Reincarnation of Lelouch Lamperouge

Reincarnation of Lelouch Chapter 414

"VV, is that you?"

Chapter 326 The Conspiracy in the Trap

"Hey, hello. What's wrong?"

Seeing the mysterious girl in front of her suddenly fell on one knee, Suzaku rushed up in a panic, stretched out her hands to help CC up.But as he approached, CC slammed a palm, and the huge wind pressure immediately caused Suzaku to fly upside down, hitting the guards behind, and rolling into a ball.

"Major Shumu!?"

"What did you guy do!"

When the other guards saw it, their colors changed drastically, and they took out pistols from their arms.

not good.

This is a ritual that opens the door to the C world, and sends a large amount of information to the CC and the brains of its contractors through the connection between CODE.Of course, this will not last long for CC.But since this phenomenon has come to him, it means that the current CC contractor Lelouch will be subjected to such a strange attack.

At present, only VV who is the leader of the cult can do this.

The establishment of the "Administrative Special Administrative Region Japan" was a trap to lure her and Lu Lu Xiu from the beginning.Of course, it's not too late to know, but Lelouch's plan has to be advanced again.

CC managed to endure the sting of his head and staggered towards Gawain's cockpit.Behind her, the guards who were about to encircle were also stopped in time by Dalton.

Cornelia had already told Dalton and Guildford about the identity of CC. This mysterious green-haired girl, but the true lord of the harem of Lelouch, even Cornelia would be called the eldest sister. .In case of offending her, Dalton could not be blamed for wearing small shoes to Cornelia.

When CC returned to Gawain's cockpit, the G1 bridge illuminated only by emergency lights was dim and full of silence, with only the sound of fierce kisses between young men and women.

I don't know how long, the two people slowly separated.

"This ceremony is being broadcast to the whole world. What if your knight, the Queen of Bunitania, attacked Zero?"

"Then I, as the emperor, will destroy the knight who violated my will, and then join hands with you to create a new future for Japan!"

Euphemia tilted her head cutely, her brain didn't understand these too complicated calculations, but just copied Lelouch's plan.

"It will break out... riots, right? Among the Japanese."

"That's right."

Lu Lu Xiu cocked his mouth slightly and arranged the script confidently.

"If you are attacked despicably, ZERO will become a martyr, and Bunitania will be discredited. Because of the image you have always built, plus my testimony. The whole world will treat me and you as a martyr. All the blame for the chess pieces discarded by Nia will flood towards the man. And the anger of the people will completely burn out Bunitania here, and then radiate to all the Bunitania occupied by Japan, centered on Japan. colony."

And we will become the savior...

However, at the moment when Lelouch was about to continue speaking.


The pain came suddenly in the left eye.It was a bit similar to the feeling before the Shennen Island ruins.But in terms of feeling, this time it is going to be even stronger, as if there is some pain in the eyeball rushing to the brain, the brain is being eroded.


Even though Euphemia was surprised by the unexpected incident, he reached out to support his shoulders.

Lelouch pressed his aching left eye, and his right eye pierced Euphemia with a burning gaze. In his body, something broke with a clear sound of "click".

Lelouch didn't know what it was, but the strange scene that appeared when he signed the contract with CC appeared in his mind.

It's the cult, and... the noble figure of Marianna, the first woman he likes.



The moment Lelouch called his mother, CC's voice came vaguely.

"Be careful, this is a trap! The trap used by VV to catch me and you!"

The wise man is not only Lu Lu Xiu, who has lived for several decades, and the scheming sheepfold head, will not let go of any chance of catching CC.

Moreover, by the way, Lu Lu Xiu, who has gradually become a climate, is resolved.

"Those two guys!"

Lelouch held his left eye and put on the black mask with difficulty.

"Yufie, hurry up, execute the plan!"

"Ah... well, got it!"

Yuffi replied dullly, and the expression on her face slowly changed, from gentle and kind angels, slowly becoming indifferent, cruel, eyes that lost their focus, and the diffused pupils slowly condensed, turning into nothing. An icy gem of affection.

"Hehehe...hahaha...Yes, plan to kill all those lowly ants, and all those who violate the will of your brother will die!"

Listening to Yu Fei's unprecedented cruel and sneer voice, Lu Lu Xiu's entire body stood upright, and suddenly fought a cold war.There had been suspicions last time, but until now, Lelouch was daring to be sure that the gentle Euphemia did have a completely opposite personality.

Moreover, he was completely independent from the gentle personality of Yuffi.

Without tidying up the dress that was messed up when kissing Lelouch just now, Euphemia, who was in the form of a witch, kissed Lelouch through the black mask, took out the emergency call device in his pocket, and gently Pressed down.


With a crisp, light sound, Dalton and the guards outside immediately heard the dangerous signal.

"No, Euphemia is in danger!"

"Go and save people!"

"Guards guard here, Suzaku will go in with me!"

Dalton made a sound to stop the guards who wanted to rush into the G1 bridge, and rushed over.Suzaku, who was recovering on the ground, also resisted the pain of her body, and followed closely behind.

Then, they rushed into the land battleship and saw ZERO riding on Euphemia, tearing her clothes.


"You beast!"

Dalton and Suzaku pounced almost at the same time, forgetting to use guns, and only attacked with their bodies.It is conceivable that the scene before them has indeed angered the limit of their psychological endurance.

Lulu Xiu, who was playing the scene of the mob bullying the female, looked up and saw the two knights breaking in, and quickly retreated, avoiding the two sharp kicks.

"Suzaku, kill him! He not only threatened me with the incident on Shengen Island, but also supported the establishment of the special zone on the condition that I marry him!"

Seeing his knight appear, Euphemia Pear with tears in his eyes rained, embarrassed and angry, and shouted angrily.

"This is an order, my Knight Suzaku! Kill ZERO! Kill him!"

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