Reincarnation of Lelouch Lamperouge

Reincarnation of Lulouch Chapter 415

Because of Yuphy's words, the already tense string in Suzaku's heart broke immediately.

Not only in the flagship G1 of Bunitania, he assaulted Her Royal Highness Euphemia, but also made a request for Euphemia to marry him as a compromise condition for the Black Knights. This is no longer possible with the word despicable. Described.

"Yes, Your Highness."

With a roar, Suzaku who received Yufi's order completely forgot everything, his head was blank, only the order-"Kill ZERO, kill him!"


The magnificent knight sword was instantly unsheathed, and Suzaku turned into a cheetah, and fiercely pounced on ZERO who was finishing his clothes.

Seeing the rushing Suzaku, Lelouch actually pulled out a small pistol. Judging from the color, the material didn't seem to be metal, so he had already calculated it.

Seeing the pistol in ZERO's hand, Suzaku ran away, but his sanity did not disappear. At the moment he pulled the trigger, he swayed to avoid the flying bullet.Of course, this is also related to the lack of power of that pistol.However, Lelouch didn't expect to hit Suzaku, he just grabbed the moment the Suzaku dodged and rushed out of the bridge.

"Want to run!"

Suzaku followed closely and rushed out of the bridge.However, what he didn't know was that after he left, Yufimia, who was originally in the bridge with rain in the pear blossoms, immediately patted the clothes on her body, stood up calmly, and exuded a sense of oppression from her. , So that Dalton was a little afraid to approach.

Cold, solemn, and evil spirits.

Where is the gentle and lovely emperor, a witch who just walked out of hell!

"You... Your Royal Highness Euphemia!"

Dalton hesitated, or shouted in an attack, he was a little doubtful about the identity of the Highness in front of him.That kind of expression, that kind of expression, it can be said that it is absolutely impossible to appear on the face of this highness.

"Hmph, what are you doing here? Go and issue an order to kill ZERO. Also, if your elder brother loses a hair, I will kill you!"


It is impossible to kill ZERO without hurting the opponent's hair. This willful request is simply impossible!

Dalton wanted to say something, but when he met Yuphy's cold look that seemed to destroy everything, his back suddenly chilled, and he lowered his head in awe.

"Yes, Your Highness."

Watching Dalton leave, Yuphy walked toward the inside of the bridge with a cold smile on his face.After passing the back corridor, she went directly to the cabin under the land warship.

At the end of the empty cabin, there was a huge shadow hidden by a curtain.Yuffi walked to the shadows and grabbed the curtain with his hand and pulled it slightly. Suddenly, the huge curtain that was close to five meters high immediately slipped down, revealing the Knightmare reflecting the metallic luster below.

The seventh generation Knightmare-Lancelot, the only difference is that the official Lancelot is white, while the one in front of him is pink.

Chapter 327 The Undifferentiated Killing Order

ZERO, who rushed out of the bridge first, rushed to the activated Gawain at the moment when the people outside hadn't reacted.Afterwards, Yuphemia's knight, the Japanese star of hope, Suzaku, also rushed out. He waved the knight's sword in his hand, furious, with red eyes, like a Shura evil spirit from hell.

With his appearance, the nearly 100,000 Japanese agitated outside became even more disturbed.

What's the situation now—their star of hope, Suzaku, the knight of His Royal Highness Euphemia, is actually hunting down the messenger of justice ZERO.

They didn't know the situation, they gradually became noisy, whispered, and talked a lot. Some originally skeptical Japanese made some horrible remarks. A storm was brewing underground.

But at this moment, the only Euphemia who can stop the storm is not here.Here, only the Suzaku who was completely immersed in the anger at Zero and fell into a runaway.

The loyal guards built a wall of people to block ZERO's footsteps, but were quickly knocked down by the opponent.

Suzaku took the opportunity to rush up and slashed towards ZERO's back.Realizing the sound of the wind behind him, ZERO turned back and kicked the sword of the knight sword from the side, and the huge power immediately kicked the gorgeous long sword away.

Afterwards, the other foot flew up and kicked Suzaku's head like lightning.

The moment the knight sword in his hand was kicked into the air, Suzaku knew that he was not the opponent of the man in front of him.At least, with cold weapons in close combat, he has no chance of winning.So, at that moment, Suzaku rolled over and dangerously avoided the opponent's flying kick.

Afterwards, ZERO had no time to chase Suzaku, and was entangled by the swarming guards.

Realizing that it was impossible to kill ZERO in this way, Suzaku immediately issued an order to kill ZERO in the name of Euphemia.

"ZOER, this man offended the noble Yufimia, everyone, kill Zero at any cost!"

As Suzaku, even though he was a knight of Euphemia, he did not have the power to give orders to the soldiers.Of course, if you add the name of His Royal Highness Euphemia, it will be different.

However, the soldiers who were ordered looked at each other, and although they were shaken in their hearts, they did not act.Because they know what it means to attack ZERO at this moment.Killing their savior and hero in front of nearly 100,000 Japanese will definitely cause riots.

Regardless of what it is like in the SAR and Japan, if only talking about military command power, even if Euphemia has the status of an emperor, it will not be more prestigious than the battle-fighting commander Dalton.

As the leader who gave orders, the weight of her speech was very different from Dalton, not to mention that the other party was just her knight.If the same order comes from Dalton's mouth, the soldiers immediately obey it, and if the knights of Euphemia say it, there is almost no binding force.Of course, he heard from this ELEVEN that he could ignore the meeting place and attack ZERO's order. All the soldiers, including their non-commissioned officers, agreed very much.

But they are soldiers!

The characteristic of soldiers is that in the military, actual performance is more important than status and rank.And although it was ordered to attack ZERO, the object that Bunitania hated most, there were still nearly 100,000 Japanese in the venue.These Japanese came for His Highness Euphemia, and if His Highness pursues it afterwards, they can't bear the responsibility.

Suzaku, who saw the soldiers motionless, got up quickly and looked at the back of the podium, where a high-ranking non-commissioned officer was standing staring at the chaos in the distance.

"This is Euphemia's order to kill Zero at any cost!"

As if to verify the correctness of his words, Suzaku grabbed a soldier's pistol and squeezed the trigger at ZERO, who was shaking with the guards.The sharp bullet almost instantly crossed the boundary of time and space together with the gunfire and flew towards the black figure not far away.

However, ZERO avoided Suzaku's close-range shooting incredible.Of course, the bullet did not miss. After it broke ZERO's black cloak, it directly hit an old man sitting in a chair in the front row.His chest was hit by a bullet, a bright red, and then slipped softly to the ground.

There was freezing silence, but then.

"Ah... ah ah..."

Or the old man's companion, the women around him screamed.With her as the center, screams and anger suddenly sounded all around.At this time, Suzaku repeated into the microphone in a cruel tone that was completely disproportionate to the scene.

"Well, soldiers, do it! Kill Zero at any cost!"

Only by killing him can we avoid exposing what happened that night on Shengen Island, can protect Lelouch's fiancée, can complete the vow he once made, can... be redeemed.

Even if the price is falling into a bottomless hell, even if you are an enemy of the world, even if... Incarnate into a demon.

With a cruel smile on Suzaku's face, his eyes fixed on Lelouch, he pulled the trigger continuously, and the pistol's bullets were quickly burned out. Then he seized the submachine gun of a senior sergeant and aimed it at that dexterity The black figure rushing towards Gawain poured out more bullets.

Of course, none of these bullets missed.It is a pity that it was not ZERO that hit, but more innocent civilians. From the position close to the podium, it spread to the exit of the venue in the distance. Innocent people were hit by the bullets poured by Suzaku.From the elderly to the children, from men to women, some died on the spot, some were more severely injured, lying there moaning in pain, and more people were slightly injured, but those people were the most violent group.

They flee wildly, bringing fear and chaos to more people.It was as if a huge boulder was cast into a pool of stagnant water, and the meeting place gathered nearly 100,000 people, and it rioted in an instant.

Suzaku's crazy behavior finally dispelled the soldier's last doubt.Even the Suzaku, who is also a Japanese, can kill his compatriots for His Highness Euphemia.How could they who are Bunitanians fall behind?

The non-commissioned officer in charge of maintaining order in the ceremony venue reflexively picked up the telegraph.

"All, the whole team, are allowed to shoot and attack ZERO, regardless of the life and death of those lowly ELEVEN!"

"But, squadron captain, the general, he hasn't come out yet..."

"No, this is expected. The plan has been made at the beginning. This time the main goal is to capture the enemy of the Empire, ZERO, and that person offends His Royal Highness Euphemia. He is an Imperial soldier. Shame. We exist for the royal family, are you going to watch the criminals who offended His Royal Highness Euphemia escape?"

"Ming, understand! Every plane, immediately enter the venue and arrest ZERO. Anyone who obstructs the action can shoot!"

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