Reincarnation of Lelouch Lamperouge

Reincarnation of Lelouch Chapter 445

Charuru nodded frankly and admitted that this time, although he sent three round tables, the power of the heroic spirit exposed by Euphemia directly overturned all his preparations.If it hadn't been for the appearance of Suzaku, the three original works would have fallen.In the end, the appearance of Mariana finally got the matter back.

However, even with the help of other forces, there are various reasons, but there is only one result, and that is that he won and Lelouch lost.

"Unfortunately, there is no'if' in this world. This is the second time, Lelouch! Therefore, the cost of this time is even greater than the last time you were exiled with Nanaly. Do you have this consciousness? "

Chaluru arrogantly declared the power of the victor and stood up from the throne.

"Of course, no matter how many times, I will rebel, from the front, defeat you, defeat your country, kick you from the throne, take your most important things, destroy your hope! Let you kneel before me, Repent of what you have done!"

Lelouch’s pride does not allow him to kill Chaluru right now. He still has many arrangements that have not been activated. Toria’s EU and Lihua’s Chinese Federation, the two powers joining forces, are enough to defeat Bunny head-on Tania Empire.

Just like Marianna said, for this battle for world hegemony, Lelouch's performance was too gentle.Therefore, this failure will ultimately lead to this failure. If he ignores the casualties of those people and directly allows the Chinese Federation and the EU to join, let alone a mere Japan, even the mainland of Bunitania will probably be invaded.However, it is indeed a shame to borrow the military power of another country to invade one's own country, not to mention that Lelouch is still the prince of Bunitania.

Therefore, Lelouch would not do this, he would still choose the original path.But this time, he will not let gentleness be restrained anymore.

"Hahahaha... I knew you would choose this road of rebellion, very good, and I look forward to the third matchup. I will engrave the new memory of Chaluru DI Bunitania... "

Memory, that's it!

The sealed memory, the real Lelouch, is back!

Lelouch slowly opened his eyes. Those mysterious and deep violet pupils were now being brought up by a pair of open-winged firebirds. The V-shaped red mark was set against the lighter eyes. , Is more eye-catching.

CC took the initiative to let go of Lelouch's lips and walked aside.

Lelouch gave CC a look, and slowly walked towards the group of people in the Bunitanian secret agency that emerged from the dark.Those marks resembling phoenixes reborn from the ashes spread their wings, and the light from the depths of the eyes, with a strange red brilliance, was reflected in the eyes of the group of soldiers from the Secret Intelligence Service.

"If weakness is a sin, then strength is justice. Command in the name of Lelouch VI. Bunitania, you...give me death!"

In an instant, the world was upside down!

Everything in reality passed away with the wind, turning into a strange and mysterious peace.Resolve all contradictions and rebuild an ideal world that is like a double-sided mirror and cannot be understood with all the consciousness of reality.

This is neither heaven nor hell.The sea is harder than diamonds, and the stars are darker than the night.Right and wrong replace each other and entangle each other.Only a certain supreme and noble person is crying, and the chaos that has existed since birth is quietly soaking into the infinite universe.


This is the power of GEASS. Only for this time, no matter who it is, he will obey any order issued by Lulu Xiu to destroy the world's formula.

The spreading flamingo flew from Lelouch's pupils into the eyes of the group of soldiers from the Bunitanian secret agency ahead, forcing them to faithfully execute the suicide order.

"Yes, Your Highness!"

The lead sergeant sitting in the cockpit of the Knightmare first replied, and pointed the pistol that had attacked the CC to his neck.Those of his subordinates, the elite of the Bunitanian special forces, all aimed their machine guns at each other, and then pulled the trigger without hesitation.

Chapter 356 The Demon King Awakens (End)

"CC! What the hell are you and the queen doing? The time is much earlier than planned!"

After solving this group of annoying flies, Lelouch stepped forward and picked up the notebook on the officer who led the group of secret agencies. It not only recorded in detail all of his usual life, but also included his walking route. , And the structure of nearby buildings.After collecting general information, he looked at CC and asked.

In the plan, the time for his awakening should be one month before Chalulu started the "God Killing Project". According to his prediction, it should be close to half a year.

"Don't worry, it won't hurt you, it's just a bet. So, you must be up for it, and you can't lose to the black-bellied woman."

(Are you talking about yourself!)

Lelouch saw CC's unexplained signs and complained in his heart.In his eyes, the queen mother Mariana and CC are both half-hearted. Otherwise, how did they call them such good friends at the beginning. The so-called gathering of things and people in groups, it is precisely because they are very dark-bellied that they will be at heart Pity, come together.

Of course, these words cannot be said in person, so Lelouch turned the topic to other places.

"How is Tolia?"

Because the memory was sealed, Lulu Xiu had not contacted her for almost a year.

"The EU government has been completely integrated by her, otherwise she will not be angry with Bunitania this year because of your affairs, and restart the war on the Alamein front. In terms of her character, this The behavior is quite extreme!"

CC shrugged his shoulders gracefully, spreading his hands, acting helplessly.That calm Tolia would start a war to vent his anger, which really surprised her.Since the "Black Rebellion" last year, the Alamein front that restarted the war has killed tens of thousands of lives.Although Bunitania dispatched half of the Knights of the Round Table, EU also quickly dispatched a unit called Knightmare of the Judgment Corps, which in turn suppressed the strongest Knights of the Round Table.

It wasn't until Cornelia, who was released from house arrest not long ago, that he led the adjudication army adapted from the Women's Guard to Africa and resisted the EU offensive.At the same time, Guildford led the Men's Guard to District 11.

This was of course Charluru's arrangement, while using Cornelia, she also dispersed her power.Because during the Black Rebellion, Schonizer, who was dug and framed, has been criticized and criticized constantly in the upper empire. Coupled with the return of Lelouch and the restoration of the Aries Palace, the "white prince" who was originally the most popular , The power was greatly impacted, even if Lulu Xiu and Nanali were put under house arrest, the power that Cornelia possessed alone was enough to pose a threat to Shunezer.

The so-called imperial heart art is the way of balance. Chaluru immediately reacted when he noticed that there was a change in CC. This keen touch and hotness is worthy of being called the best in the history of Bunitania. The great emperor.

However, I don't know the relationship between Cornelia and the controller behind EU, but it is his biggest failure.

Lelouch quickly combined the news of CC with the operational intelligence of Bunitania that he learned as a student during this period, and analyzed the general process.Lelouch was a little moved when he remembered that Tolia had actually sacrificed the lives of others.

"Of course, Tolia has a relatively simple personality and likes to vent her emotions in a direct way. She has not rushed to Bunitania with a sword in the stone. She is quite patient! However, she is alone in this way. Didn’t it arouse suspicion that his character started war?

"Relax, Siberia happened to find a sakura stone vein richer than Japan, so I asked your little emperor to join forces with EU in Siberia to perform a clash of sakura stone resources! By the way, fish again! Fish!"

"Is it Schneizer?"

There is indeed news about the visit of the Prime Minister of the Empire and His Royal Highness Sonaizel to Bunitania. It turns out that this was also designed by CC, and it is probably because of the "gambling" between her and her mother Marianna.

"That's right, that guy who pretends to show him the coercion of Lihua!"

"I'm afraid you did this idea too! But Bunitania won't get a share of the pie and let this scene become a wolves into the room!"

"Of course not? If Bunitania really does that, the Chinese Federation and the EU will have an excuse to unite. Don't you think Shunezer is that stupid?"

"makes sense!"

No one knows Shunizeer's intelligence and strategy better than Lelouch.Among the royal family, apart from him, I am afraid that no one can match the methods of this "white prince".

Indeed, for the sake of Sakuraishi, Bunitania can launch a war against Japan and risk being besieged by the Chinese Federation and the EU to turn it into the 11th district, but the situation in Siberia is different.

That place is within the territory of the Chinese Federation and the EU. If Bunitania dares to stretch out its minions, the Chinese Federation and the EU, both superpowers, will absolutely be in the same hatred of the enemy and first eliminate the threat of Bunitania.Just like Germany during World War II, if they didn't show a tendency to deal with the Soviet Union from the beginning, how could Britain and France implement the policy of appeasement, so that Germany could grow bigger smoothly.

"Well, all the information has been obtained, but unfortunately this Knightmare cannot be used. Didn't the Secret Intelligence Service tell Canales about me!"


At this moment, the ceiling above the front blasted violently, and two Knightmares, one black and one red, fell down, kneeling in front of Lelouch on one knee.

"You have been waiting, Master ZERO, please give us an order!"

Bubu's voice came from the black Knightmare. This was the first time he really saw the true face of ZERO, or in other words, Lulu Xiu when he grew up.Compared with when he was a child, Lulu Xiu was obviously more mature, and at the same time, he was more noble and majestic.

Lelouch smiled as he looked at the remaining two capable men in the Black Knights.

"Of course, because I am Zero, who punishes the world and reshapes the world!"

After the demon king returns, he wants to make the world tremble again because of himself. The new war is truly enough to overthrow the world and usher in a new era of war. From this moment on, it officially begins.

At the same time, the attack of the Black Knights in the 11th district has been quickly transmitted to the capital of the mainland of Bunitania-New Wales.In the huge and majestic palace, the owner of the palace who just learned of this information, the holy emperor of the Bunitanian Empire-Charuru DI Bunitania, is taking the Alamein front from Africa. The returned Seventh Knight of the Round Table, Suzaku, passed through a gate and came to a mysterious and ancient palace.

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