Reincarnation of Lelouch Lamperouge

Reincarnation of Lelouch Chapter 442


Seeing that the road to survival was shut in front of him, even if Lu Lu Xiu was calm, he couldn't stand the scolding.At this moment, the ceiling directly above was blasted, and a golden Knightmare that had never been seen before jumped down from above and landed right in the middle of the spacious hall. It looked around and the recognizer on its head flashed. The light quickly stopped in the direction of Lelouch and Lolo.

But Lulu Xiu can be sure that the opponent's goal is himself!

The impulse was stronger than the feeling of the red-haired bunny girl just now, her chest was extremely hot, as if it was about to explode, this kind of fierce feeling, if you use one word to describe it, is...the soul and the flesh, regardless of each other.

In that golden Knightmare, he has his most important other half, who has everything about him.

It seemed that the pilot sitting in the golden Knightmare was the same as Lelouch, and the hearts of the two really seemed to merge together.She stretched out the palm of her right hand toward Lu Lu, and Lu Lu Xiu also subconsciously walked toward the other side.

However, just when the two were about to meet, from the huge sun-shield glass, several Knightmare of the Bunitan Empire broke in. The flying glass shards pierced and scratched the surrounding crowd, and the glass was broken. The sound mixed with people's screams, and the splash of blood, turned this hall that had just been singing and dancing into a hell on earth.

"Great, it's the Bunitanian Army..."

Lolo behind Lulu Xiu yelled in surprise when he saw the incoming Knightmare.But soon, after seeing the other party ignoring the civilian casualties and only focusing on attacking the golden Knightmare, it stopped abruptly.

Ta ta ta...

The merciless bullets were like hail, pouring in their direction.It's a pity that the golden Knightmare just stood on the spot, and when the flying bullet was about half a meter away from him, it was bounced off by a light curtain that suddenly flashed.The bounced bullet hit the crowd nearby, and immediately smashed their bodies into pieces, splashing blood, and the strong smell of blood instantly filled the air, which was almost nauseating.

Several of the bullets hit the wall behind Lulu Xiu and Lolo. The finely carved granite and marble fragments were not as powerful as the bullets, and they were ejected toward Lolo.

Lelouch, who was walking towards the golden Knightmare, clearly felt the fragments flying towards Lolo’s back, stopped, turned and rushed over, pushed him away, and then pushed the piece with one hand. The fragments smashed into the air.

"No, it's too dangerous here, hurry up, Lolo!"

As a frequent visitor to the Babel Tower, Lelouch was very familiar with this place, and raised Lola, who was pushed to the ground in a daze, and ran towards the warehouse in his memory.Behind him and Lolo, the bullet made a clear bullet hole.

The golden Knightmare also realized that now is not the time to meet, there are always a few flies flying around there, which is really unsentimental.From the wing-like equipment behind him, take out a gorgeous long sword like crystal. The golden Knightmare's light curtain is against the bullet, and at a speed that the opponent can't react, it instantly rushes in front of them, brushing a few swords. The gorgeous long sword like a crystal, like cutting tofu, easily split them into several pieces.

Boom boom boom...

Several Sutherland planes that were killed by one face exploded into fireballs. After the flies were eliminated, the golden Knightmare immediately rushed in the direction where they disappeared.

Relying on the special induction between her hearts, she clearly knew Lulu Xiu's moving route.

On the other side, Lelouch, who was escaping with Lolo's hand, walked through the corridor and the stairs, and soon came to a warehouse in the depths.From here there is a secret route that leads directly to the underground passage. As long as you can follow that passage, you can escape from Babel Tower smoothly.Lu Lu Xiu, who came here to gamble for the first time, was worried that something like this might happen one day, so he had already determined several escape routes.However, because he took his younger brother Lolo, he chose the safest and safest route.

"Brother, what should I do next?"

Seeing Lulu Xiu closing the heavy door, Luo Luo, with a complicated look on his face, stared at his back and asked in a low voice.Because the emotions were too agitated, he even subconsciously ignored the scene of Lulu Xiu smashing those terrifying fragments in the air just now.

"Don't worry, you can escape, even if you are alone, I will let you escape!"

After Lelouch locked the steel door that was strong enough to withstand the bombardment, he looked back at his brother's body with concern.Fortunately, there was no injury.Lu Lu Xiu couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

Chapter 353 Awakening of the Demon King (3)

However, at the moment when Lelouch relaxed, from a beam above the side, a man wearing a black knights costume suddenly appeared out of the darkness, and the machine gun in his hand was aimed at Lolo and pulled the trigger.

Seven or eight bullets per second formed a rain of bullets, covering Luo Luo's thin body.It was Lelouch again. He kicked hard on the iron gate behind him. With the help of recoil, he instantly appeared in front of Luo Luo and pushed him to a dead corner of the bullet rain, his own shoulder. However, he was hit by a bullet, and the huge impact took his body to fly and fell outside the steps behind.


At the same time, the dust and debris raised by the golden Knightmare that broke in instantly smashed the members of the black knights into a puddle of flesh and bones.

Luo Luo didn't care about the explosion behind him at all, and reached out to grab his brother who had fallen out of the building. Lulu Xiu also reached out his hand and grabbed his brother.It's a pity that their hands and fingers just slid in mid-air, and they were staggered with a slight difference.

The falling Lelouch felt like he had fallen into an invisible dark abyss, and his figure was instantly swallowed.But in the end, Lolo still understood the words of his brother's lips.

"Live, Lolo!"

Lying on the edge of the stairs, Luo Luo faced the dark abyss, and for the first time let out a desperate cry from the depths of his heart.



The acceleration caused by the free fall movement makes the air around the ears blow quickly. If it is a normal person, under this situation, even if you are not frightened, you may panic.

However, Lelouch is not suitable for Mandarin speakers!

When he fell and couldn't see Lolo above, Lelouch stabs a palm at the wall that flashed past his eyes, and directly penetrated the sturdy concrete, stopping the falling body.Afterwards, stopped in midair with a swing of his waist, kicked it against the wall, and fell back to the ground inside with the help of recoil.

"It's really troublesome!"

Lelouch patted the clothes pierced by the bullet. It was smooth and delicate, and there was no trace of the bullet hit.After finishing his clothes, he took out the phone and wanted to call Lolo, but unfortunately, there was no signal on the phone.

"Well, if it's Lolo, there shouldn't be any danger, just to find that woman! Find her, my other half!"


With a fierce stop under his feet, Lelouch rushed to the upper level in an instant, and moved quickly upward at an inhuman speed.He could clearly feel that the position of the golden Knightmare was also moving towards his own.

While the two incomplete beings quickly rendezvous for the sake of their significant other, Karen, who did not find the trace of Lelouch, came to the temporary stronghold of this battle. Here, there is also a transport vehicle with a transporter inside. A bright red body-Red Lotus Type II.

"What? Lost the target!"

While reporting the situation, Karen ran towards the transporter.Hearing the news that she had lost Lelouch, the last member of the Four Sacred Swords, who was driving under the moon to clear the Bunitanian garrison, shouted in annoyance.

"Sorry, but CC has caught up. The owner of Babel Tower is Euphemia's secret subordinate. They will assist us. Be careful not to accidentally hurt us!"

Karen apologized, and her words were transmitted to every member of the Black Knights through the communicator's public channel, which immediately increased the morale of everyone.

"His Royal Highness Euphemia is really amazing. Even in the Chinese Federation, he has such a powerful hidden power!"

"Well, if you want to compliment you, wait until you find ZERO. Let's get rid of the troops of the Bunitanian secret agency. Those guys want to use ZERO as a bait to kill us. We will break their teeth and show them Look! Our Black Knights are not dead yet!"

From the middle of the chest, he took out the metal object that Lulu Xiu had touched when wiping the oil-the red lotus type 2 activation key. Karen boarded the red Knightmare in the transport cart and activated it.

After a lapse of one year, the anger of the Black Knights, Honglian, bloomed again!

At this time, Lelouch had already passed the stairs and returned to the floor close to where he fell.Return to the room from the side door of the stairs.In the spacious casino lobby, the ground was filled with broken bodies, and the air was full of burnt and bloody smells.

However, it is not that there are no survivors.

Lelouch, who walked into the hall, heard the nervous breathing of human beings and the groans of the injured in the office behind the cash register.He was about to check it out, when he stepped on a piece of glass under his feet and made a crisp sound.The survivor in the office rushed out immediately and pointed a pistol at him.

"George Roll!"

"Master Lulu Xiu!"

Lulu Xiu and the survivor who rushed out exclaimed at the same time, recognizing each other's identities.

Yes, the person who rushed out with a gun is the master of this Babel Tower, the Dark King Georgi Rolle. At this time, he was covered with blood and dust, and there were several gunshot wounds on his shoulder, still dripping. blood.

But Lelouch cared more about what he called himself just now than his injuries.

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