Reincarnation of Lelouch Lamperouge

Reincarnation of Lelouch Chapter 444

After swallowing all the semen deep in her throat, Mariana stretched out her tongue, licked the liquid from the corners of her mouth and face, and then pushed Lulu Xiu, who had lost her resistance, onto the stone slab of feeling.She took off her knight uniform and quickly faded completely, revealing the girl's holy carcass before Lelouch's eyes without any reservation.

The pink skin is softer and fairer than a baby, reflecting a kind of crystal luster. This is a completely different body from the Mariana who gave birth to Lelouch and Nana, but the inner consciousness and soul are the same.

It's all Mariana VI Bunitania!


Mariana called Lelouch’s name, slowly separated her thighs, stood directly above Lelouch, pointed her already muddy honey crack at Lelouch’s huge penis, and sat down slowly, moisturized. The cracks directly swallowed Lelouch's cock, causing him to directly break through the film that symbolized the girl's purity, reaching the deepest part of the girl.

"One of the things I regret most is that I can't give you my first time, but now, this regret has finally been made up!"

Maintaining the tightest bond, Mariana lay on Lelouch's chest, listening to his heartbeat, smiling happily like a little girl.The pain of the body being torn, seemed to be completely overwhelmed by the satisfaction of the soul.

"In this way, I can finally belong to you intact, Lelouch, my love!"

It just seemed to maintain this posture. No matter whether it was Lelouch or Mariana, there was no extra movement. They just quietly felt each other's existence, feeling the familiar and jerky feeling.

Obviously, it has been done countless times before, but only this time, the two people's hearts are really close together.

After a long time, Lelouch was the first to wake up from that wonderful state. He gently stroked Marianna's smooth and delicate back skin, while slowly swaying, lifting the delicate body that was pressing on him up and down. , The overlapping parts keep rubbing, spreading excess heat to every corner of their body.

While enjoying this wonderful body to the heart's content, Lelouch who also made up for a regret in his heart asked Marianna.

"What about Chaluru, what is that guy!?"

Although if there is no Chalulu, there may be no Lulu Xiu, but the first time the woman she loves was taken away by another man, this is really uncomfortable.Of course, Karen's mother, and the ladies, are different.

Therefore, Lelouch couldn't help asking when she heard that Marianna's regrets were consistent with her.

"That man is just an item I used to give birth to a child with the qualifications of GEASS and CODE. Even if there was no such attack, I would find a chance to change a body. The original body has reached the limit of this life. , I am not bound by that kind of thing."

Marianna raised her head and stared closely at Lelouch's eyes.

"That's why I am now! That idiot Chaluru is no longer worthy of use, and I also want to thank the attack. It is precisely because of death that my GEASS can be activated and sneak into Ania's body. Then , I discovered the power that Ania... has."

Ania Alstolayim, the first knight ordered by Lelouch, is second only to the great knight commander of the knight king Toria.

With Marianna's wisdom, after entering Ania's body, she will definitely discover her secret, as a heroic spirit that far exceeds human power.Then, the next thing is easy to imagine.

Knowing that there are still heroes in the world, Mariana completely overthrew everything in the past.In front of the heroic spirits, the so-called plan between her and Chalulu seemed trivial.What's more gratifying is that she discovered that a little life was being conceived in her dead body.

Since Lelouch was born, Mariana has never had sex with Chalulu.Therefore, there is only one person who can make her pregnant.

That is Lelouch!

Marianna has used Bertolis’ younger brothers and sisters to do countless experiments. In addition to giving birth to Nanali, she has another purpose, which is to study the technology of human cloning, and to prepare before this body ages. When an accident occurs, the body is replaced.

After she was killed by VV, an egg in her body was successfully conceived.This was the abnormal change caused when she launched GEASS before she died.Although the odds were small, in the end, she was successfully pregnant with Lulu Xiu's child.

It's really ironic. I only tested that I didn't conceive with a test strip before, and I was killed immediately, only to find that he had a dead body.

After that, Mariana concealed everything from everyone, using the laboratory that was used to investigate the bodies of Lelouch and Nanali, and using the previous experience of making Nanali, she successfully gave birth to them both with her body. Man's daughter.

Chapter 355 The Demon King Awakens (5)

At this time, Lelouch had slowly adapted to Mariana's identity at this time, but still felt a little puzzled as to why she appeared at such a critical time.

"Why did it appear at this time? You should know that as long as my plan is successful, that man's rule can be overthrown easily in the near future, and I will completely get the world."

While pushing Marianna's body upwards, enjoying the familiar and fresh electric pleasure, Lelouch asked.

Facing Lelouch’s questioning, Mariana kissed his solid chest while perfectly matching Lelouch’s turmoil, twisting her silky waist like a water snake, feeling the hot thing that protruded into her body. Rageously, sending out bursts of seductive breaths.

"No, this is not enough! Lelouch, you are too gentle. This world, this era, has completely decayed, and your level of destruction cannot create a truly peaceful and beautiful world."

As Mariana said, she bit down Lelouch's chest hard, her white teeth squeezed the skin that could be broken by a bomb, but she couldn't penetrate.

As she thought, Lelouch and Ania are the same people. No, it should be said that he bestowed Ania and Euphemia's power beyond humans.In myths and legends, the power of those inhuman heroes.

"After being broken, we can only use a war that sweeps the entire world, using the lives of countless people, to build a new world, the cornerstone of a new era."

Mariana's voice became more cruel, more cruel, more excited, with a frenzy.It was only because Lelouch wanted to accept a world that minimized losses and casualties, Mariana came out to destroy it.

The result of the actions that Suzaku considered heinous, to Mariana, was basically something like a child's play.Coming out of the flames of war, she used countless people's blood to spread the name "Shining Mariana".The wars she set off, the people killed, and even the blood of innocent people directly on her hands, were thousands of times more than the people killed indirectly by ZERO.

Therefore, Lelouch's rebellious actions were too gentle and naive in Marianna's eyes.

Because, originally planned to wait for this body to grow up to eighteen years old, she was separated from Ania's body, and she was stationed in this body, she had to come out early, destroying Lelouch's action.

"Don't worry, I will never harm you, Lelouch! My son, what CC can do, I can do too!"


Mariana sat down fiercely to the end, causing Lelouch to rest on her deepest softness, her body trembled fiercely, and finally ushered in the first peak of this body.At the same time, Lelouch lifted up his ass and burst the hot torrent into the deepest part of Mariana.

(Lelouch, I will definitely prove it to you, and CC sees it, only I can be the one who can accompany you forever. Chaluru DI Bunitania, this symbolizes my past Man, only I can solve it!)

The scene slid through again, and came to the homeland palace of the Bunitanian Empire, Pandora Palace where the Supreme Emperor was.

"The former eleventh prince of Bunitania, Lelouch VI. Bunitania, my son, haven't seen him for a long time."

With curly golden and white hair, a majestic and sturdy body, and the sharp eyes of the eagle-eyed reflecting the pressure of people, Chaluru DI Bunitania looked down at his most proud son below. People who want to raise the flag by themselves.

"As a prince, he rebelled against his own motherland, his father, you unfilial son!"

Lelouch curled his lips with disdain, and answered with a sneer.

It stands to reason that if her mother is not dead, Nana can return to the empire and return to the life of the noble emperor.However, Lelouch was still not satisfied, and he had yet another goal.

Take revenge on this man.

Therefore, his answer was not only unceremonious, but even revealing a hint of killing intent.

"Did you let me just talk about these nonsense? You already know the power that Yuffi has, you should be very clear, at this distance, I can kill you! Just like you said, only the strong can be Bunny Emperor of Tania, if I kill you, I will inherit your throne!"

"Hahahaha... Lelouch, I know you won't do this kind of thing. Just like me, you are the pride of being a strong man and you are not allowed to do things that violate the law and belief!"

Chalulu laughed happily, and the thick and loud voice replied in the audience hall, and the air seemed to vibrate.

"Moreover, this time the competition is the same as eight years ago. You also lost, Lelouch!"

Yes, this is the second time that Lelouch has lost. The first time was eight years ago. Because of the terrorist attack on the Aries Palace, he originally planned to wait until he became an adult before rallying all the forces to overthrow Chalulu’s rule in one fell swoop. , To seize the position of emperor.However, he was exiled by Chalulu, and as a hostage, he was sent to Japan with Nanali.

That time, Lelouch was too young, so I can forgive him.

But this time, the reason for the failure was exactly the opposite of eight years ago. It was not because of Mariana's death, but because of her resurrection, that his plan fell short at the last moment.

"If it's not your mother, you will lose, Charuru!"

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