Reincarnation of Lelouch Lamperouge

Reincarnation of Lelouch Chapter 432

Suzaku who was hit in midair saw Chrissy who had been attacked by a strong particle cannon instead of him, and murmured.

Taking advantage of this moment, Bradley also pushed Dorothea and Euphy out of the strong particle cannon's attack range.In the next second, Krissy, who was hit by the red light of destruction frontally, also smashed heavily, completely submerged in the red light of the strong particle cannon.


The seventh knight of the round table of the Bunitan Empire, symbolizing him, one of the strongest forces in the empire, as his body exploded, his bones disappeared.He also became the first Knight of the Round Table to die since the expansion war of the Bunitanian Empire.

"Your Excellency/Chrissy (*2)!"

Three painful shouts sounded loudly, but the fact that Chris died could not be restored.

"Hahaha... really deserves it, this is the fate of daring to resist this emperor!"

Euphemia, who fell out of the cockpit of Lancelot Perfect Body, carried the corners of the white dress skirt, and revolved gracefully in mid-air, landing steadily on the ground, watching the exploding seventh The Knights of the Round Table laughed wantonly.The pink wavy hair was blown by the air wave of the explosion, making her so beautiful against the firelight.

"You monster queen!"

Hearing Euphemia’s ridicule, Bradley was instantly furious. He completely forgot about Euphemia’s identity. The shield in his left hand was thrown at her fiercely, in order to reach Euphemia. Deadly.

If it hadn't been for Euphemia to hug Dorothea under ZERO's order, Suzaku would not have blocked Gawain's strong particle cannon, and Chrissy would not have died to save Suzaku.

At that time, there were only these two options.

No, there is only one. If it was Suzaku who died, then none of them could escape the pursuit of ZERO and the red body.Chrissy thought of this, so he rushed forward without hesitation.

So, everything is because of Euphemia, their loyal empress.

"His Royal Highness Euphemia!"

Suzaku once again showed his loyalty as a knight, and instantly appeared right in front of the shield, and a sword smashed the shield that wanted to kill his lord.Afterwards, he loudly questioned the knight of the round table who dared to attack the emperor.

"Sir, what are you doing!"

Even if the Knights of the Round Table are the emperor's knights, they cannot offend Euphemia, who is the emperor.

"What are you doing? If it wasn't for this idiot emperor, how could Krissy die! Get out of the way, Suzaku, or I won't even let you go!"

"what did you say!"

Suzaku had not had time to refute, when he heard Bradley had added another nickname "Idiot Queen" to herself, Euphemia went away again.The sharp, squeaking sound turned into a sonic weapon, shocked even if they were sitting in the Knightmare cockpit, they couldn't avoid it, and their ears screamed.

However, this was not what shocked them the most, and what they couldn’t believe was that Euphemia, who made the harsh sound waves, lifted the corners of the white skirt, jumped gracefully, jumped ten meters away, and returned. Falling to the ground next to Lancelot.Then he lowered the corners of the skirt, and slender hands pointed at the two laser oscillating swords on the ground with red glow. The two knight swords that were huge compared to human beings immediately flew up, pulling them under a certain magical force. Stopped in front of her palms, as if held by the air.

"Bradley, today I will make this vampire a real ghost!"

Euphemia's body seemed to have lost its weight. He dropped a little on the ground, and quickly jumped through the ruins, chasing Bradley.

"His Royal Highness Euphemia!"

Suzaku turned subconsciously to block Yufimia's forward direction, but was instantly slashed by Yufemia.It was clearly suspended in her palm, but the power was greater than when Lancelot held it.

"How is this going?"

Dorothea and Bradley were stunned by the sight beyond common sense in front of them, and they didn't come back to their senses until the Suzaku that stopped Euphemia was slashed by a sword.

"Retreat, retreat all!"

Dorothea finally gave the order to retreat. In this situation, it can be said that Clixi's sacrifice has completely lost its effect.After losing Lancelot, Euphemia seemed to have become stronger.

Now, even Dorothea has recognized Bradley's name by Euphemia as the "monster queen".

If this goes on, they will wipe out the entire army, and they cannot let the second round table fall to this place, and they will still die because of an emperor they need to protect.This has no value.

It was because of the absorption of Chrissy that Dorothea, who had always been strong, had the first time to shrink.

But can they still retreat safely now?

After completely giving up the entanglement, the two round tables retreated quickly. After Suzaku hesitated, he followed closely.Now is really not the time to be strong, there are too many accidents in this battle.And now Euphemia actually controls two huge laser oscillating swords, showing no less than Lancelot's combat effectiveness, and overturning all common sense.

However, the current situation is an opportunity for Suzaku.

Yuffi lost Lancelot, and the Red Lotus cannot fly. Only his Lancelot and Gawain can fly.

VARIS was equipped with ammunition again, the laser oscillating sword in his left hand was ready to be launched, and Suzaku rushed towards Gaowen in the sky.Now is the best time to attack ZERO. The ten-finger cable that had forced him has been smashed by Krissy. With only the strong particle cannon, Lancelot's maneuverability can completely avoid it.

"What an annoying guy!"

Lancelot’s approach to Lelouch was of course in sight. The runaway Yufi exposed the strength of the heroic spirit and it had caused him a very headache, and Suzaku’s move in taking advantage of the void also made him feel a surge. The nameless fire.


Two strong particle cannons were fired at the white knight. Lancelot easily dodged without accident and flew to the left. A variable antimatter projectile was fired at Gawain’s hair, causing Gawain to back down again. .

At this time, Gawain's huge model became the best target for the dexterous Lancelot.Especially without the containment of Yuphy's Lancelot, maybe even this layer was taken into account by Crissy.

From a tactical point of view, using Euphemia's Lancelot for the life of a knight of the round table is obviously a win.But from a strategic point of view, after losing Lancelot, who was able to fly but had superb assault performance, it was Lelouch who lost.


Underground, the strongest melee body, the Red Lotus Type II, can only stare, and cannot support the troubled Gawain in the air.

Seeing this change, Dorothea immediately asked Bradley to lure Yuffi out of the battlefield, and she attacked Karen again.As long as she entangled her, waiting for the battle between Suzaku and Zero to end, there is still a chance to turn defeat into victory.

"Chrissy, I will never make your death worthless!"

"Lelouch, let me go out!"

Although CC had already used Gawain's performance to the limit, he could only avoid Lancelot's attack in front of him, and he would lose if he stayed for a long time. CC couldn't help but look back at Lelouch's proposal.

Her meaning is very clear, anyway, Euphemia has exposed the strength of the hero, and now it doesn't matter if she goes out to defeat Lancelot.


After being silent for a while, Lelouch decided to agree to CC's words, being so persecuted by Suzaku, to be honest, he was really upset.

Seeing that Lulu Xiu agreed, CC immediately opened the upper cockpit.However, just as the cockpit slowly opened, the Governor's Mansion in front of him suddenly shook violently.

The roof, which was modeled on the sky garden, split slowly, and a huge cone-shaped machine body slowly rose from the inside.At the top, a man with half of his body reflecting metal luster stood there, shouting the slogan of Long live the Bunitanian Empire.

"All Hail Britannia!"

"That is……"

The two fighting parties were stagnant, and they all looked at the unexpected guest who suddenly appeared.Among them, Lelouch and Suzaku first recognized the identity of this half-length metal man.

Jeremyia, who has disappeared since the battle of Mount Narita, is Lelouch's most loyal Orange knight.

While being watched, the half-length metal man also looked at both sides of the battle. His eyes swept Dorothea and Red Lotus, and then came to Lancelot and Gawain above the sky.

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