Reincarnation of Lelouch Lamperouge

Reincarnation of Lelouch Chapter 434

After the conversation, Lelouch didn't give any more explanation, and directly hung up the communication.

On the other side, Fujido wanted to say something, but the communication was quickly cut off by an anxious voice.

"Lieutenant Colonel Fujitang, the eighth division, all destroyed!"


The leak in the house happened to be rainy night, which is probably the case.ZERO has disconnected the communication, even if there is no way, Fujido can only print on the scalp.Fortunately, they did not have a chance of winning. After all, the Three Round Tables had been wounded and disabled, and even lost a Knight of the Round Table. Even if the war failed and killed a Knight of the Round Table, they would be proud.

Since the Bunitan Empire was on its way to expansion, the first Knights of the Round Table to fall, and he did not die in the war with the Chinese Federation and the EU, but was killed by them.

The Knights of the Round Table died in the Eleventh District. I think it will greatly encourage the rebels in other colonial districts!

The Bunitania Empire is not invincible in the world. The most powerful force they are proud of, the Knights of the Round Table, can also be killed.As long as such a concept remains, those who were once enslaved by the defeat of Bunitania will rekindle their confidence in resistance.

But the situation at this time is better than Fujitang thought, because the tenth knight of the round table, Bradley, who is known as the imperial vampire, has been driven to despair by Yuffi.With the speed and strength above Knightmare, combined with the agility and dexterity brought by the petite body, Bradley's plane Parcival was intercepted midway before retreating back to the Governor's Mansion.

Then, after losing his shield, even the claw of his right hand was chopped off with a sword, followed by his feet, and then his left arm.

The dignified tenth knight of the round table, the imperial vampire who frightened the enemy, was cut into a stick by the third empress of the empire, Euphemia.Then, Yijian split open his cockpit, revealing Bradley's horrified face inside.

"Hahaha... I said that I want to turn you into a real ghost, and dare to use that name to insult me ​​as an emperor. Realize... humble ant!"

Seeing Bradley, Yu Feixu held the red sword and cut it down with a single sword.


At this moment, from the pile of ruins behind, a golden Knightmare was holding a knight's gun, charging down at high speed like a brave knight.The target was the Empress Euphemia, who was stepping on the cockpit of Percival and swung a sword.

It was Dorothea, the fourth knight, who was chasing a red machine closely behind her, but it was Karen's red lotus type two.However, because she was already close to the Governor's Mansion, the artillery support from above also attacked Karen, which forced her to avoid the artillery shells that threatened the Red Lotus II, and the speed was also slowed down.

After all, Karen is not Euphemia. As an empress, her figure is extremely dazzling on the battlefield. Even if she sees her chasing the Knights of the Round Table, the soldiers guarding the Governor's Mansion dare not attack her.That's why she can easily defeat Bradley under the nose of the Bunitanian army and calm him down.

Yuffi, who was swinging his sword, noticed the abnormality behind him, but did not jump away.After all, she had two swords in her hand, one hacked Bradley to death, and the other one was just enough to block Dorothea.

But Yuffi felt a little bit more doubtful.

Ok?Dorothea and Sister Karen are here, but what about the older brother?

However, at this moment when Yuffi was lost, Bradley, who was awakened from horror by Dorothea’s words, under the instinct to survive, sitting in the driving position slightly sideways, avoiding being cut into pieces. The fate of the two halves, but the sword is really too big. Although his head was avoided, his right hand couldn't dodge it. The laser oscillating sword wiped it off, and the shock wave on it instantly shattered his right arm into a pool. Blood sludge.


The entire arm was shattered in an instant, and the pain that could not be described in words made Bradley howl in pain.

The distracted Yuffi heard Bradley's painful wailing, frowned, and was about to make up a sword, Dorothea had already charged in front of her.Having lost a companion, Dorothea finally forgot Yuffi's identity and her horror, and the huge knight's gun was aimed at her relentlessly.

"Huh, Dorothea, have you forgotten your respect and manners? You dare to attack me as the third empress!"

Yuffi glanced arrogantly at Dorothea, and slashed at the knight's spear that pierced rapidly.Unfortunately, even the heroic spirits have limited power. With the help of acceleration and charge, plus the weight of the knight’s gun itself, Yuffi, who stepped on the Parcival cockpit, was taken with the big sword without enough support. Hit fly.However, the beaten Yufei volleyed an elegant somersault, and gently landed on the ground. With a fierce kick, he stepped on two deep pits on the hard concrete floor, towards Dorothea. Burst away.

"Then you can go to hell with Bradley, and sanction you in the name of Euphemia LI Bunitania!"

Facing Yuffi’s challenge, Dorothea rarely refuted. She just threw the huge knight’s gun at Yuffi, then grabbed Bradley’s cockpit with both hands and pulled it out forcibly. , And then rushed directly to the direction of the Governor's Mansion.

Cang Dang!

The galloping knight's gun was slashed by Yuffi with a sword, and the force of the counter shock also made her body stagnate, and she missed the opportunity to chase Dorothea.When she fell back to the ground and turned to look at Dorothea, she had already ran back to the fortress of the Governor's Palace with Bradley.

"Cut, run faster than a rabbit!"

With a secret sip, Yu Fei gave up the pursuit, but rushed over with Karen, who was stopped by the artillery fire, and soon the two met again and left the Governor's Mansion.

After rendezvous with Karen, Yufi learned from Karen that Lelouch and CC had hurriedly left, and slowly closed his eyes.The heroic spirit's immense mental power is like a huge sensor radar, expanding rapidly, catching up with Gawain, who is flying towards Shengen Island.

I found it, but why did it suddenly go in that direction!

Yuphy, who sensed Lelouch and CC, gave up chasing after Dorothea and Bradley who had lost their combat effectiveness, turned around and chased him in the direction of Gawain’s advancement, leaving only Karen’s words "God Nejima" reminder.

Obviously, Yuffi meant that the destination of Lelouch and CC was Shengen Island.Because the Red Lotus Type II couldn't fly at all, Karen immediately returned to the G1 base, and after secretly relaying Lulu Xiu's news to Kagura, he boarded a transport plane and flew towards Shengen Island.

On the other side, Yuffi, who was flying in the sky as a human, was seen by the Suzaku who was trying his best to get rid of Jeremia's entanglement as he passed a battle area.Seeing Yufi flying away from the battlefield, Suzaku gave up the entanglement with Jeremia and followed in the direction of his lord.

Behind him, Jeremyia persevered in catching up.

After everyone left, the battlefield that had just been fiercely sensational suddenly fell silent and became the only place of peace.

Chapter 346 Maid Mariana

Nanali was robbed of fun!No, with Nanali's strength, in this world, no one can hijack her except him, CC, and Jiang Lihua.What's more, most of the students in Ashford Academy are his people, and the support group is an extremely powerful knight group. Even if Bunitania gathers all the combat power in the 11th district, it is impossible to easily. The breach.

Therefore, Nanali should have followed someone by herself. She is voluntary. If this happens, there is only one possibility.

Yes, besides herself, there is another person Nanaly can't resist.Maybe even oneself cannot resist that person's will.

There is only that person, an existence that he and Nanali absolutely cannot resist!


In the driver's seat of Gao Wen, Lulu Xiu hit the alloy wall next to him with a heavy punch, smashing an obvious gravure.

"What the hell is going on, VV's matter can still explain why that person appeared and took Nanaly away!"

"I am not sure as well!"

CC's face also showed unprecedented tension, her face was very cold, and she muttered to herself, as if she was answering Lelouch's words.However, the timing of her opening was not good, and Lelouch, who heard her voice, immediately transferred the object of vent to her.

"Lying, you should always contact her, how could you not know her actions!"

"you know?"

CC turned his head in surprise, staring at Lelouch's face incredibly.

"Usually a person is always there alone talking to himself, saying some strange things, I don't know you still have that bad taste. If you don't find it, it would be strange! Don't underestimate me, CC!"

Lelouch laughed mockingly, fixed his eyes on CC's face, and answered every word.

As an existence second only to Lihua, although CC's inexplicable self-talking has been very careful and deliberately avoided him, it has not escaped his feeling.

"Since you already know it, there is no need for me to explain more. But only for this matter, I can assure you that I absolutely did not lie, why she appeared, and also took away the reason for Nanali, I did not I don't know! Because, Nanaly..."

Faced with Lulu Xiu's almost mocking words, CC took a deep breath, calmed the restless mood, and calmly explained.

"She is our only daughter, you want to say this, don't you!"

Lulu Xiu curled his lips and sneered.

"You even know this, don't you..."

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