Reincarnation of Lelouch Lamperouge

Reincarnation of Lelouch Chapter 443

"Master Lulu Xiu!"

Reminiscing about the golden Knightmare just now and his life under surveillance, Lelouch felt a kind of "conspiracy", or a big net, that enveloped himself in it.

He had a foreboding that the person in front of him who had always ruled the largest underworld force in the Tokyo concession might know the truth.

Lulu wanted to ask a question, but Georgie Roll, who was seriously injured, was almost unable to support it.

"Master Lulu Xiu, I will protect the women you want!"

Georgie Roll's face showed an unprecedented paleness. He put down his bloody right hand, and the pistol immediately fell to the ground.Instead of picking it up again, he shouted at the office where he rushed out.

"Come out, Master Lulu Xiu is here!"

In Lelouch's surprised gaze, three girls came out of the office. They turned out to be the three beautiful bunny girls that Lelouch had won with the red-haired girl before.

The three ELEVENs in bunny costumes didn't suffer any damage except for a little embarrassment.Judging from the corpses of the nearby bodyguards and the situation of Georgie Rolle, they should have desperately protected the three weak girls.

It's just because these three girls are already the property of Lelouch.

Because of my identity!

Lelouch had a strong respect for Georgie Roll's loyalty.Just because these three ELEVENs are his possessions, he can do this, even at the expense of his life.It should be said that they are stupid, or... stupid.

"George Roll, although I still don't know what my identity is, who you are, but I have written down your loyalty!"

Lelouch walked to Georgie Roll, who couldn't support it and knelt on the ground, and nodded solemnly.

When Georgie Roll heard Lelouch's words, a smile of great glory appeared on his face, and then he slowly fell down.

"Are you all right, it's dangerous here, I'll send you out immediately!"


Before Lelouch had finished speaking, the wall behind him was violently broken.In the dust, the golden Knightmare's figure loomed, appearing in front of Lelouch and the others.

"Lelouch, I'm here to pick you up!"


The cockpit at the back suddenly opened, and a slender girl with gorgeous long green hair came out, staring at Lu Lu Xiu's face, and speaking in a voice full of strange magnetism.

Her temperament is noble and mysterious, her arrogant exquisite features are flawless, and her crystal snow skin is more gorgeous under the deposit of the white driving suit, giving a deep sexy, exuding a breathtaking charm.

The other half of my life!

Upon seeing the other party's first glance, Lu Lu Xiu confirmed that the reason for the emptiness that has always filled the depths of his heart.His other half of life, soul, and existence is this girl.

The four intertwined gazes built a bridge of hearts between the two, a feeling of fulfillment that has never been felt before, making people feel a kind of joy from the bottom of their hearts, which is more joyful and satisfying than combining with those girls , But also true.

"Lelouch, I am your accomplice, your contractor, and the person who will accompany you for life! The old world will face destruction, and a new era is coming. You are the terminator and creator, and you are about to become the king of the world. People! Come on, Lelouch..."

"Contract? Accomplice?"

In the girl's whisper, Lelouch repeated the key words and walked towards the mysterious green-haired girl.

As he approached, a ball of fire lit up in the darkness opposite, and then a gunshot sounded, and the girl standing on the Knightmare cockpit moved and fell from above.

Lelouch rushed up subconsciously and stretched out his hands to catch the woman who he didn't know the name but was already his most precious other half.However, Lu Lu Xiu, who hugged the girl, was slightly stagnant at the moment when he touched her body, and then returned to calm.

He felt that this woman was the same person as him!

Sure enough, his hand moved gently behind the girl. The driving suit that was pierced by the bullet was smooth and delicate except for a big hole, leaving no trace of scars. It was the same as Lu Lu Xiu himself to save Lolo was exactly the same after being hit by a bullet.

Chapter 354 The Demon King Awakens (4)

Subconsciously, Lelouch threw the woman in his arms to the ground.


"Hey, you don't know how to pity and cherish jade, Lelouch!"

"Ah, sorry, subconsciously..."

Lelouch looked at his hands in surprise. Just now when he realized that the girl was okay, he hadn't reacted in his heart, and his body subconsciously made a move to drop her.

This is indeed too rude to such a beautiful woman.

"Sure enough, even if the memory is modified, Lelouch is still Lelouch!"

However, in the face of Lelouch's strange answer, a moving smile appeared on the face of the mysterious green-haired girl.She rubbed her buttocks, got up from the ground, leaned against Lulu Xiu's body, and while talking, she brought her face closer and kissed her.

"If possible, I really want to reconnect with you now, as an ordinary lover of men and women. But unfortunately, the time has come, Lelouch! Looking back, Lelouch, the forgotten self, the real Lelouch, Let the world tremble, and the king who reigns over it, now is the time to lift the seal!"

The lips that I kissed, before I had time to taste, the tongue that came in passed a fiery shock, the words that emerged from the depths of my mind, the naked mysterious girl, the body and the soul, in the countless flashes of time. Melted into him.

The silent memory began to wake up, pulsing like a prehistoric behemoth, shaking the whole world.At this moment, it is the time when the Demon King awakens again and comes to the world.

"I am... I am Lelouch! Lelouch VI Bunitania, the king who judges the world, destroys the world, and then creates the world in the name of ZERO!"


"Lu Lu Xiu, you have grown up!"

CC took Yuffi and Karen just disappeared from sight, Marianna had pushed Nanali's wheelchair and came to Lulu Xiu.She carefully looked at Lu Luxiu when she grew up, and her face showed the affectionate and intoxicated look of the lovers reunited after a long absence.

While she was talking, she walked to Lu Luxiu and stroked her son's cheek with her right hand, just as she did eight years ago, gently stroking.However, the only difference is that her posture has changed.

She was looking down before, but now she is looking up.

"Eight years have passed, of course mine will grow up!"

Seeing the strong emotion contained in his mother's deep gaze, the love that is even more intense than eight years ago, makes Luloxiu seem to have returned to eight years ago.However, he still maintained his final sanity, reminding himself of the current situation.However, as Mariana's more and more intimate touches, as well as her tightly attached body, Lelouch's resistance became weaker and weaker.


"What's the matter, Lelouch?"

Marianna stood on tiptoe, her alluring lips falling on Lelouch's nose, cheeks, and lips.The familiar smell of body scent filled Lelouch's nasal cavity, and his psychological defenses gradually collapsed. The question that was about to be spoken was also dead, and was blocked by her lips.

Ignoring Lelouch’s will and thoughts completely, Mariana gently unbuttoned Lelouch’s cloak, and then dexterously untied his clothes one by one. From beginning to end, Lelouch was just like that. Standing in place, motionless, let Mariana stir on him.

Just like when she was a kid, every time Mariana asked him for it.

Soon, Marianna took off all the clothes on Lelouch's body. After removing his cover, Marianna's red lips also went from Lelouch's face down her neck all the way down, hungry. Kissing his skin, the pink tongue licked the solid chest, the tough belly, the slender thighs, and the high-rise thing in the middle, leaving a wet mark.

She is like an affectionate wife, kneeling in front of Lu Lu Xiu, using her small lips to hold the penis between Lu Lu Xiu's crotch that has been enlarged several times into her mouth, and her flexible tongue flicks Looking at the sensitive skin above, skillfully sucking and teasing, Lelouch once again tasted the beauty and comfort after eight years.Obviously resisted in his heart, but his body had already started to move involuntarily, and the huge cock went in and out of Marianna's rosy lips, making a chuckle of lewd sound.

Soon, Lelouch, who had awakened the memory of being trained by Mariana since he was a child, reached the peak of happiness in the seductive cherry-lip proficiency and reached the peak of happiness, topped by the fiery heat deep in Mariana’s throat. The viscous semen exploded fiercely, instantly filling Marianna's cherry lips, and the excess white liquid also spattered from the corners of her mouth, covering her noble and elegant face.

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