Reincarnation of Lelouch Lamperouge

Reincarnation of Lelouch Chapter 441

Yucheng, who was kicked into the cell, spat out a bloody saliva and asked excitedly.

"Yes, since you said that ZERO was not dead and returned to Bunitania, let us know who he is! Now, what can't be said!"

"You'd better not know. With your personality, you will definitely be excited and talk nonsense at that time, and it will only kill us, and even more compatriots! What's more, even if you know the identity of ZERO, what can you do? ?"

Asahina glanced at Yucheng with disdain, then replied with a sneer.While closing it, he looked at the two soldiers guarding the corridors on both sides.

"As soon as that name is said, except for Chiba, these two guys will immediately send us a bullet! I'm right, Mr. Soldier!"

"Stop talking, Asahina!"

Fujido Kyoshiro, who was detained in the middle cell, had been quietly sitting on the floor on her knees. Seeing Asahina talked more intensely, he immediately reminded him.Going on, maybe more information will be leaked.

Having kept them separate and detained until today, they did not gather together, and Fujido had a foreboding that something might happen.

"...I see, Mr. Fujido!"

Asahina wanted to say something, but at the end of the warning look in Kamifodo, he sighed deeply.

The icy prison once again returned to tranquility, Fujitang closed his eyes again, and in his mind, the fierce war that was a year ago resurfaced again.

With the departure of ZERO, the whole battle slowly fell into a situation that was unfavorable to the Black Knights.At this moment, CC, who came back suddenly, took His Highness Euphemia and Karen, did not choose and continued to attack, but declared that the war had been defeated, ZERO had been caught, and the whole army retreated to Shikoku Island. .

It was at this time that Cornelia's guards appeared.With just twenty Gloucesters, they defeated the Black Knights and other Japanese forces that had joined together.Every Gloucester even possesses the strength of him and the Four Sacred Swords.

In such a situation, Fujido and the surviving teams, in order to give CC, Euphemia, Karen, and Kagura Ya and other women who have a relationship with ZERO time to retreat, regardless of loss Fighting with the chasing soldiers, they built a line of defense with their lives, and finally allowed them to safely retreat to the Shikoku Island occupied by the Chinese Federation.

Only Chiba, taking into account the friendship of the Four Sacred Swords, turned back halfway, and was captured by Cornelia's guards together with Fujidō and the others.But Bubu escaped a catastrophe because he was injured at the beginning of the war.

Because of Cornelia, the captured Fujitang and the others were not executed, but were imprisoned until now.

Originally, after hearing the news that Lelouch and Nanali had returned to Bunitania, Fujitang thought that the matter was over and that Chiba might be released, but they might be imprisoned for a lifetime.However, from today we will change the cell and gather them together.

It seems that things have turned around.

"ZERO, are you really caught? Or is this just a plan of yours?"

Chapter 352 The Demon King Awakens (2)


Lelouch pushed the king's chess piece forward and said softly.

At this time, the situation on the board is a foregone conclusion, black chess encircles the white chess kings, and any chess piece can end the game.

"Nine minutes and eighteen seconds, I won, Georgie Rolle!"

"Yes, but it doesn't matter, three rounds are three rounds, I can make at least 30 million!"

Georgie Rolle shrugged his shoulders bachelor and bowed his head to admit defeat.

"From now on, you will be mine!"

Lelouch touched the chest of the red-haired bunny girl sitting on her lap, feeling the amazing elasticity and softness.The lips that could not bear it for a long time also deeply kissed the white neck, leaving a bright hickey.

The same is true in school, Lulouch likes to leave his own marks on the girl he likes, whether it is inside or outside.

"First, tell me your name! My sexy bunny!"

While Lelouch was talking, he put his hand into the red-haired bunny girl's cleavage and touched a metal object, suddenly there was a huge roar from directly above.


Just like the loud noise and vibration of heavy objects penetrating the floor in the movie, the entire Babel Tower shook violently.

"what happened?"


"Terrorist attacks!"

The people in the VIP area were in a moment of chaos. Those who were pampered and had never experienced such a scene all fled around in a panic, completely losing the usual grace and calmness.

However, there are people who remain calm.

Georgie Roll and Lelouch sitting on both sides of the chessboard, and the bodyguards around.The red-haired bunny girl was supposed to move, but she, who was being kissed by a pervert on her sensitive neck, had lost all her strength and could only sit on his lap and breathe seductively.

"George Rolle! The law and order here doesn't seem to be very good, but..."

After planting a third bright mark on the red-haired bunny girl, he raised his head calmly, intending to laugh at Georgie Roll, and let him lead the way to escape from the secret passage. Lelouch has not finished speaking, the younger brother behind him Lolo suddenly stepped forward.

Afterwards, time and space seemed to have suddenly changed, and when he came back to his senses, he found that he was being pulled out of the VIP area by his younger brother Lolo and came to the outside hall.

"Hey, what's the matter, I just..."

"Brother, let's run away, it's a terrorist attack!"

Before Lulu Xiu could figure it out, his younger brother Luo Luo had already shouted loudly.Around the hall, there were people fleeing in panic. These high-class people in expensive clothes had completely exposed the ugliness of their hearts at this moment. They punched and kicked in order to enter the escape elevator, and both men and women fell into a nearly crazy situation.

Looking at it this way, he could only escape from the emergency channel.However, Lelouch's actions were obviously a bit late.At the same time they left the VIP, the people in the room also reacted the same as Lelouch.

Lulu Xiu and Lolo disappeared in front of his eyes like that, especially the red-haired bunny girl who fell to the ground inexplicably.

"Miss Karen, I'm sorry!"

Georgie Roll looked around, but after not finding Lelouch's voice, he immediately got up and apologized to the red-haired bunny girl who was also looking for Lelouch.From what he called the red-haired bunny girl, one could already guess the identity of the girl who was still frivolously on Lelouch's lap just now.

The trump card of the Black Knights, the captain of the zero squad of the ZERO Guards-Karen Karen.

"You are……"

After hearing Georgie Rolle's voice, Karen, who had not noticed anything, looked at him suspiciously and asked.

"His Royal Highness Euphemia's Guard-a subordinate of the Judgment Corps, Georgie Roll salutes you!"

Georgie Rolle and the bodyguards behind him respectfully salute Karen, but a group of mafia bosses salutes a beautiful girl in a bunny costume, no matter how you look at it, it feels very funny.

Hearing that the group of people in front of him turned out to be subordinates of the Judgment Legion, Karen was shocked, but now is not the time to pursue these matters, the key is to find that person.

"Well, stop talking nonsense, go to Lulu Xiu, absolutely can't let him leave here!"

"Yes, hurry up and order to close all escape routes and absolutely not allow anyone to leave from below!"

At the same time that Georgie Roll gave the order to close all passages, Lulu corrected him and took Lolo to find a secret emergency passage, which he was planning to escape through.However, just before their eyes, the passage was closed by a steel gate.

Not only that, even the fire escape passages that were already crowded, and the power supply of the elevator were all turned off.Babel Tower, instantly turned into a closed space.

"How is this going!"

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