Reincarnation of Lelouch Lamperouge

Reincarnation of Lelouch Chapter 413

"Hey? What's the matter!"

But this time, Lloyd did not answer, but shook his head slightly, looking at the huge meeting place where hundreds of thousands of people gathered in the distance below.

What is this bad premonition, as if a huge darkness is engulfing there.

After being taken to the bridge of G1, Lelouch cut off the power supply of all intelligence machines including the communication machine.Euphemia looked at his operation behind him, and said in a somewhat confused tone.

"Really cautious, it's obviously turned off."

"Because of a certain empire, I have been hiding in Tibet."

Lelouch responded softly to her, took off ZERO's mask, and pulled down the mask covering the lower half of his face.

"This day has finally come, is that ready?"

"Of course, Brother Emperor!"

Yu Fei took a few steps forward, hugged Lulu Xiu's body hard, and offered his lips.


I haven't seen each other for almost a month, and she has to make up for it now.After all, wait...

This is exactly the power that Lulu Xiu intends to use, it is unreasonable, just a pure unconscious power.

Euphemia LI Bunitania, the third empress of Bunitania exuding innocence and kindness.Possess a power no less than Lelouch, Cornelia, and Schonizel.

In reality, many Japanese currently do not support the idea of ​​"Special Administrative Region-Japan" proposed by Euphemia.The SAR proposal itself is far from what they hope for Japan to be self-reliant as a country. Not only is it inferior to the puppet government established by Atsushi Sawazaki, it also has many problems.If you look at it calmly, you will find that it is not an existence that can be unconditionally praised. In fact, the basis for their support is not in that part.

It's not like that. They only cheered and trusted Euphemia Li Bunitania.

Lelouch had long been aware of this fact, since Yuphy officially appeared in District 11, when he appeared in front of people.No, maybe it was earlier. He already knew when Aries left the palace.

There are some things that he absolutely can't do, and that only a girl named Euphemia can do.

Recalling the memory of various events experienced by Lu Lu Xiu as ZERO so far.His full achievements and condemnation of the brutality of Bunitania should have built the image of the savior "ZERO" that the people expected.

It was easily replaced by the Governor of Vase.

Not only because ZERO is a suspicious masked man, he is different from the orthodox Empress Euphemia of Bunitania.No, it's not like that.It shouldn't be just that.In that case, more Japanese should now doubt what Euphemia said.

Because, no matter how kind Yufemiah is, how many good deeds she has done, and even appointed ELEVEN as her knight, but no matter what, she is just the emperor of the invading country to the Japanese.

But the fact is not the case, because Euphemia's words in front of the TV changed the direction of the wind in the world.Even Kyoto has now adopted an attitude of ostensibly supporting the Euphemia Special Zone concept.

Some unknown force is at work!

Completely different from politics and strategy, the girl named Euphemia has its own power.The source of the "power" possessed by Euphemia, the third empress of the Bunitan Empire.Attract others, let others follow their own-gentle, kind, tolerant attraction.

There is no idea and reason, as long as that person appears in front of you, you will want to help and give strength to that person.

In history, people with such powers have appeared.In the past, he advocated non-violence and non-cooperation, and led the blood-stained ethnic disputes to the great instructor of integration; carried forward the spirit of dedicated service, and established the international high commissioner of refugee relief organizations that transcend the country.Before many of them promote their ideas and ideas, their own existence will attract others and make others follow them.

Of course, compared with those who have stayed in history, the current Euphemia's blooming light is still very weak.But even if it is weak, it is by no means zero, not non-existent.There is a hidden possibility that one becomes two, becomes three, and eventually becomes ten, hundreds, thousands, and ten thousand.(One life two, two life three, three life all things)

Euphemia is a natural angel of goodness, a miraculous flower born in a desperate world.

This kind of power only belongs to Euphemia, it is the nature that can completely overthrow the careful military strategy and political strategy plan, and it is a power that I have no consciousness of.His sister Cornelia did not, nor did Lelouch herself.Lelouch was able to manipulate others with GEASS and language.But even Lelouch couldn't attract others to follow him without doing anything.I should not be able to gain that power from now on.Euphemia's power may increase from one to two, but zero can never become one.

Just like ZERO can never become ONE.

If the will and faith are overwhelmed by the other party, the existence of the whole person will be completely swallowed!

What a beautiful, pure kindness.But for myself now, that is the most terrifying.Force can be confronted with force, and politics can be confronted with politics.But how can we fight against the attraction of intangible goodwill!?

Therefore, Lelouch needs this gentle power to drive cruel violence, destroy the hope of the Japanese, stop Bunitania from advancing, and at the same time smash the ambition of Schonizer.Of course, at the same time, he also crushed someone who dared to refuse him.

But at this moment, this flower of hope was only bloomed by Lu Lu Xiu.

Let the kind and simple angels exercise this powerful power for the devil, of course, they have to pay the same price.

When Lelouch paid the price to Yuphy, the outside podium, in the cockpit of the stopped Gawain, the CC picture felt a strange feeling, assaulting him.

It's like the pressure of something in the brain.CC also realized that he was being watched by someone, and looked at the cockpit monitor that reflected the situation outside.

"Are you ok?"

"But the order..."

"I have given her the pager for emergency use! It should be no problem."

It was the police guards left by Euphemia talking, but the line of sight did not come from there.CC turned his attention to the monitor on the side.

It's the Suzaku.He was completely different from just now, with his eyes widened in surprise, looking up at Gawain, who was kneeling on the G1 deck, as if seeing something unbelievable.

"That's it."

CC squinted and muttered as he looked at him through the monitor.

"I can see it, is it because of the indirect contact with Kaneshima? Although there is a slight disturbance in the sequence, it is not surprising even if it is connected... No, wait a minute?"

CC felt a chill, her neat face showed a strangely blank expression for a moment, then narrowed her eyes, staring at the Suzaku in the monitor as if she was about to swallow him.

Could it be said that this man has the qualifications to achieve Geass.

No, let's check, CC thought, and took the initiative to open Gawain's cockpit and walked out of it.

Suzaku watched CC walk out of Gawain's cockpit, showing a more surprised expression.

"You are... the girl who was with ZERO last time!"

This is not the first time this boy and CC have met.When Lelouch and CC concluded a contract in Shinjuku, he and CC had a relationship.

"Answer me one thing."

CC interrupted Suzaku who wanted to speak, and asked blankly.


At that time.


CC's head felt an abnormal pressure.No, this is different from what I felt just now. The pressure is immediately replaced by severe pain.The unbearable CC pressed his forehead with his hands.It was so hot, a red light flashed in my mind that had nothing to do with CC's will.It looks like the shape of a bird flying in the sky-the pattern of GEASS.

"Could it be..."

The shocked CC knelt on the spot.

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