an open hand, and asked anxiously.Behind her, Lelouch had already ran towards the club with Nanali.

"I will protect her!"

Lelouch’s figure hadn’t rushed into the club’s gate, nearby Cecil and Miley had already ran over, guarding Euphemia with Alice Phil and at the same time loudly warning those who rushed up. Media reporters and students looking forward to Euphemia.

Unfortunately, in the face of hundreds of reporters and students, their strength is too weak, they can only try to cover Euphemia's slow retreat.Fortunately, at this moment, Suzaku, who realized what was happening, strode forward with Ganymede, reached out from behind the crowd, rescued Euphemia and fulfilled his duties as a knight of Euphemia.

However, the pizza dough originally made by him flew to the branch of a nearby tree.

"Ahhh! My pizza, that bastard Suzaku, you can really do this kind of thing!"

With plates and knives and forks, they are already ready to go on the club building. CC, which is waiting for the "world's first pizza" to be made, sees Suzaku throwing away the pizza dough, and his silver teeth bite. The silver plate and knife and fork were immediately deformed by her fingers.

The "world's No. 1 pizza" originally made for her has completely fallen through.Suzaku was also sentenced to death by Cornelia.

At the same time, just below CC, in the club's first-floor warehouse, Lelouch had already hid Nanali in his arms.Fortunately, people's attention is attracted by Yuffi, so they can avoid being discovered.

However, after she was safe, Nanali in Lelouch's arms suddenly asked.

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