Reincarnation of Lelouch Lamperouge

Reincarnation of Lelouch Chapter 433

"Oh, is it Orange?"

Lelouch finally breathed a sigh of relief when Jeremia's gaze looked over here, but CC let out an unwilling curse.

"Cut, it's really not time to come!"

Chapter 344 Reappearance of Orange

"Well, although there has been an accident, it is good to minimize exposure!"

Lelouch persuaded CC with a wry smile. He only now discovered that not only Yu Fei had a violent character hidden in his heart, but CC seemed to be the same.In other words, the blackened Yufi was terrifying, and he unscrupulously exposed the power of the heroic spirit, wielding two great swords that only Knightmare could use to chase and kill a knight of the round table.

This kind of absurd thing, probably only she can do it.However, Yu Fei's graceful and graceful posture that controls two big swords is indeed very moving, just like the peerless beauty of ancient Chinese sword dancing.

"Oh, you are...ZERO, how lucky, bumpy, fate!"

Hearing Lelouch's voice, Jeremia, who had lost his ability to think, brightened his eyes and lowered his head subconsciously, showing an attitude of submission.

"It's just right, stop the Suzaku for me, don't... kill him!"

Jeremia's attitude clearly showed that he was still loyal to Lelouch. This kind of loyalty, even if he lost his memory and thinking ability, was still firmly inscribed in his bones.

"Yes, Your Highness!"

Jeremia squeezed his hands together, staring at Suzaku's Lancelot, and lowered his head strongly.

"Suzaku, please, please go and die!"

call out!

As soon as he finished speaking, Jeremia returned to the strange conical machine that was bigger than Gawain.Inside, there are multiple cables inside the cockpit that are directly connected to the modified Jeremyar's back, which is a body that is driven by nerve potential connections.With Jeremy's thinking, this strange body slowly flew up, revealing a complete posture.

From the appearance, it looks like a huge orange.

However, if you underestimate him because of his appearance, it is really troublesome!

When Suzaku recovered and shouted "Jeremiah", this orange-shaped non-human mobile weapon had already surpassed Lancelot and flew in front of Lancelot, fiercely. Crashed.


The huge impact made the inside of Lancelot vibrate violently, and there was no time to react. The orange-shaped machine had taken Lancelot and flew far away, and slammed into a building in the distance without mercy. .

Lancelot is not Gawain. Although his armor is thick, he uses a flying machine behind him. Once he hits, he will undoubtedly shatter.

"Jeremiah, what are you doing!"

After several warnings, Jeremia didn't answer. Suzaku realized that maybe he had been manipulated by ZERO's GEASS a long time ago.Yes, since the last Orange incident, Jeremya's personality has also changed drastically, and ZERO just said Orange.

"ZERO, you bastard playing with people's hearts!"

Adapting to the speed of this strange orange machine, Suzaku jumped up violently at the moment when it was about to hit the building, causing Jeremy to crash into the building directly under the influence of inertia.

"Sorry, Jeremy Yaqing, I will personally apologize to you after the ZERO GEASS is lifted, but now..."

Looking at the crashed building, Suzaku turned and rushed again to Gawain, who was cooperating with Karen to force Dorothea to retreat to the Governor's Mansion.It's a pity that Suzaku seemed to look down on Jeremia, and the orange machine in his posture.

Although the appearance is not very good, but this orange-shaped machine is based on Gawain, using the latest technology of Bunitania to manufacture a strategic weapon.

Siegfried, a special non-human mobile weapon, is huge in size and looks like a huge orange.Equipped with electromagnetic armor, FLOAT SYSTEM (floating flight system) and multiple sets of propulsion devices, it can move at high speed.The defense and mobility are extremely high, even if it is suppressed by the entire building, it is unharmed and can escape on its own.In terms of weapons, in addition to five groups of large flying swallow minions and two small groups of flying swallow minions, the high-speed rotation of the flying swallow minions and the body itself can also be used to attack the enemy.

This is a super killing machine that has assembled absolute defense and surpasses all current mobile weapons in terms of physical attack.

At the moment Suzaku had just turned around and accelerated accurately, the building behind him collapsed with a bang. From the back of the collapsed building, a huge black shadow flew out, the body rotating at high speed and the sharp cutting air outside. Feiyan's minions, like a huge gear of a windmill, are invincible, and they directly penetrate the building.

"So difficult!"

Suzaku watched gloomily at the unscathed terrorist windmill, and variable anti-matter bombs were fired continuously.

But in the face of that powerful and precise shooting, Jeremya, who was originally not even able to reach the quasi-round table, clearly saw Suzaku's attack route after the transformation.No, or more accurately, it was his modified right eye that saw it clearly.

As if the lens was slowed down countless times, Siegfried's maneuverability above Lancelot made him easily avoid these anti-matter bombs that can easily annihilate everything, and rushed towards Suzaku's speed without any reduction. Lancelot.

"I want to eradicate the enemy of ZERO——Suzaku, this is...All Hail Britannia!"

The insane voice and insane body made Suzaku completely deprived of energy to chase Lelouch.No, maybe he should be worried.Although Jeremia had lost the ability to think, the ability to fight without emotion according to computer calculations could still pose a great threat.

In particular, the solid defense of this huge machine body is impossible to speak.

However, the so-called accident occurs when people can't imagine it.There have been enough accidents today, and one more is nothing.Dorothea, who was fighting with Karen, backed back again and again, and was already approaching the Governor's Mansion, and Lelouch, who had caught up with Euphy and Bradley, was suddenly stunned.

His eyes were wide open, as if seeing something terrifying, and his whole body was shaking violently.

Feeling the abnormality, CC turned his head to look at Lulu Xiu, opened his mouth, and was about to ask, but suddenly he stopped, with a look of horror on his face.In her seductive lips, the same words as Lelouch were whispered.

"How can this be!"

Chapter Three Hundred and Forty Five

"It's worthy of the Knights of the Round Table Knights. It's really difficult. After leaving the ruins of the outer edge destroyed by ZERO, the enemy who returned to the original posture is so strong! Or, we are so weak after leaving that man!"

On the other side of the battlefield, Fujitang, which avoided Yuphy and the Knights of the Round Table, was leading the Black Knights to storm the Governor's Mansion.Even the zero division has been deployed, but in the face of the knights desperately resisting in the intact Governor's Mansion, they are still weak.

No, it's even slightly disadvantaged!

However, at this difficult and critical moment, ZERO's communication suddenly reached Fujitang, driving him to the edge of even more loss.

"Fujitang, all the future battles are over to you! The seventh knight of the round table is dead, the fourth and tenth knights of the round table have also lost their combat effectiveness, and the Suzaku has also been entangled by the helper Jeremya, you There is only one mission, and that is to attack the Governor's Mansion with all his strength and rescue Cornelia. Don't be afraid of loss!"

"Leave it to me, why is it suddenly handed to me!?"

Fujitang asked in surprise, he knew that his combat effectiveness and local tactics were indeed good, but the general strategy and the layout ability of the battle situation were far inferior to ZERO.Moreover, with the current prestige of ZERO in the Black Knights, it is not comparable to him.

The only CC that can replace his command seems to be with ZERO.As for the Kagura who was sitting on the G1 base car, Fujido had subconsciously omitted it.That little guy is very cute, but it's a pity that fighting and being cute are two different things. As far as spiritual leaders are concerned, no one can match Kagura, but the others are just...

"I have another thing I have to do now!"

Lulu Xiu's slightly gloomy words came from the other side, and he could see that he was very upset.


Tengtang still wanted to ask more clearly, and Luloxiu's words came again, and he seemed to have a foreboding that Tengtang and the others would follow up, but they had planned to close the communication directly.

"I will cut off communication with you afterwards!"

"Wait, what else is there in this situation?"

This answer made Fujitang unacceptable.

"If this thing fails, this war will completely lose its meaning, that's it!"

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